广东省深圳市2020届高三下学期英语第二次(4月) 线上统一测试卷

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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Foods of the Future

        We asked young scientists to write an advertisement that answers this question: How will food options, food availability, and individuals' food choices change in the future? A selection of their suggested marketing campaigns is below. Read previous NextGen Voices survey results at — Jennifer Sills

    Personalized Meal Plans

        Send us your DNA, and we will predict your food preferences! Receive your personalized food basket, with a day-by-day diet program. We will send you full meals and personalized smoothies (水果奶昔) based on your genetic taste tendency.

        Ada Gabriela Blidner


        Fresh Fruit

        If you miss sweet temperate fruits, welcome to our Moon Farm. Our fruit trees are planted in hybrid-soil and artificial air that reproduce Earth's environment from 5000 years ago. Pick fruits with your family or ship to your doorstep with MoonEx. Freshness guaranteed.

    Yongsheng Ji



        Our steaks are sourced from natural grasslands, where cattle now fill the ecological roles. With FoodFootprint feeding system, we enhance natural grazing (放牧) to improve animal growth effectively while minimizing methane production and water consumption. At only $219.00/kg (including carbon taxes and ecological taxes), our steaks are affordable for the whole family.

        Falko Buschke

        Email: falko. buschke@gmail. com

    (1) Which of the following needs you to provide the information of your genes?
    A . Meat. B . Fresh Fruit. C . NextGen Voices. D . Personalized Meal Plans.
    (2) Who should you contact if you want to have fun with your family?
    A . Jennifer Sills. B . Yongsheng Ji. C . Falko Buschke. D . Ada Gabriela Blidner.
    (3) Which of the following best describes the steaks in Meat?
    A . Fresh. B . Green. C . Expensive. D . Personalized.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Amanda Seyfried didn't grow up with dogs. With her busy work schedule, she didn't think she could take care of a dog. In fact, she wasn't looking for a furry friend at all.

        But then she met Finn. Today, the 34-year-old actress, who's known for films Mamma Mia, is a dog owner and a spokeswoman at the welfare organization Best Friends Animal Society.

    "I can't imagine my life without him," Seyfried says of 6.5-year-old Australian shepherd Finn, who is allowed on her U.S. set. If for some reason he can't join Seyfried on location — like on a recent trip when she traveled from France to China, Seyfried requests from her dog sitter twice — daily videos of him.

        Now with a new video for Best Friends Animal Society, she calls herself Finn's" stage mother."

        Seyfried and Finn shot an '80s-themed video for the # 9000StepsChallenge, which asks animal owners to walk 9,000 steps with their pets on the ninth day of the month to raise awareness to the fact that more than 9,000 dogs and cats are euthanized ( 安 乐 死 ) in shelters each day because there's not enough room.

    As for the video shoot, in which Seyfried and Finn walked the 9,000 steps — it was more exhausting than a long walk. Seyfried was Finn's trainer on the shoot. She believes that instead of being Finn's cp-star, she'll go back to being BFFs.

    (1) Why did Seyfried originally refuse a pet dog?
    A . She wasn't not yet a spokeswoman. B . She wasn't used to being with a dog. C . She was too busy to care for a dog. D . She had not enough room for a dog.
    (2) Who does the underlined word "him" in paragraph 3 refer to?
    A . Finn. B . Seyfried. C . The dog sitter. D . Finn's best friend.
    (3) Why did Seyfried shoot the video together with Finn?
    A . To show how deep she loves Finn. B . To train Finn to have a long walk. C . To take part in an animal cp-star show. D . To call on public attention to pets' life.
    (4) Which section of a newspaper is this text most likely from?
    A . News B . Life C . Education D . Sports
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Pinocchio may be just a children's fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated this so-called" Pinocchio effect" and found that our noses don't grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.

        Dr. Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography (体温计) to tell if people were lying, and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2℃, while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5℃. Scientist also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink, although the difference is undetected by the human eye.

        "One has to think in order to lie, which rises the temperature of the forehead," Dr. Gómez Milán explained the findings." At the same time we feel anxious, which lowers the temperature of the nose."

        For this study, researchers asked a number of 60 students to perform various tasks while their temperature is scanned by technology. One of these tasks required making a 3 to 4 minutes call to their parents or a friend and telling a significant lie. Participants had to make up the lie themselves during the call. Interestingly, this lie detector picked up the" Pinocchio effect" temperature difference in 80 percent of the test subjects, which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie detector.

