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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Thomas was quite mean. He had a younger brother called Sam and he seldom shared his toys with him.

        "You must share, Thomas," said his mother. "One day you will want somebody to share something with you and they won't. Then you will be very upset."

        "I will be fine, Mom," Thomas replied. "As long as I have my own toys, I will always be fine."

        "Very well," his mother said. "It seems that you know best."

        One day Thomas' mother decided to teach him a lesson. At Christmas, she knew that both boys wanted the same video game. She knew that if she bought it for Thomas, Sam would never get to play it. So she bought the game for Sam.

        When Christmas Day arrived, both boys were patiently waiting for their presents in front of the fireplace. As Sam opened his present, he was very excited. Thomas saw it was the game he wanted and smiled.

        "Thank you so much, Mom!" Sam said.

        "There is just one thing, Sam," his mother said. "You cannot share this game with your brother."

        Thomas hardly believed his ears! "Why not, Mom?" he asked furiously without much thought.

        "Because you don't share any of your toys with Sam and it wouldn't be fair," his mother replied. "If you share some of your toys with Sam, then I am sure he will let you play his game."

        "OK," Thomas said slowly, "that seems fair."

        From that day on, the two boys shared all their toys and games.

    (1) Which of the following can be put in the blank?
    A . Thomas left the room angrily. B . Thomas asked some questions. C . Thomas thought for a moment. D . Thomas followed his mother's advice.
    (2) Thomas smiled when he saw the video game because__________.
    A . he knew that Sam wanted it a lot B . he didn't want to make his mother angry C . he didn't want to show that he was upset D . he thought that he would be able to play it
    (3) What does the underlined word "furiously" mean?
    A . Angrily. B . Politely. C . Secretly. D . Normally.
    (4) Which word best describes Thomas' mother?
    A . Shy B . Brave C . Honest D . Wise
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Before the coming of the first settlers from Europe, Canada's local people had discovered a new kind of food—maple sap(汁液),which they gathered every spring. According to many historians, the maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian symbol as early as 1700.

        In 1834, the first St. Jean Baptise Society in North America made the maple leaf its sign. In 1836, Le Canadian, a newspaper, referred to it as a suitable symbol for Canada. In 1860, the maple leaf was used widely in decorations for the visit of the Prince of Wales. Alexander Muir wrote The Maple Leaf Forever in 1867; it was regarded as the national song for several decades. The army uniforms created the next year for Ontario and Quebec both included the maple leaf. Later the maple leaf appeared on coins. Between 1876 and 1901, it appeared on all Canadian coins. The modern one-cent piece has two maple leaves on a common twig(细枝),a design that has gone almost unchanged since 1937.

        During the First World War, the maple leaf was included on the badge(徽章) of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Since 1921, the Royal Arms of Canada have included three maple leaves as a special Canadian symbol. In 1939, at the time of World War Ⅱ, many Canadian troops used the maple leaf as a special sign.

        With the announcement of Canada's new flag in 1965, the maple leaf has become the Canadian symbol. On February 15 of that year, the red maple leaf flag first appeared as the National Flag of Canada.

    (1) The second and third paragraphs mainly tell us ________.
    A . how Canada's national song came about. B . why the maple leaf was used on the army uniforms. C . why Canadian coins kept unchanged for a long time.  D . how widely the maple leaf as a sign was used in Canada.
    (2) Where was the maple leaf first used as a symbol?
    A . On Canadian coins. B . On Canada's National Flag. C . On the army uniforms for Ontario and Quebec. D . On the badge of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
    (3) We can learn from the text that________.
    A . the Prince of Wales liked maple leaves very much. B . maple trees were brought into Canada from Wales. C . the maple leaf flag became Canada's National Flag in 1965. D . maple leaves were used as food in the army in World War Ⅱ.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Five people are talking about working from home.

    Chris: I'm a language graduate and I've been translating from Italian to English for most of my career. We've been in Milan for nearly 20 years and I've been working from home for 12 years, since my first child was born. I've found that my work-life balance has been easier to manage since I started working from home—and it needs to be easy to manage when you've got children.

        Miranda: I'm a writer and I've been working from home for the last 18 months. I must say it's been pretty difficult. For one thing, I've been paying a lot more for heating. And I've missed the office gossip. To be honest, it's quite lonely. I almost wish I could go back to my old job.

