
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Many people thought a computer wasn't supposed to be able to beat a top master at the ancient Chinese game, Weiqi, for at least another 10 years. But AlphaGo, an artificially intelligent system(人工智能系统) designed by Google, made it. It easily beat Lee Sedol last year, one of the best players in the world. It challenged the world's top players to show how much progress it had made over the past few years.

    In the late of May, 2017, AlphaGo appeared in China and played against 19-year-old Ke Jie in Wuzhen, China. He is No. 1 player now in the world. However, the result wasn't out of people's expectation. He lost the matches. Though Ke Jie tried his best and he once saw the victory just a step away, he lost his best chance when he became excited.

    At the press conference(新闻发布会) after the match, Ke Jie was interviewed by the reporters. He said he had realized how powerful AlphaGo was, and it was getting perfect. When a Chinese reporter asked him in English, the reporter spoke so fast that the interpreter(口译员 ) couldn't catch him. Ke Jie got kind of angry and told him that it was unnecessary for two Chinese to speak English. The reporter apologized to him and offered to ask him for a coffee.

    The cat and mouse game is over, but the challenge between man and robots will still go on.

(1)、Which was the most probable date when Ke Jie played against AlphaGo?
A、May 5. B、May 23. C、May 18. D、May Day
(2)、Why did Ke Jie get angry at the press conference?
A、Because he lost the game. B、Because the reporter couldn't catch the interpreter. C、Because the reporter asked him in English. D、Because the reporter wasn't able to speak Chinese well.
(3)、According to the passage, which of the following statements is True?
A、People thought a computer could beat humans many years ago. B、Ke Jie was expected to lose the matches. C、Ke Jie asked the reporter for a coffee. D、AlphaGo had great trouble winning the game last year.
(4)、AlphaGo is______________.
A、Ke Jie B、Lee Sedol C、a Weiqimatch D、an artificially intelligent system


    The value-packed, all-inclusive sight-seeing package that combines the best of Sydney's harbor, city, bay and beach highlights. 

    A Sydney Pass gives you unlimited and flexible travel on the Explore Buses: the ‘red' Sydney Explorer shows you around our exciting city sights while the ‘blue' Bondi Explorer visits Sydney Harbor bays and famous beaches. Take to the water on one of three magnificent daily harbor cruises(游船). You can also travel free on regular Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries or City Rail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city.

    Imagine browsing at Darling Harbor, tasting the famous seafood at Watsons Bay or enjoying the lights on an evening ferry cruise. The possibilities and plans are endless with a Sydney Pass. Wherever you decide to go, remember that bookings are not required on any of our services so tickets are treated on a first in, first seated basis.

    Sydney Passes are available for 3,5 or 7 days for use over a 7-calendar period. With a 3 or 5-day pass you choose on which days out of the 7 you want to use it. All Sydney Passes include a free Airport Express inward trip before starting your 3,5 or 7 days, and the return trip is valid (有效的) for 2 months from the first day your ticket was used

Sydney Pass Fares




3-day ticket




5-day ticket




7-day ticket




*A child is defined as anyone from the ages of 4 years under 16 years. Children under 4 years travel free.

**A family is defined as 3 adults and any number of children from 4 to under 16 years of age from the same family.


Children and Youth Sidewalk Sale

    Young people are bursting with artistic energy. The Children and Youth Sidewalk Sale (CYSS) of the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts is a fun way for boys and girls to express themselves visually. It focuses on encouraging the creative growth of young people, believing they can develop their artistic potential through personal expression in individual original objects.

    CYSS is a highlight of Children and Youth Day, Wednesday, July 12, 2018. This day features performances for and by young people, art and craft workshops and demonstrations. All artists must he between the ages of 8 and 18 and live or have relatives living in any of the centrally located Pennsylvania counties to participate.

    All artworks must be original and age-appropriate for the event's audience, most of whom are under 18. The sales of work made from small animals and the sales of food are prohibited. A complete listing of the rules can be found in the application. Please review the rules carefully as they may have changed since you last participated in the event.

    Artists must personally be present during the entire clay. Representatives, including family members, may not attend in place of the artist.

How to Enter

    Complete both sides of the entry form. A parent signature is required.

    On a separate sheet, provide a brief description of the artwork and the materials used. Do not send samples; they cannot be returned.

    Enclose at least one photograph of your work.

    Mail application and photo of your work to P. O. Box 1023, Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.


    Mrs Smith trembled(颤抖)with excitement when she was told her fortunes(命运). "Somebody is coming home to you, " Mrs Gray said slowly. "He's carrying a rifle(步枪)on his back and he's almost there."

    Mrs Smith felt as if she could hardly breathe. "And there he is!"Mrs Gray cried, pointing to the road. They all rushed to the door to look.

    A man in a blue coat, with a gun on his back, was walking down the road toward the Smith farm. His face was hidden by a large pack on his back.