        " With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy", said Dr. Gómez Milán, who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.

    (1) Why does the writer talk about Pinocchio in the first paragraph?
    A . To tell a fairy tale. B . To give an example. C . To talk about a scientist. D . To introduce the topic.
    (2) What is" Pinocchio effect"?
    A . Our noses will grow when we tell a lie. B . Our noses will shrink when we tell a lie. C . The temperature of the forehead falls if we lie. D . The temperature of the student rises for anxiety.
    (3) How did Dr. Gómez Milán feel about the lie detector?
    A . Doubtful. B . Surprised. C . Confident. D . Puzzled.
    (4) What lesson can we learn from the text?
    A . A lie will travel very hard. B . Many ways to bring a liar to light. C . A lie never lives to be old. D . Once a liar always a liar.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        East Africa is experiencing the worst desert locust outbreak in decades. Climate events have accelerated breeding of the pest across the region, and with a sudden rise in the locust population expected in coming weeks, urgent actions and funds are needed to prevent a human crisis.

        Twenty million people in six of the eight East African countries are most affected by an ongoing desert locust outbreak at risk of serious food insecurity. Considered among the most destructive of moving pests, an adult locust can consume 2g of plants per day, affecting crops and grasslands. A group typically holds 20 to 150 million locusts per square kilometer and can move hundreds of kilometers per day, invading areas covering millions of square kilometers. An active group, therefore, can destroy crops and grasslands within a very short period of time.

        That global warming could increase the risk of desert locust crisis was proposed over ten years ago, and in February, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that the current outbreak is linked to the effects of climate change:" warmer seas mean more perfect breeding ground for locusts". The outbreak has its origins in 2018, when a series of windstorms in the Arabian Peninsula (阿拉伯半岛) enabled the warm and wet conditions the desert locust requires to breed and band undetected in remote regions. Though our focus here is migration west, dreadful outbreaks of the desert locust have been experienced to the east.

        The situation is going out of control. A rescue operation and financial support admit no delay. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) can take out only US$138 million for rapid response and immediate action — controlling the spread of the desert locust and safeguarding livelihoods. They say the maths is clear: about half the funding (资助) is needed for supervision, ground and sky control, and uniting efforts the other half is needed for livelihoods and food security of farmers. As for the huge gap, they have called on the international community to act now through funding. However, by the end of February, just US$69 million had been promised.

        This most alarming crisis has developed and is worsening in East Africa. The funds needed to control the situation become very difficult to achieve and the gap is a big concern.

    (1) Why does the crisis happen in East Africa?
    A . There is a big population there. B . There are large deserts and grasslands. C . Africa lies west of Arabian Peninsula. D . Good climate for breeding plays a role.
    (2) Why does the writer list those figures in Para 2?
    A . To warn of the terrible damage by locusts. B . To help us understand how locusts live. C . To show how many locusts there are now. D . To draw a picture of the present Africa.
    (3) What can we infer from the text?
    A . The crisis is not noticed until recently. B . More fund is needed to prevent the crisis. C . The crisis has been the focus of the world. D . Locusts are all from the Arabian Peninsula.
    (4) Which is the best title for the text?
    A . Killing locusts before too late B . Global warming, a world problem C . Funding Gap for Locust Crisis D . Africa, a crisis-stricken place


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        You know that eating healthy, staying active, and solving a few brain games can help keep your memory. But the following lesser-known habits work wonders too.


        When we sit with our shoulders bent forward, this defeated position actually causes us to feel anxious or depressed — which makes it harder to think clearly and remember things. Conversely (反过来), straight upright posture apparently improves memory because it boosts blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

        ⒉Exercise — Once

        Having trouble remembering faces?  In a study, pictures of faces were shown to   older folks after they pedal a stationary (静止的) bike at an intense pace or simply sit on a self-pedaling bike. On average, people remembered the faces better after the intense exercise. What's more, the memory gains after a single workout were similar to the gains after 3 months of regular exercise.

        ⒊Limit TV

        Every parent and grandparent has heard that too much screen time can hurt a child's cognitive development.  According to a study, people (aged 50 or older) who watched more than 3.5 hours of TV a day for 6 years experienced a greater drop in verbal memory test scores than those who watched less.