        Jordan: Working from home has really changed my life. I love it. I love being my own boss. I've been working from home as a website designer since I left my last job in 2004. I have a bit more time these days. I've bought myself a new guitar and I've been taking guitar lessons for the last six months.

        Ahmed: It's not for everyone, but I like working from home. I do contract(合同) work in design. The best thing is that I don't have to commute(通勤) to work on crowded trains. I've had lots more time and I've been learning a new language since I started working from home in January. I've always wanted to learn Spanish.

        Rageh: I'm German but I've been living abroad for five years. I've been working in marketing for a pharmaceutical(制药的) company near London and I've been working from home part of the time since January. I work from home three days a week and commute to the office twice a week. I was very lucky to get this opportunity. When I work from home I get up late and work late in the evenings. I've never been a morning person.

    (1) What is Chris?
    A . A designer. B . A translator. C . A novel writer. D . An Internet seller.
    (2) What is Miranda's opinion about working from home?
    A . It's boring and costly. B . It's free and comfortable. C . It leads to poor quality of work. D . It helps to keep work-play balance.
    (3) What do we know about Rageh?
    A . He is a night owl. B . He is a music lover. C . He works in Germany. D . He has strict working timetables.
    (4) Who has a great interest in language learning?
    A . Rageh. B . Miranda. C . Jordan. D . Ahmed.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Winters are cold in northern British Colunbia, a province of Canada. That's one reason why two girls become concerned about a number of homeless cats in their town.

        "My dad first saw this big cat problem…and he knew the man who had all the cats," says Vivienne Thompson. Vivienne and her friend Catrina Vanderwolf learned that the man wasn't happy about all the cats living around his home. They offered to help.

        Each day after school all winter long, the girls walked two miles to feed the cats. "We could see all their footprints in the snow and at first couldn't understand why they wouldn't let us get close to them," explained the girls.

        They contacted(联系)Valerie Ingram at the Lakes Animal Friendship Society, who told them that the cats are "feral." They belong to no one. Feral cats have little or no contact with humans in their entire lives. The large colony(群) of cats likely started with two stray(流浪的) cats who had a litter of kittens. Those cats had kittens, and before long, there were dozens of homeless cats.

    To get the cat colony under control, the cats would need operations so that they could no longer have kittens. Vivienne and Catrina shared what they learned with their teachers and other students—and a project began! Grassy Plains School started raising money to pay for the cats' operations. Before long, local organizations and large companies agreed to help.

        Volunteers spent months humanely trapping the cats. Finally, all the cats had been operated on and returned to the colony.

    "We were so happy to be a part of helping, to get to know the cats, to not see suffering anymore, only happy cats—and a happy man who feeds them on his step now," say Vivienne and Catrina.

    (1) What do we know about the man mentioned in Paragraph 2?
    A . He disliked the cats. B . He mistreated the cats. C . He fed the cats regularly. D . He was the owner of the cats.
    (2) What do we know about feral cats?
    A . They live separately. B . They're almost wild animals. C . They're preferred by pet lovers. D . They're reunited with their owners.
    (3) How was the cat colony brought under control?
    A . Through a joint effort. B . With the government's help. C . By sheltering the homeless cats. D . By encouraging people to adopt cats.
    (4) What would be the best title for the text?
    A . Be a responsible pet lover. B . Advice to new cat owners. C . Friends of homeless cats. D . Start your own project.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Jealous Ken

        Dick and Ken lived in the same street. Both children had a good home and lots of nice things.  In other words, Ken was a jealous(嫉妒的) boy.

        Dick and Ken grew up and got jobs. At first, they both cycled to work every morning. Then Dick bought a motorcycle. Every morning, Dick on his motorcycle rode past Ken on his bicycle, and Ken felt jealous.  He was happy until Dick bought a car.

        Ken worked hard until he had enough money for a car. He bought a car, and it was as good as Dick's car. There were a lot of other cars on the road, so the journey to work was slower, but Ken was happy.

         So Ken worked very hard, and yesterday he bought an expensive new car. This morning Ken left home in his new car.  But Ken was happy because his car was bigger, better and faster than Dick's car.

        Then he saw Dick behind him, but Dick was not in a car. Dick was riding a bicycle. It was a new bicycle. The cars moved very slowly, so Dick cycled past them easily.  He watched from his big, expensive car and felt jealous.

