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  • 1. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Dear Durhammers,

        Durham has been your home in the past three years. This is an appropriate moment in time to invite you as a group of "tourists" in this special exploration. We would also like to congratulate you on your forthcoming transition from being a Durhammer to a member of society. Please see information below on offers and activities to assist with planning your coming celebrations.

        View details of special offers for Winter Assembly at:


        ●Sign up to keep in touch with Durham University and get a goody bag sponsored by the ALUMNI team.

        ●20% discount on pre-ordered Durham University Merchandise with the ticket code WGRADUATE2019 (Or you have to pay the full price at the shop.)

        ●Pre-order your photographs and receive a discounted rate.

        ●Free entry to the exhibitions at Palace Green Library for you and your guests (with tickets).

        ●Purchase a diploma container to keep your degree certificate safe. Please check:


        ●Details of celebration events being held in Departments and Colleges are published at:


        Information on the highlight of the celebration, including but not limited to the opportunity to go out for BBQ and camping at Botantic Garden is published at:


        We also hope very much that you will come and meet us and colleagues at the ceremony, which is a traditional and magnificent public presentation of your diploma and award, and it is always memorable and fun. You will have already received a formal email invitation, but this is just to say that we hope to meet you there and congratulate you in person.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sir Thomas Allen

    (1) Who is the letter intended for?
    A . Visitors exploring the campus. B . Graduates from Durham University. C . Colleagues in Durham University. D . Organizers of the ALUMNI Group.
    (2) Where can you check details of the off-campus celebration events?
    A . www.dur.ac.uk/ceremonies/congregation/offers/ B . www.dur.ac.uk/student.registry/qualifications/order/ C . www.dur.ac.uk/ceremonies/congregation/celebrations/ D . www.dur.ac.uk/campusperks/whatsnewon/ceremonies/
    (3) Which of the following items are free of charge?
    A . Goody bags B . Diploma containers C . Pre-ordered photographs D . Library cards
  • 2. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        NEW HAVEN, Connecticut—A surprise awaited students in Yale who showed up for Professor Laurie Santos's class. They got slips of paper that said, "No class today." There was only one rule for the students' unexpected free time—They were not allowed to study, but to relax. Since exams and papers were coming up, everyone was tired and stressed. At this moment they were touched. With around applause, nine students hugged Santos, and two burst into tears.

        Yet, cancelling class was not just a break. It was also a challenge, as she was asking them to stop worrying about their grades, even if it was just an hour. One student went to the Yale University Art Gallery for the first time in her four years at Yale. A group of students went to a recording studio and played a new song. More people were outside, and more were smiling. That's why about 1, 200 students were taking Santos's class, called "Psychology and the Good Life," the largest class in Yale's 317-year history. Even non-Yale students had the chance to take Santos's class. It was offered as an online course and she immediately became an Internet hit.

        Skyler Robinson, one of her students, was at a loss for a while about what to do during his break, and then decided to take a nap. "It was a great nap," he commented. Santos designed the class after she realized that her students kept busy through long days that seemed far more depressing and joyless than her own college years. "They feel they're in this crazy rat race. They're working so hard that they can't take a single hour off. That's awful."

        The ideas behind the class are simple. Santos said, "It is the hope that science can help students find peace among all the stresses and difficulties they face at college." The lessons include showing more gratitude, performing acts of kindness and increasing social connections. The students really wanted to learn to lead a happy life in a science -driven way. Santos also noted the psychological happening of "mis-wanting", which led people to work towards the wrong goals in life.

        One week, Santo asked students to exercise. Another week, she wanted them to get more sleep. They worked hard to keep some new habits. Social science research led to many new understandings of how people find happiness. She thinks her class can change Yale, or rather, not just Yale.

    (1) How did students respond to the cancelling class?
    A . They expressed their concern. B . They were at a loss what to do. C . They showed gratitude to the teacher. D . They were eager to study individually.
    (2) How can we know Santo's class was popular?
    A . From the attendence in her class. B . From the subject she taught. C . From the long history of Yale. D . From the release of the online course.
    (3) What can students learn from Santos's class?
    A . To develop good study habits. B . To let exercise become their routine. C . To better understand how to find happiness. D . To do something joyful during the stressful time.
    (4) What can we infer from the text?
    A . Santos had a more stressful time in her college. B . Students would be in rat race after Santos's class. C . Santos's influence can reach a wider range of people. D . Santos is going to cancel more classes for better effects.
  • 3. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Even for a first-time visitor to China, it is impossible to ignore the popularity of Quick-Response (QR) codes. These square-shaped black-and-white symbols in WeChat or Alipay where QR codes are scanned to add new friends or make payments.

