
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.  .Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

    You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.  .Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.  .

    The following methods may work best for you.

    Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

    Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

    Write your notes in your own words.


    Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

    As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.  .
A. Use words, not complete sentences.
B. There are three practical note-taking methods.
C. You must write your notes on separate paper.
D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.
E. You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.
G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


    When it comes to the Internet, passwords which people often use are under fire.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Research has shown that passwords are not a very good way to protect sensitive information.

    People would use some random characters, numbers and symbols. Furthermore, a unique password would be used for every site or application the user uses. Unfortunately, the more complex they become, the more people are likely to forget their passwords. The longer the passwords are, the more easily forgotten they are.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Google is trying to kill off the password on Android devices by introducing the Trust API, which does what simple passwords cannot. It gives developers a framework for securing their applications using a number of security systems and metrics (指标) on the device. A Trust Score will be generated based on the metrics the device gathers.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    The Trust Score will be generated based on both metrics like your device location, face scanning, fingerprint and so on. Taken one at a time, these metrics are not secure. But taken together, these metrics will help define the real “you”.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}This summer, Google will be running tests with some banks to see if Trust API meets their needs before rolling out to all developers later this year. It may take another year for apps and popular sites to start using the Trust API.

This is a pretty exciting change. Passwords have been around for long and although the security of systems has been improved, the convenience of systems hasn't been improved much.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Maybe that never-ending conflict between security and convenience will be able to take a break once the Trust system comes out.

A. Google appears to have the best of them.

B. Actually it's been under fire for a long time.

C. People tend to care more about its advantages.

D. Google has already been testing this on the real world.

E. Google has proved that the system is more convenient.

F. Therefore, they use the same password for each application.

G. It'll allow or refuse your application based on your trust score.


    Maybe you are an ordinary student. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}This is not necessarily so. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here's how:

    Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc, then decide a good, regular (有规律的) time for studying. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

     Make good use of your time in class. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

    Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}  If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

    Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be over worried.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. This will help you understand the next class.

B. You probably think you will never be a top student.

C. Don't forget to leave enough time for entertainment (娱乐).

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. There are other methods that might help you with your study.

F. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

G. Make full use of spare time to take note of what the teacher says in class.


    Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” {#blank#}1{#/blank#} I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

    First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn't matter. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.

    Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive(主动的) language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

B. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.

C. They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.

D. If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

E. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes.

F. However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”!

G. The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} According to a new survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids aged 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 pm or later on school nights, even though they have to get up early. Last year the Foundation reported that nearly 60% of 7- to 12-year-olds said they felt tired during the day, and 15% said they had fallen asleep at school.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Babies need a lot of rest: most of them sleep about 18 hours a day! Adults need about eight hours. For most school-age children, ten hours is ideal. But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10- to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV.

    "More children are going to bed with TVs on, and there are more opportunities to stay awake, with more homework, the Internet and the phone," says Dr. Mary Carskadon, a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School. She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm.

    Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers, some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Students parents and teachers are pleased with the results.

A. How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age.

B. Other experts say part of the problem is chemical.

C. Getting less sleep has become a bad habit for most American kids.

D. what homework waiting for kids might always affects them sleep well every night.

E. Raising the minimum sleep is identified as a key way to help solve the problem.

F. Three years ago, schools in Edina, Minnesota, changed the start time from 7:25 am to 8:30 am.


    How to prepare for an exam is a big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you.

    Never fear or hate exam and be confident.

    Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get upset and won't be able to get marks.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}You have to be confident and it is of great help for you to gain success.

    Prepare a good timetable.

    Prepare a timetable before starting the study.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Difficult subjects can be given more time and easier ones less, but most importantly you should spare some time for rest.

    Select a proper atmosphere for studying.

    Studying atmosphere plays a very important role.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}So pick a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can pay attention to what you are doing. Make sure that while you are studying a subject you are focusing on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about all the things you have to learn.

    Make notes while studying

    This is a very important point. While studying, make small notes. The note should be short and clear to make the review easier.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Yet don't try to cover everything in it.


    On the night before exam you have to sleep well, at least 6 hours and not more than 8 hours. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet.

A. Sleep well and eat well.

B. So try to present answers in points.

C. This should include all the subjects.

D. Can anyone study well while others around are watching TV?

E. A good note shall include the most important points.

F. This will be of great use to your coming exams.

G. So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study.


Green: More than just a colour

    Green is an important colour in nature. It is the colour of grass and the leaves on trees. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Sometimes, the word green means young. fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

    The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play Othello.

    In most places in the world,a green light is a sign to move ahead. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}In everyday speech, a green light means approval to continue with a project. We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week.

A. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation.

B. Someone is also the colour used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy.

C. Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.

D. A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.

E. The new plants produced much larger crops

F. It is also the colour of most growing plants.

G. About one hundred years ago, having a green thumb was a popular expression in the American west.

