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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Four books that will change your life

        If you're already working 9-5, you might not have much time to read. With the Blinkist app, you can get the key information from the best nonfiction books in minutes, not hours or days. Start with the four most-read titles on self-improvement.

        Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin

        You can't escape misfortune in life. But you can change how you respond to it. Do you struggle to get over your failures? Or live with things out of your control? Getting over these troubles can have a great influence on your everyday life, Morin shares how her most successful therapy(治疗)patients overcame these difficulties.

        How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

        Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? No matter how hard you try, do you focus on the same issue? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Camegie came up with an effective way that helps you deal with any over-thinking situation.

        Finding Your Element by Ken Rotoinson

        Society often encourages us to follow a certain linear plan. Everyone has a passion. If you don't know what yours is, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. Or perhaps you have, buth disappeared early in life. Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.

        Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

        Did you know if your pulse rate rises above 100 bpm, you're considered too emotional to think rationally(理智地)? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.

    (1) What is Amy Morin's book mainly about?
    A . Unavoidable failures in life. B . Life stories of successful people. C . Methods of treating mental diseases. D . Approaches to handling challenges in life.
    (2) What does the book by Ken Robinson encourage us to do?
    A . Draw up our own plans. B . Discover what we truly love. C . Follow a certain linear plan. D . Obey society's strict rules.
    (3) Whose book helps us learn how to control our emotions?
    A . Amy Morin's B . Dale Carnegie's C . Ken Robinson's D . Daniel Goleman's
  • 2. 阅读理解

        My wife and I went to this vegan(严格的素食主义的) restaurant to give it a try. As we were eating our pepper and salt tofu, a young lady named Debra walked in. She wasn't aware that the place is vegan and was looking for some meat. My wife and I talked up the place and invited her over to try some of our tofu. Debra tried it, nodded and went out.

        After a few minutes, she and her mother both walked back in. We were having the rest of our meal at that time, so we told her what we had ordered. Debra then asked the waitress to just repeat our order for them. Next, Debra said. "And we want to pay for their meal", pointing to my wife and me. We tried to say no, but Debra wouldn't listen.

        That was not the end of it. Hugs were in order. Debra came over to our table and my wife got up to hug her. Debra hugged my wife and put $ 100 into her hand. My wife firmly said NO, but Debra insisted. Debra kept talking about our kindness, and we did the same about hers and her mother's. With tears in the eyes, the workers were blown away by this whole exchange between four strangers. I left the waiters and waitresses a tip that would cover all of our meals and we were on our way.

        I've been witnessing so much kindness, especially over the last few years, as I began to pay more attention. We now have a new favorite restaurant and every time we go there my plan is to pay for someone else's meal.

    (1) Why did Debra go out after trying some tofu?
    A . To bring her mother in. B . To look after her mother. C . To get away from the food. D . To look for another restaurant.
    (2) What did Debra insist on?
    A . Hugging the author's wife. B . Ordering a meal for the author. C . Treating the author and his wife. D . Tipping the waiters and waitress.
    (3) How did the workers feel when seeing the exchange between four strangers?
    A . Curious. B . Funny. C . Surprised. D . Touched.
    (4) What can we know about the author and Debra?
    A . They've been friends. B . They were both vegan. C . They met for the first time. D . They once worked together.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Engineers have put a huge garbage collector to gather plastic material in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii, the world's largest spread of garbage, twice the size of the state of Texas.

        The Ocean Cleanup organization created the collector. The group's founder, Boyan Slat, an inventor born in 1994, was just 16 when he was moved to clean up the oceans when he was on a dive and saw more plastic bags than fish

        Last Saturday, a ship pulling the pipe-shaped floating barrier left San Francisco. Attached to it is a screening skirt that hangs three meters down in the water. The screen is designed to collect the plastic as it moves through the water. Sea animals can safely swim under the barrier.

        The cleanup system also comes with lights powered by the sun, cameras, and other special devices, so the system can communicate its position at all times. That way a support ship can find it every few months to remove the plastic that has been collected.