        ⒋Draw aimlessly

        A research shows those who drew the words remembered the most when recalling words. That's because while some parts of the brain about getting memory back become worse as people grow older, the picture processing regions usually don't.

        ⒌Walk Backward  Walk back! Backward motion — whether real, imagined, or watched — helps people remember the information better than sitting still and, in most cases, better than forward motion. It may be that moving backward in space mentally helps us move back in time to the moment we learned something.

    A. Sit Tall.

    B. Stand Straight.

    C. Start more workouts.

    D. Sweat for physical training.

    E. Thus sketching can help adults keep their memory sharp.

    F. But what about those at the other end of their life span?

    G. Next time you're trying to recall something, don't just think back.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Last July 4th, three police officers went into a supermarket to get something cold to drink.

        Once inside, the cops were1 by a store security guard who asked for2 with a suspected thief. The woman in question didn't have the look of an3 criminal. She was obviously scared, and her cheeks were wet with4.

        The cops looked 5  her bag." We just saw containers of 6. Nothing else," Mike told CBS New York.

        "I'm hungry," she explained7.

        Being caught, the woman no doubt expected to be taken to jail for the8 of being hungry while poor.9 the cops had other ideas. "We'll10 for her food," Sojo told the11 security guard.

        The three men had no discussion at all. It went 12. Instead, each of them  13  out 10 dollars to pay the tab. She would not be arrested today.

        The woman wept in 14. Drying her eyes with a kerchief, she 15, "Thank you,  thank you."

        She wasn't the only one touched by this act of 16. "It was a very beautiful,17 moment," says Paul, who was at the store. He was so18 by what he'd seen that he posted a photo on Twitter for all to see.

        But attention was 19 what the officers wanted. They were driven by a far more common emotion. As Sojo told CNN," When you look at someone's face and see that they need you and they're actually hungry, it's pretty20 as a human being to walk away from something like this."

    A . questioned B . examined C . approached D . required
    A . help B . information C . permission D . trouble
    A . unskilled B . experienced C . intelligent D . active
    A . paint B . water C . rain D . tears
    A . outside B . inside C . around D . down
    A . food B . fruit C . drinks D . sweets
    A . anxiously B . shamelessly C . fearfully D . angrily
    A . action B . mistake C . habit D . crime
    A . And B . But C . So D . Still
    A . pay B . look C . apologize D . account
    A . annoyed B . excited C . surprised D . confused
    A . unchanged B . uninformed C . unsaid D . uncalled
    A . took B . brought C . worked D . pointed
    A . delight B . sorrow C . regret D . gratitude
    A . recalled B . repeated C . responded D . requested
    A . thinking B . choosing C . sharing D . caring
    A . brave B . genuine C . painful D . terrible
    A . moved B . amazed C . bored D . influenced
    A . sometimes B . finally C . never D . always
    A . simple B . natural C . complex D . difficult


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        When the winter approaches, tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack can be found on the street corner in northern China. Since the ancient times, it (be) very popular with natives, especially children.

        Tanghulu is (common) made of haws (山楂), which are rich in vitamin C and are known (have) traditional Chinese medicine properties. According to a legend, 800 years ago, one of the emperor's (wife) was sick and had poor appetite. The doctor suggested that she eat 10 haws (boil) with sugar before dinner. She recovered within two weeks. Later, the prescription was passed on ordinary people. People put haws on a stick, dipped them in hot sugar syrup (糖浆) and dried. The syrup finally turned into a solid coating, like crystal on the surface of haws. That is they are also called bingtanghulu. origin story says that the very first tanghulu only had two haws: a small one on the top and a big one below, making it resemble a hulu, a bringer of good luck.

        With sour haws and sweet sugar, the taste of tanghulu is a combination of flavors, which often (remind) people of their happy childhoods.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        One evening after work, I found a beautiful little fox with a injured leg. She was like a Disney fox. Then I fed her some fish. A couple of week later the fox was back, completely better and had visited ever since. She was comfortably enough to come really near to me. She allowed me to photographing her, the best of which I posted it on social media. Soon after, one day she took her cubs together to visit me, that was really unexpected. It's amazed to have this connection with something so wild this busy city. But happily the loving fox still keeps turning up.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友 Jack 在网上看到了中国学生疫情中做家务的照片,发来邮件想了解你的相关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:





    1)词数 100 左右;


    Dear Jack,


        Best wishes,


    Li Hua
