
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    If you wear glasses, chances are you are smarter. Research published in the famous British journal Nature Communications has found that people who displayed higher levels of intelligence were almost 30 percent more likely to wear glasses.

    The scientists studied the genes of thousands of people between the ages of 16 and 102.The study showed intelligence can be connected to physical characteristics. One characteristic was eyesight. In out of 10 people who were more intelligent, there was a higher chance they needed glasses. Scientists also said being smarter has other benefits. It is connected to better health.

    It is important to remember these are connections which are not proven causes. Scientists call this correlation. Just because something is connected to something else does not mean one of those things caused the other. And it's worth noting that what constitutes intelligence is subjective and can be difficult, if not impossible, to measure.

    Forget genes though. Plenty of proof shows wearing glasses makes people think you are more intelligent, even if you do not need glasses. A number of studies have found people who wear glasses are seen as smarter, hard-working and honest. Many lawyers use this idea to help win their cases. Lawyer Harvey Solves explained this. Glasses soften their appearance. He said sometimes there has been a huge amount of proof showing that people he was defending broke the law. He had them wear glasses and they weren't found guilty.

    Glasses are also used to show someone is intelligent in movies and on TV. Ideas about people who wear glasses have begun to shift. People who do not need glasses sometimes wear them for fashion only. They want to look worldly or cool. But not everyone is impressed by this idea, though. GQ magazine said people who wear glasses for fashion are trying too hard to look smart and hip (时髦的). However, that hasn't stopped many celebrities from happily wearing glasses even if they do not need them. Justin Bieber is just one high-profile fan of fashion glasses.

(1)、What does the new study show?
A、People wearing glasses are smarter. B、People wearing glasses are healthier. C、Wearing glasses can make people cleverer. D、Wearing glasses is associated with higher IQ.
(2)、What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean?
A、Shift. B、Link. C、Proof. D、Consequence.
(3)、Why do some lawyers ask their clients to wear glasses in court?
A、Because it can create a moral image. B、Because it can mislead the witnesses. C、Because it can highlight clients' qualities. D、Because it can prove the clients' innocence.
(4)、What is the general attitude to those who wear glasses for fashion?
A、Positive. B、Negative. C、Mixed D、Indifferent.


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    Looking at China's history over the past 60 years,it is apparent that,despite much suffering,the country has achieved huge political,economic and social success,especially during the past three decades.

    The press center for the celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of new China was officially opened on the morning of September 22. Zha Shouchen,deputy director of the press center introduced that,during the National Day,there would be 3,200 domestic reporters,and more than 1,300 foreign journalists to come to Beijing to make the covering work.

    The press center provided many services for domestic and foreign reporters,such as issuing the press cards to reporters,accepting the interview application,organizing press conferences and activities of group interviews,providing the means of communication and information services for reporters.And the following was the scene.

    A grand parade in Beijing on Oct.1,led by the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force,showed some of China's latest achievements in defense modernization.About 8,000 military officers,along with tanks and other vehicles,formed a straight line stretching 3 kms.

    The military parade was followed by a civilian parade featuring six massive performing groups and 36 formations of about 100,000 people.In addition,60 floats(彩车)represented everything from the country's geographic areas to the previous year's Beijing Olympics.

    Everyday life in China is a parade on a grand scale,with citizens now being able to enjoy things their ancestors did not dare to contemplate 100 years ago,things their grandparents took for luxury 60 years ago,and things their parents did not even know how to attempt 30 years ago.


Maths and Music

    An excellent way to kill a conversation is to say you are a mathematician. Tell others you are also a musician, however, and they will be hooked. Although there are obvious similarities between mathematical and musical activity, there is no direct evidence for the kind of magical connection many people seem to believe in.

    I'm partly referring here to the "Mozart effect", where children who have been played Mozart compositions are supposedly more intelligent, including at maths, than other children. It is not hard to see why such a theory would be popular: we would all like to become better at maths without putting in any effort. But the conclusions of the experiment that expressed the belief in the Mozart effect were much more modest. If you want your brain to work better, you clearly have to put in hard work. As for learning to play the piano, it also takes effort.

    Surely a connection is quite reasonable. Both maths and music deal with abstract structures, so if you become good at one, then it is likely that you become good at something more general that helps you with the other. If this is correct, it would show a connection between mathematical and musical ability. It would be more like the connection between abilities at football and tennis. To become better at one, you need to improve your fitness and coordination (协调). That makes you better at sport and probably helps with the other.

    Abstract structures don't exist only in maths and music. If you learn a language then you need to understand its abstract structures like grammar. Yet we don't hear people asking about a connection between mathematical and linguistic (语言的) ability. Maybe this is because grammar feels mathematical, so it wouldn't be surprising that mathematicians were better at learning grammar. Music, however, is strongly tied up with feelings and can be enjoyed even by people who know little about it. As such, it seems different from maths, so there wouldn't be any connection between the two.