        Shipping containers will hold all the plastic gathered, including bottles and fishing equipment and are expected to be back on land within a year. Then the plastic will be recycled. The free-floating barriers are made to survive extreme weather conditions and damage from continual use. They will stay in the water for twenty years, thus collecting 90% of the garbage in the area.

        The Ocean Cleanup has received $ 35 million in donations to pay for the project, hoping to put 60 free-floating barriers in the Pacific Ocean by 2020. "It's important to turn off the taps on plastic entering the ocean, but I also think people can do more than one thing at a time to deal with this problem," Slat said.

    (1) What drove Slat to invent the collector?
    A . The interest in invention. B . His failure to dive due to rubbish. C . The sight of too many plastic bags. D . His knowledge of garbage in the Pacific Ocean.
    (2) How does the floating barrier work?
    A . It reaches into the water to collect the plastic. B . It has large containers to produce power. C . 'It forms barriers to protect sea animals. D . A ship drags it along in the ocean.
    (3) Which does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?
    A . The support ship. B . The floating barrier C . The plastic to be recycled. D . The position of special devices.
    (4) What is important for protecting the ocean according to Slat?
    A . Sending more collectors into the ocean. B . Inventing more ocean cleanup devices. C . Stopping plastic from entering the ocean. D . Banning the use of plastic bags in boats.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        When people find themselves in difficult conflicts, they often turn to mediation(调解). Mediator are advised to listen attentively, avoid favoring the ideas of one party, and make both sides feel at ease. Surprisingly, new research that my colleagues and I conducted shows that, to effectively help people settle their conflicts, mediators should adopt a hostile(敌对的) attitude rather- than a calming one. A hostile mediator, we find, brings better results than a nice one

        Why would adding more negativity to an already hostile situation prove beneficial? Consider how parents typically react when they can't get their children to stop quarreling: "I don't care who started it, both of you, go to your rooms!" At first sight, a calm mediator seems likely to be more effective. But as anyone with brothers or sisters knows, parents' seemingly unsympathetic treatment of the situation can have an unusual effect,

        In our research, we created situations in which pairs of negotiators were part of a heated conflict. In some cases, the mediator had a "nice" approach-calm and polite. In others, he was hostile-aggressive and somewhat rude. Across different types of conflicts, we found that negotiators were more willing and able to reach an agreement in the presence of a hostile mediator than in the presence of a nice one.

    The main result of the test is not that hostility pays off. In fact, recent research has documented the social costs of negative behavior. For example, being the target of rude behavior reduces people's performance on a variety of tasks. Other research shows the social benefits of positive behavior. People are more likely to close deals and become future business partners.

        Even with the widespread social benefits of positive behavior and costs of negative behavior, hostility can pay off in certain situations.

    (1) What is the parents' settlement of conflicts in paragraph 2?
    A . It's calming and wise. B . It's arbitrary but effective. C . It's commonly adopted. D . It harms family relationship.
    (2) How does the author support his viewpoints?
    A . By giving examples and experimenting. B . By analyzing causes and effects. C . By presenting facts. D . By making comparison.
    (3) Which best describes the author's attitude in the text?
    A . Concerned. B . Doubtful. C . Objective. D . Positive.
    (4) What could be the title of the text?
    A . The Significance of Effective Mediation B . The Costs of Negative Behavior C . The Benefits of Positive Behavior D . The Surprising Power of Hostility


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    A Housewarming Party

        A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person or people who bought the apartment or house or moved are the ones who throw the party.It also gives people a chance to see what the new home looks like. It is an opportunity to fill the new space with love and hopeful presents.

        It is traditional to bring a gift to a housewarming partySome common items(物品) people will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and items like curtains. Even if there isn't a registry, a good housewarming gift is something to decorate the new house with, like, a piece of art or a plant.It is often appreciated since at a housewarming party there isn't a lot of food served, usually just appetizers or sandwiches.

        The host or hostess of the party will, however, probably give all the guests a tour of their new home. Sometimes, because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves into a new home, people may be asked to help unpack boxes. This isn't usual though.

        Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift so that the person could keep the home warm for the winter.

    A. You can also bring food or drinks to share.

    B. Different activities are held to make guests satisfied

    C. There are usually no planned activities at a housewarming party.

    D. Now most homes replace fires with central heating to keep warm.

    E. Different people hold or attend housewarming parties for various reasons.

    F. Some people register a list of things they need for their new home at local stores.

    G. The party is an opportunity for friends and family to congratulate the person or people on the new home.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Two years ago I was a typical girl with a rather plain life. When1to a local voluntary organization called "Peer-to-Peer" by a poster, I had no idea what this group was about.2, to learn more about it, I decided to attend a3, which changed my life.

        Just like the4 suggests, everyone is considered a peer, including regular members and our leaders. This means we can5our leaders by their first names. We can also ask our leaders for help in6life situations, which we know they will never7 ! When it comes to conversations about awkward topics like love, we are8not to be ashamed of ourselves.

    This organization's meetings9in our local library. We usually gather and communicate about10topics concerning our society: education, equality and safety... This kind of communication helps us to make the right choice and110ur mind. Sometimes we've gone outside in order to participate in12events. One event we had,13, was "Give a cigarette -Take a candy" intending to14smoking.

        At this organization we are friends with each other and are a15community. I've also gained a lot of16experience by communicating with people and working in the team.

        With time going by, I have found an abundance of other17organizations such as "Give Good" and "Youth Initiative Center". All of them have18me a great chance to develop my own personality and make my life19. I'm sure I'll have a lot of wonderful20about my youth with me getting older

    A . invited B . transformed C . promoted D . introduced
    A . Besides B . Accidentally C . Therefore D . Luckily
    A . party B . meeting C . competition D . program
    A . name B . poster C . organization D . aim
    A . address B . assist C . inform D . avoid
    A . simple B . difficult C . familiar D . similar
    A . accept B . understand C . realize D . reject
    A . forced B . requested C . encouraged D . reminded
    A . carry on B . take place C . set down D . turn up
    A . light B . rare C . hot D . plain
    A . broaden B . correct C . polish D . support
    A . powerful B . cheerful C . hopeful D . meaningful
    A . in short B . as usual C . for example D . in effect
    A . criticize B . spread C . decrease D . ignore
    A . famous B . tight C . workable D . good
    A . original B . particular C . potential D . precious
    A . voluntary B . individual C . professional D . social
    A . cost B . guaranteed C . owed D . prepared
    A . irregular B . comfortable C . unbelievable D . attractive
    A . memories B . impressions C . secrets D . dreams


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。

        Two new satellites of the BeiDou Navigation (导航) Satellite System (BDS)(send) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province on November 19, 2018.

        The satellites entered the orbit(safe) more than three hours later and will work with 17 other BDS-3 satellites already in space. They are also the 42nd and 43rd(member) of the BDS satellite family. China launched these satellites withaim of providing navigation services for countries and regionsparticipate in the Belt and Road Initiative(倡议) by the end of 2018. This is a key step for BDS developinga Chinese experimental system to a regional and then a(globe) navigation system. The positioning(accurate) of the BDS-3 system has been improved to 5 meters.(name) after the Chinese term for the Plough(北斗七星), the BeiDou system has been serving China for 18 years. The system is expected (provide) first-class services around the globe by the end of 2020.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中有10处语言错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Recently I sent a postcard to my sister who was living in other town. My sister didn't receive them and l was wondering why. Then one morning the postman brings a letter for me. It was from a girl who name I had never seen before. I looked the address and suddenly I realized what had happened to my sister's postcard. This girl lived in the same town and street as my sister, and in a different house. I must have written the wrongly address on the postcard. She explained in a letter that I had put my address on the card so that she decided to write to me.1 wrote back to her and quickly we became good friend.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tim的生日即将到来,你给他寄了一套关于中国春节的邮票作为生日礼物。请你用英语给他写一封邮件。

    要点包括: 1)祝贺生日; 2)介绍邮票内容



    Dear Tim,



    Li Hua
