
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of people,

    Moreover, a great many relationships come under the general term "friendship". In all cases, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of closeness between them and the reasons for their interest in each other change greatly.

    At the beginning, much depends on how people meet, and on good first impressions. As we get to know people,  Although these factors are not of the greatest importance, it is more difficult to have a good relationship with people when there is a big difference in age and background.

    Then,  Friends will stand closer together and will spend more time looking at each other than ordinary friends. Smiles and soft voices also express friendliness, and it is because they may give the wrong signals that shy people often have difficulty making friends. A friendly look with a wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.

    Some relationships are a result of argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have the same ideas and beliefs, the same opinions and interests. The more closely involved people become, the more they depend on each other. And   Equally, friends have to learn to make allowances for each other, to put up with annoying habits, and to accept differences in opinions.

    In contrast with marriage,  But the support and understanding that results from shared experiences and affections does seem to create a close and lasting relationship.

A. we are usually friends with only a few.

B. many factors can affect friendship and relationship.

C. people want to do friends favors and hate to let them down.

D. argument and discussion can improve personal relationships.

E. we consider things like age, race, looks, economic and social status, etc.

F. there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the relationship between two people.

G. we pay attention to actual behavior, facial expression, and the way a person speaks.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Ebola is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. The virus is causing the biggest problems in western Africa, where it has spread quickly. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But it can get worse and cause life-threatening symptoms(症状), such as bleeding and trouble breathing.


    Ebola does not spread like colds or the flu because it does not float through the air. Ebola also doesn't spread through food or water, like some other viruses. Instead, Ebola spreads when someone touches the body fluids(液体) of a sick person.


    An outbreak is when many people are getting sick with the same illness around the same time. You may have heard of a flu outbreak, which is when lots of people get sick from the same types of flu virus. When an outbreak happens because of a virus, more people could get sick because there is a lot of that virus around.

    Where did Ebola come from?

    Scientists aren't sure how the first person gets Ebola at the start. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Tropical animals in Africa believed to carry the virus include great apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats, porcupines, and forest antelopes.

    What do kids need to do about Ebola?

    Ebola is making many people sick in Africa, but no matter where you live, it's always a good idea to wash your hands well and often. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. How do people catch Ebola?

B. But they think that people may pick up the virus by touching or eating infected animals.

C. Why do I need to wash my hands?

D. It's very important that infected people get treatment right away.

E. Ebola symptoms can start with fever and headache, kind of like the flu.

F. What is an outbreak?

G. Keeping hands clean can help protect you from common illnesses like colds and the flu.


    It's reported that a male waiter recently poured boiling water over a female customer at a hot pot restaurant after the woman was caught complaining about the waiter's bad service online{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The female victim, surnamed Lin, reportedly got into an argument with the waiter, surnamed Zhu, when Zhu refused her repeated request for additional soup for her pot. Lin was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with severe bums on up to 40% of her body.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Many netizens criticized the waiter for being too impulsive and ignoring the possible consequences, but some also accused Lin of being too picky. Meanwhile, some came up with a question worthy of discussion:{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Many tragedies are caused by arguments and if the victim can control his or her anger and try to reach a compromise, the tragedies could possibly be avoided. Sometimes so-called “cowardliness” can be a form of self-protection, especially when you are faced with strangers and you know little about their personalities.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When they calm down afterwards, they would regret their “ridiculous” behavior and have to pay the price for the consequences.

    In May, a male driver in the southwestern city of Chengdu was captured on film intercepting a woman's car and dragging her out of her seat, throwing her on the ground, before cruelly kicking her several times on the head, simply because the woman suddenly changed lanes in front of his car.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Forgive others' mistakes and avoid fueling others' anger. Accordingly, you may be less likely to suffer from unexpected troubles.

A. Will the situation be out of control because of your anger?

B. Intolerance has contributed to lots of violent incidents.

C. How to keep ourselves safe when we argue with others?

D. The waiter has been arrested for further investigation and trial.

E. This incident caused an outcry among netizens and opinion leaders.

F. But it is difficult to control our anger when we have conflict with others.

G. So next time you deal with conflict, it is mere advisable to control your temper and say “sorry” with a smile.


How to Make Friends

    It can be difficult to make friends living in a big city, especially when you don't know many people. However, over years of experience and studying social skills, I have discovered that it's possible to make friends without even trying. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ⒈Be seen without trying to get attention.