    A.     Dick was very proud of his new car.

    B.     But after a year, Dick bought a bigger car.

    C.     Both Ken and Dick walked to work every day.

    D.    So Ken bought a motorcycle and he was happy.

    E.     Ken watched as Dick cycled away in front of him.

    F.     But Ken was unhappy because some of Dick's things were better than his.

    G.    There were cars in front as far as he could see, and none of them could move.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        For most people, graduation day is exciting. 1, my graduation day...was not

        Two years ago on my graduation day, my family and friends flew in from across the country to 2 me. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had 3 the economy turn from bad to worse during my senior year. We graduates had degrees(学位), but very4 opportunities. Countless applications had not been 5.

        The weeks ahead weren't __ 6. I drove to Southern California to find work 7 I knew my small university town couldn't offer me any 8. But 100 job applications later , I found myself in the 9 spot as I was before. And the date to begin 10 my student loans (贷款) was drawing ever closer.

        You know that feeling when you wake up and you are just filled with 11? And the most frustrating part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't seem to 12.

        I began to write. Something about writing gave me 13. I channeled my frustration into a children's book. Beyond the "river" was the story of an unlikely hero featuring a little fish who refused to give up on his 14.

        And then one day, 15 any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world — just a lot of hard work and perseverance(坚持) — I received a publishing contract for my first 16 ! After that, things slowly began to fall into place. I was 17 a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with The Walt Disney Company and was 18 shortly after.

        The lesson of this story: Don't give up. Even if things look 19 now, don't give up. Things 20.

        If you work hard, give it time, and don't give up, things will always get better. Oftentimes our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream. All we need is the courage to push beyond the river.

    A . Therefore B . Additionally C . Instead D . However
    A . comfort B . congratulate C . surprise D . entertain
    A . smelt B . let C . watched D . made
    A . good B . fair C . preferred D . limited
    A . successful B . useful C . meaningful D . stressful
    A . difficult B . easy C . important D . special
    A . because B . if C . though D . unless
    A . expectations B . ideas C . opportunities D . wishes
    A . same B . right C . only D . opposite
    A . checking out B . carrying out C . taking back D . paying back
    A . pride B . worry C . joy D . anger
    A . take action B . take chances C . make progress D . make sense
    A . hope B . luck C . love D . interest
    A . ability B . dream C . habit D . attitude
    A . beyond B . through C . from D . without
    A . article B . copy C . book D . diary
    A . offered B . lent C . served D . sent
    A . encouraged B . valued C . challenged D . employed
    A . boring B . crazy C . hopeless D . serious
    A . increase B . change C . pass D . occur


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        In 1850, an American lawyer, Bethune, bought a slave to work in his home. The slave, a woman, had a small child(call) Tom, who was blind.

        One day, Bethune (walk) around his garden when he heard music coming from the house. He went inside and found young Tom playing on the family piano. Bethune (immediate) realized that the boy, who was only four, had special abilities. He asked a band of (music) to come to the house and play in front of  (he). Tom reproduced perfectly the music he had heard. Tom was indeed an unusual boy.

        In 1857, "Blind Tom" took part  his first public performance. The reviews were so good  Bethune took him on a tour of the US. Three years later, Blind Tom  (invite) to the White House to perform for the president. Over the next forty years, Tom performed (enjoy) shows all over the US and other countries. His concerts were  mixture of classical music and his own compositions.


  • 8. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。


    注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多着(从第11处起)不计分。

    Dear Peter,

        I was so pleasing to hear from you and am writing to introduce our school to you. When you enter the school gate, you can see a wonderful fountain in front you. On your left is the teaching building, a tallest building in our school. The specially designed art center is on your right, that is very beautiful. Walking on further, and you will find our lab building. Besides it, there lies the sports ground, where we held every sports meeting. Surrounding with trees, our school provides a comfortable learning environment.

        Welcome to our school. I believe you will have a nice time here because of our various school activity. The teachers and students here are nicely and friendly. Waiting for your coming.


    Li Hua


  • 9. 据某英文报的LIFE专栏报道,现在很多学生借口学习忙而不愿做家务。请你以"Share housework"为题给该专栏写一篇短文,呼吁同学们主动帮助父母做家务,并说明理由。



    Share housework

        It is reported that many students are unwilling to do housework a home, saying that they're too busy studying.