    Let's see how we solve problems of the "A is to B as C is to D" kind. These appear in intelligence tests but they are also central to both music and maths. Consider the opening of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (小夜曲). The second phrase is a clear answer to the first. The listener thinks: "The first phrase goes upward and uses the notes of a G major chord (和弦); what would be the corresponding phrase that goes downward and uses the notes of a D7?" Music is full of puzzles like this. If you are good at them, expectations will constantly be set up in your mind. The best moments surprise you by being unexpected, but we need the expectations in the first place.


    Does your local high school have a student newspaper? Only 1 in 8 of New York's public high schools has student newspapers – and many of those are published just a few times a year. A few more are online, which can leave out poorer schools.

    Rebecca Dwarka, an 18-year-old senior who works for her student paper said, “Facebook is the new way of finding out what happened. Nobody wants to actually sit down and read a whole article about it. This makes a 'whole article' sound a little like a long sentence in lonely places.”

    I am not nostalgic about high school student newspapers and never worked for mine. I put out what was then called a personal magazine with a group of friends because we wanted to write about peace, war and rock 'n' roll without school officials warning us not to make jokes about the local officials.

    School newspapers are in decline because students now find out what happened on social networking websites. This is a little discouraging because it proves that for millions of Americans, journalism is becoming a do-it-yourself thing. Every citizen can be a reporter.

    When something happens, we look for social media messages. Facebook posts and Tweets have become the means by which citizens and reporters can prove, deny, pass on stories and express opinions without the press' challenging, researching or slowing the message.

    But truly good journalism is a craft, not just a blog post. It requires seeing something carefully and it uses an eye for details to help prove a larger view. And even journalism that conveys an opinion tries to be fair. If school newspapers begin to disappear, I hope there are other ways for students to learn that.


I recently spent half a weekend sitting on the sofa watching the Davis Cup. I thought about going for a run, but I did not want to miss the rest of the match. Soon it was starting to get dark, so I did not bother (费神). Whenever I watch tennis, I think how nice it would be to play it regularly. But I have been thinking that for almost 20 years without actually setting foot on a court. The evidence would suggest that I'm not the only one.

When a country or city competes to host an international sporting event, it often promises that more people will take up sports as a result. London was no exception. Tessa Jowell, who helped to bid for (申办) the 2012 Olympics for London, said that by 2012 two million more people would be physically active. And 60 percent of young people would be doing at least five hours of sports per week.

In the end, just over one-third of people in Britain take part in sports once a week. A report on Olympic and Paralympic influences has said that a big change in participation levels simply has not happened.

Why isn't there a big increase in people taking part in sports after most sporting events? Perhaps it is a mistake to assume a definite link between watching sports and playing it. While the games are on, they actually encourage people to do just the opposite — to spend whole sunny days not out playing sports, but inside sitting on the sofa with the curtains shut to stop the sun shining on the TV screen. We don't expect half the audience of a hit musical to apply to drama school the next day, yet we seem to expect it of sporting events.

The high-level performances on show only remind people that they could never match the excellent athletes in their sporting achievements even if they trained full time.

Maybe participation in sports is not the right thing to expect after a major sporting event. The Olympics can do many things, but maybe this cannot necessarily be one of them.


International Literature Festival Dublin( ILFD)is now seeking plans for its 2024 programme edition responding to the theme of "Words Upside Down". For this year's open call, ILFD invites artists, creative practitioners(从业人员)and groups from all arts backgrounds to give in event plans responding to the theme and suitable for showing at ILFD's new Literary(文学的)Village in one of Dublin City's finest parks, Merrion Square Park, running from 17th to 26th of May, 2024.

We encourage plans which accept curiosity and wonder, cause conversation or new ways of listening. This year, we are especially interested in work that will bring its audience in close contact with either the natural or the artificial(人工的)world or both. We welcome plans which are suitable for audiences aged 16 and above. Above all, we welcome plans that break away from the forms of traditional literary events. We are only able to accept plans made from artists based in the island of Ireland.

Successful applicants(申请人)will be supported by the festival team to bring their ideas to life during this year's programme which will be presented in Dublin City's Merrion Square Park. The closing date for applications is Monday 11th of March, 5 pm.


●The content of the plan must be presented during the festival dates.

●The festival expects that the artist or author is able to work independently and has a clear idea for the operation of their plan.

●The festival will provide access to its technological equipment(projectors, speakers, media players, etc).

●Funds ranging from €500 to €1,000 are provided for each project.