        The QR Code system originated in Japan. The engineer Masahiro Hara felt the limitation of the one-dimension barcode in use and thus developed the QR codes which could carry data horizontally and vertically. QR codes could hold much more information than barcode due to their extra dimension. In addition, QR codes have larger data capacity, smaller print—out size and higher resistance to dirt and damage, which make them widely applied in many other applications.

        Though the technology of QR codes is complicated, we can easily create our own QR codes with the help of QR code generators, many of which are available online for free. Users could enter the data they wish the QR code to display, and the generator turns it into a symbol that can be printed or displayed in electronic form. The process of creating QR codes could be really fun when we customise the design of the codes according to our specific needs. For instance, we can adjust the color, add a logo, and create social options etc. Moreover, dynamic (动态的) QR codes are also available. They are more various than standard QR codes because they allow users to edit data entered previously whereas data in standard QR codes cannot be edited once printed. Plus, don't limit your QR code to one mobile scanner. Anyone can scan your code with any reader. A lower barrier to entry makes success more likely for you and the user.

        Meanwhile, we must also recognize the vulnerability of QR codes. Due to its easy access, criminals can steal simply by replacing the QR codes with their own, routing cash into their own bank accounts. Hence, we should all become more conscious towards virtual money transactions through QR codes and participate in additional security measures.

    (1) Which of the following is NOT a function of QR codes?
    A . Data storage. B . Scanning reader. C . Social networking. D . Mobile payment.
    (2) Why is barcode mentioned in paragraph 2?
    A . To introduce the main topic. B . To show the author's attitude. C . To highlight the features of QR codes. D . To add some background knowledge.
    (3) Which of the following best explains "vulnerability" underlined in paragraph 4?
    A . Threat B . Weakness C . Difficulty D . Simplicity
    (4) Which is true about QR codes according to the text?
    A . They were first used in China. B . The generators charge the users a lot. C . Data editing is possible in printed QR codes. D . More scanning devices are available in reading QR codes.
  • 4. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        When we see cute babies, or adorable baby animals, many of us feel a strong urge to squeeze or pinch them or even bite them. Scientists call this strange response "cute aggression".

        Stavropoulos's team gathered 54 people to look at 32 pictures of four sets. One set contained photos of cute baby animals. Another set contained pictures of less-cute, fully grown animals. The other two sets were photos of human babies which were digitally edited. One set was changed to emphasize features we find cute, such as big eyes and full cheeks. The other was edited to reduce those features.

        The scientists found that the participants had much more feelings of cute aggression towards images of baby animals than those of adult animals. Surprisingly, this difference was not seen from the two sets of human baby pictures in comparison.

        To assess cute aggression, the participants were asked questions about the degree of wanting to aggress the subjects of the photos, and of wanting to care for them. Scientists suspect these responses are associated with not only the brain's emotional systems, but also its reward systems, which adjust motivation, pleasure and feelings of "wanting".

        Cute aggression may give humans the highly adaptive ability to control emotional response. To limit the motivation of positive feelings, the brain gives commands of the aggression. In other words, the brain throws in a bit of aggression to keep the good feelings from becoming uncontrolled. "If you find yourself fascinated by how cute a baby is, —so much so that you simply can't control it—that baby is going to starve." It stops us from investing too much energy into cute things. So, there is no need to feel bad for the desire to pinch them at the sight of cute babies. It's not because we're mean people. The "unfriendly" movement of our fingers is just our brain's way of making sure nothing gets too cute to handle.

    (1) What was found in Stavropoulos's experiment?
    A . Human's brain has two systems. B . Cute aggression exists in every human being. C . Cute aggression varies towards different subjects. D . Humans like to aggress animals rather than care for them.
    (2) How does Stavropoulos find cute aggression?
    A . It is still a mystery. B . It does harm to the animals. C . It makes humans become mean. D . It is a normal response in the brain.
    (3) What is the last paragraph mainly about?
    A . Cute babies suffer starvation easily. B . It is hard to handle cute aggression. C . Cute aggression is an evolutionary result. D . Cute aggression helps control cuteness addiction.
    (4) What is the author's attitude towards cute aggression?
    A . Doubtful B . Supportive C . Disapproving D . Unclear


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    A. What do network security experts do

    B. Try using shortened phrases for passwords

    C. How can we ensure the safety of a password

    D. Changing password regularly is an effective way

    E. That is like closing a door but not actually locking it

    F. It is used to say farewell to popular passwords like "123456"

    G. And it is also difficult for us to remember a long irregular password

        The first Thursday in May is World Password Day, but don't buy a cake or send cards. Computer chip maker Intel created the event as an annual reminder. .

        The purpose of a password is to limit access to information. Having a very common or simple one like "abcdef" or even normal words like "password", is barely any security at all. . Hackers' password cracking tools take advantage of this lack of creativity and get in our accounts easily. More experienced users would choose a less common password. However, they might still fall victim to cracking software.

