
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 9单元测试


    Mr Turner teaches in a middle school. He's friendly to his students. And he is always strict with himself. He often tells his students to be polite and to do their best to help the persons who are in trouble.

    One Monday morning, Mr Turner didn't go to work and went to see Mr White who was ill in hospital. As something was wrong with his car, he had to take a bus. At first he easily found a seat, but soon plenty of people got on the bus and it was very crowded. Some of them had to stand. Mr Turner looked around and saw a woman standing behind. He stood up and made room for her. The woman said nothing and sat down. Her behaviour made Mr Turner unhappy.

    "It's necessary for her to be taught how to be polite," he said to himself. Then he asked, "What did you say, madam?"

    "I didn't say anything, "answered the woman.

    "I thought you said 'Thank you!"'

    When the woman heard this, her face turned red.

(1)、What does Mr Turner do?

A、He is a worker. B、He is a doctor. C、He is a teacher. D、He is a driver.
(2)、What was wrong with Mr White?

A、He was ill. B、His car didn't work. C、He missed the class. D、He took the wrong bus.
(3)、Why was Mr Turner unhappy?

A、Because the woman took his seat. B、Because it was too crowded. C、Because the bus was late. D、Because the woman was impolite.
(4)、Why did the woman's face turn red?

A、Because she realized she was not polite.     B、Because she forgot what she had said. C、Because she was a very shy woman. D、Because she was angry.
(5)、What do you think the woman would say at last?

A、Never mind. B、I'm sorry. C、Excuse me. D、You are wrong

    There is a hiking trail (远足小径) near Sara's home. The trail begins at the foot of the mountain and leads all the way to the top. One day, Sara and her father planned to go on a hike. Sara had packed lunches earlier that morning. Her lather filled their backpacks with other things and they set out!

    As they started up the trail, Sara's father pointed out many different plants along the trail. He showed Sara the difference between the leaves of an aspen tree and a spruce tree. Sara was glad that her father knew so much! She always learned something whenever they went on a hike.

    "Look over there," Sara said in a low voice. They had just turned a comer on the mountain trail. Lying in the grass next to the trail was a small baby deer(鹿). It looked at them with wide eyes, but it did not move.

    "Where is its mother?" Sara asked. "Do you think we should stay here and watch it?"

    "That's a good idea," answered her dad. "We must not go any closer, though." As they sat down and unpacked their lunch, Sara asked her dad why they couldn't go any closer to the deer. He explained that sometimes, if the mother smelled humans too close to her baby, she would be too afraid to come back. Sara and her father agreed that they would wait for the mother to come back, but that they would not get too close to the deer.

    Soon a larger deer walked slowly up to the baby deer. The mother and baby ran quickly down the trail.

    Sara and her father packed up their things and continued up the mountain. They knew that the deer was now safe.

