
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研(新标准)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级上册Module 3 Sports 单元测试卷


    When I was five years old, I took a boat out on the river and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish! But they were not biting. I stayed in my boat for three days, waiting. A few times, I thought I felt a fish at the end of the line. The first time I pulled in my catch, it was not a fish; it was an old bag. The second time, it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the third day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line. The pull was so strong that my boat raced around and around. I needed all my power just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled, and I pulled and I caught the biggest fish that ever swam on the earth! It was heavier than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened! After I pulled the huge fish into my boat, I saw that the boat was going under water! Water was coming into the boat from all sides! I was not a very good swimmer, so I was scared.

    Although it was the hardest choice I ever made, I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat, and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away.

(1)、How long did the writer spend in his boat?

A、Two days. B、Three days. C、Four days. D、Five days.
(2)、What did the writer get when he pulled in his catch the second time?

A、A shoe. B、A bag. C、A fish. D、A boat.
(3)、How did the writer feel when water came into the boat from all sides?

A、Excited. B、Surprised. C、Scared. D、Interested.
(4)、Why did the writer let the fish go?

A、He wanted to learn to swim with the fish. B、He tried to stop the boat going under water. C、He noticed there was a hole in his boat. D、He found that the fish was really scary.
      Many people think self-confidence is the key to a happy, successful life. But where does self-confidence come from?  {#blank#}1{#/blank#}    .
I'm Lucy. Self-confidence means that I can do something well. It's even better if someone else tells you that you're good at something, too. When people listen to me and pay attention to my ideas, I know they like me. When people don't listen, I sometimes feel sad.  {#blank#}2{#/blank#}   .
       I'm Jeff. Respect from my family and friends makes me feel the best. I don't care if I'm the best football player, or I don't get the highest grade on a test, or don't succeed at everything I do.    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}   . If someone says something unkind about you, you don't mind that much because you know they're wrong—that means you have self-confidence.
    I'm Sue. I really feel good when my mum gives me a hug and says,“Have a nice day!”before I leave the house. Also, one day in a store I asked a salesman where to find something, and to my surprise, he said,“You have a beautiful smile.” For the rest of the day I was happy. These kinds of things have to come naturally and from the heart, but they make a big difference in the way a person feels.
{#blank#}4{#/blank#}   . Believe that no matter who you are, you can build your own self-confidence.

A. I hope someone will care about me
B. You should remember“You can do it if you think you can.”
C. Here's what some students have to say about it
D. I only care that I have tried my best and people respect me for it
E. Listening shows they care about me