        ? A secure password is all that stands between us and a cybercriminal. It should be unique and complex which a hacker can't easily guess or crack. The best passwords are supposed to be at least 15 characters long and full of random numbers and letters. However, a long password means a complicated process to log into a website. . You may want to write it down, but it is not suggested due to risk.

        Then what should we do? . You can choose a phrase such as "I want to go to England." Next, convert it to an abbreviation (缩略语) by using the first letters of each word and changing the word "to" to "2". Then you get following password phrase: iw2g2e. You can make it even more complex by adding punctuation, spaces or symbols: %iw_2g2e!@. It is much easier to remember and safer.

        Can't wait to try? Let's say goodbye to "666666" and change your password right now.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Spelling was sort of my superpower. I wasn't a math or science guy, but I could chew and 1 books.

        "Your word is onomatopoeia," said the announcer. On the stage of "School Bee," my brain 2 to the spelling bees ahead: first the county championship, then the state, and finally the national spelling bee. I glanced back at Alexa, who wanted another chance at 3. If I missed this word, she'd be 4 in the game. But that wouldn't happen. Chin up, shoulders back, I 5 my throat, "O-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-a." I made it.

        The trophy (奖杯) was presented to me. I shouted onstage, "I am the alpha-best". Surprisingly, my sister, Deandra, rolled her eyes. "You're a 6 winner." Deandra made a 7 face. "She tried to shake your hand but you 8."

        I didn't 9 at all. "Anyway, I won the school bee." "Don't be proud. You'll soon be facing the 10 of the best in the county bee."

        "Will they 11 me? I am the alpha-best with no efforts at all." After six rounds, the number of students 12 from more than 100 to just seven and I was one out of the seven. If I had been given words like aerospace or conical, I'd make 13 already. Unfortunately, I 14 with the word maestro at last. I stood 15 for the longest moment.

        The final winner acted the exact 16 of mine. He accepted his trophy with a small bow, and then shook hands with the runner-up (亚军). I got to know Deandra's words 17.

        I apologized to Alexa, "I'm sorry I was so 18 when I won." "How was the county bee?" Alexa asked. "A 19." If you need a study partner for next time, I'm happy to help." "Really? Let's 20 on it, partner." "Better late than never." Alexa said, shaking my hand.

    A . prefer B . acquire C . write D . digest
    A . flashed back B . fast forwarded C . paid attention D . got down
    A . winning B . announcing C . listening D . missing
    A . back B . off C . out D . away
    A . dried B . cleared C . closed D . choked
    A . terrible B . fair C . great D . real
    A . happy B . sour C . cheerful D . painful
    A . ignored B . agreed C . accepted D . doubted
    A . answer B . care C . regret D . decline
    A . poorest B . easiest C . best D . luckiest
    A . admire B . pass C . influence D . match
    A . jumped B . rose C . decreased D . spread
    A . concern B . efforts C . progress D . history
    A . changed B . fell C . crashed D . relieved
    A . by B . around C . frozen D . tall
    A . role B . way C . opposite D . behavior
    A . took place B . made sense C . came out D . caught up
    A . ashamed B . shocked C . cautious D . impolite
    A . disaster B . deal C . success D . dream
    A . rely B . rest C . base D . shake


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Traditionally, we usually get a general impression of (stranger) by the way they shake hands, talk, or walk. However, in the age of social networking, first impressions are sometimes made looking at their profile photos on social platforms like Twitter or WeChat.

        These social images say a lot about our personality, according to a recent study, in researchers used a software to analyze the profile photos to find out whether there was a connection between a person's personality and his profile photo.

        The result reveals that open-minded people are more likely (pose) with an object in their profile photos. Their (excite) faces can tell how much they enjoy their experiences. Meanwhile, neurotic (神经质的) people tend to choose photos of objects rather than selfies to avoid (look) too miserable because of the strong social practice against a sad or angry (appear) in profile photos.

        Apart from the objects in profile photos, the colors used in them also show outgoing the owner is. For example, extroverts (性格外向者) (find) to have the most colorful profile images, as they want to emphasize their personality.

        Next time choosing a profile photo, maybe we should ask (we) first what kind of image we'd like to convey. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        My senior high school life is almost over. Although looked forward to entering college, I can't help missing those good old days very much that I feel sad. I'm unwilling to say goodbye to everyone and everything I am familiar. However, I come to realize nature never stood still. Different seasons come and go. Plants and animals die and new one come to life. We, like everything in nature, has to adapt to the changes. Before knowing it, I am a kind of calm. Now I'd like to recall the most wonderful things what have happened, and accept happy whatever is to happen.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的朋友Daniel给你发邮件说他想在美国办个主题为“中国风”的摄影展,他想来你的家乡收集素材。请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:①表示欢迎;②提出建议;③安排接机。