    You don't have to say anything interesting to get people's attention, {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This can be done anywhere you go, such as the supermarket or your yoga studio.


    There's an interesting phenomenon that occurs when you listen to other people. They will keep talking. Just keep giving them good eye contact and show with your body language that you care. Listening is an instant way to build trust and likeability.

    ⒊Think about what you can give to the other people.

    We often think about what we can get from others when we try to make friends. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Try offering a piece of helpful advice or invite someone you just met to grab coffee or lunch with you the following week.

    ⒋Always have some good stories to tell other people.

    When you have at least a few stories to share with others, you'll never run out of things to talk about. Try to be honest to share your stories with others. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    ⒌Smile like there's no tomorrow.

    It may not be natural for some of us to smile, but a smile is one of the most attractive things that someone can display when they're meeting new people.

A. However, that thinking needs to be changed.

B. All you have to do is place yourself in environments where people will see you.

C. Don't ever stop thinking about how you can add value to yourself.

D. There are just a few strategies that you have to use on a consistent basis.

E. Try to be involved in conversation.

F. Use the power of listening.

G. For example, you can share a story about a struggle or challenge.


    When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, having more influence on others and getting more chances to live a happier life. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend some time thinking about your strong points. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} You won't have much difficulty fitting in.

    Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. When people notice your kindness, they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of yourself.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Various activities like playing football can help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you'll be amazed to see how much they like you. Instead of wasting time being alone, go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship.

    Do smile to everyone every day. It makes both you and others feel happy. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Humor catches others' attention as well. People will like you for making them live happily.

    If you follow what is mentioned above, you will be accepted by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.

A. Be active in group activities.

B. A pleasant smile costs the least and does the most.

C. Here is some advice that can help you.

D. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step.

E. A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.

F. However, everybody needs friends.

G. Even so, it often leaves one to wonder if we fit in well.


    You can take fish oil supplements. You can invest in a language class. There are countless methods to improve your memory and cognitive functioning.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. It's called reading. It is amazing how such an ordinary activity can improve your brain in so many ways.

    The most basic impact occurs in the brain area associated with language reception. Compared with processing spoken language, reading encourages the brain to work harder and better.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. A study found that some of those benefits lasted for five days.

    Reading also energizes the region responsible for motor activity. That's because the brain is a very lively play actor. When it is reading about a physical activity, the neurons(神经元)that control that activity get busy as well. You may not actually be riding a horse when you're reading Seabiscuit, but your brain acts as if it is.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}, the better it is for your overall cognitive performance.

    What if you are a poor reader who feels as if you'll never be able to read enough to harvest these benefits?{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Scientists studied children aged eight to ten who were below-average readers. One hundred hours of reading classes significantly improved the quality of their brains' white matter -the tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter, where information is processed.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Results from a study indicate that close literary reading gives your brain a better workout than leisurely reading. The ability to read closely needs to be developed. So turn off your phone and your computer, set aside a good hour or two-and just read.

A. Reading is good for your health

B.A book can fix that problem too

C. If you read books on a regular basis

D. Not all reading is actually created equal

E. And the benefits continue long after reading

F. The more parts of your brain that get a workout

G. But the most effective way to sharpen your brain is right here


How to test best

It's back to school, which means it's back to tests. Which might also mean it's back to being majorly stressed out.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are some simple ways to prepare thoroughly for tests.

Schedule study time.

Trying to do all studying the night before a test makes it impossible to master all the material.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Instead, prepare for a test by scheduling study time each day for several days before.

Use your time wisely.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Also, make sure you have all the supplies you need to study so you don't lose focus.

While studying, be sure to make regular short breaks. Get a snack, take a bathroom break or play a quick computer game when it feels as if your brain is about to explode.


Studying with a parent or friends can help you understand the material better and to learn from one another. Have every person or pair take a part of the material, and come up with questions to quiz the group.

Keep the group small. Have everyone take turns as the group leader, who will assign the material, and make sure that conversation stays on what is being studied.

Don't forget last-minute prep.

Have your sharpened pencils and other things in your bag ready the night before the test. It's important to get a good night's sleep and then eating a healthy breakfast the next morning.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

Also, studying all the way up until test time can only create more anxiety. Stop studying an hour beforehand.

A. Form a study group.

B. Stay cool before the test.

C. It doesn't have to be this way.

D. This will help you store important information.

E. This way, both your mind and body are fully prepared.

F. Before studying, clear your desk so you can concentrate.

G. It will also make you tired and stressed on the day of the test.