    Laughing and crying, Mrs Smith grabbed(抓住)her hat and her children and ran out of Mrs Gray's house. She hurried down the road after him, calling his name and pulling her children along with her. But the soldier was too far away for her voice to reach him.

    When she got back to their farm, she saw the man standing by the fence. He was looking at the little house and the field of yellow wheat. The sun was almost touching the hills in the west. The cowbells rang softly as the animals moved toward the barn(畜棚).

    "How peaceful it all is, "Private Smith thought." How far away from the battles, the hospitals, the wounded and the dead. My little farm in Wisconsin. How could I have left it for those years of killing and suffering?"

    Mrs Smith hurried up to her husband. Her feet made no sound on the grass, but he turned suddenly to face her. For the rest of his life, he would never forget her face at that moment.

    "Emma!" he cried.

    The children stood back watching their mother kissing this strange man. He saw them, and kneeling down, he pulled from his pack three huge red apples. In a moment, all three children were in their father's arms. Together, the family entered the little unpainted farmhouse.

    Later that evening, after supper, Smith and his wife went outside. The moon was bright, above the eastern hills. Sweet, peaceful stars filled the sky as the night birds sang softly.

    His farm needed work. His children needed clothing. He was no longer young and strong. But he began to plan for next year. With the same courage he had faced the war, Private Smith faced his difficult future.


    It's apparently become a trend in schools around the world to ban students from using the term, “best friends,” according to psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg. The movement, which is believed to have started in Prince George's school in South London, isn't intended to discourage close friendships, but rather encourage a wider friend group, Greenberg says.

    “Let's face it. You can't ban somebody from having a close relationship, and you can't really ban somebody from having a best friend but what the schools are trying to do is foster the idea of kids having more than a single friend,” Greenberg said.

    The idea is to increase the number of interactions a student may have with different members of his or her peer group. “I see kids come in all week long who are feeling awful because they are either nobody's best friend or their best friend has moved on,” Greenberg says.

    Jay Jacobs, who operates Timber Lake Camp in New York, stresses the downside of not fostering multiple relationships at a young age, for exactly that reason. “I think that there are problems in just having one friend,” Jacobs says. “Remember as you grow up, interests change, and children go in different directions.” Jacobs adds that teachers at Timber Lake, which changes positions between Glen Cove in winter and Shandake in summer, have made it a point to promote a more inclusive environment for years.

    Jacobs reminds people that, “As you grow up, interests change, and children go in different directions,” so having only one friend can be risky. He holds the belief that children will be better set up for success later in life if they get used to having a wider friend group at a young age. “It's about promoting kindness, looking to children to be kind to one another and to be aware of what it looks like when you're not,” Jacobs says.


    British scientists have discovered the willow trees planted at an angle could increase sugars for biofuel production.

    Willow is a fast-growing species. It is already used to produce fuels for the renewable heating and power market. In future it could also help to produce biofuel to power vehicles. It has been known that when willows growing in the wild are blown sideways, they tend to produce more sugars. But for a while it has not been known why this happens.

    Researchers at Imperial College London, led by Dr Nicholas Brereton and Dr Michael Ray of the Department of Life Sciences, have now solved the mystery. When the tree is blown sideways, its genes (基因) produce large numbers of sugar molecules (分子) to straighten the tree upwards.

    “This is an important breakthrough. Our study now shows that natural genetic changes are related to these differences. And this could well be the key to unlocking the future for green energy from willow,” said Dr Brereton.

    The research was carried out under lab conditions. The willows were grown at an angle of 45 degrees. They were compared to willows which grow naturally straight upwards. The team then looked for the same effect among the willows growing on the Isle of Orkney where strong winds cause the trees to bend at extreme angles. They discovered that the Orkney trees produce five times the amount of sugars found in willows grown in sheltered conditions.

    Willow is widely planted across the UK. The results show that biofuel crops such as willows could be grown in climatically changeable conditions where chances of growing food crops are limited.

    The study is published in Biotechnology for Biofuels.


Things to Do in Atlanta

    Need a run-down of the top things to do next month? Here is what's going on in Atlanta.

    In the Mood

    Date: November 22 through November 26,2018

    Time: 2:00pm~5:30pm

    Phone: 770-916-2800

    If you love the music of the 1940s,then here's what you need to do this Sunday. Go to a 1940s musical show at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre. The music of Glenn Miller has a distinctive sound. No need to ask me twice. Are you "In the Mood"?

    Party With the Penguins

    Date: November 20 through November 25, 2018

    Time:11:00 am~2:00 pm

    Phone: 404-581-4000

    Celebrate Penguin Awareness Day at Georgia Aquarium's annual Party With the Penguins. The party will feature fun activities, including the chance to see an African penguin up close and learn how to help protect this endangered species.

    Callanwolde Arts Festival

    Date: November 21 through November 22, 2018

    Time:10:30 am~5:30 pm

    Phone: 404-872-5338

    Located at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center, this event is a festival for artists, and by artists, letting them have a voice in the creation and operations of the festival. If you are of the artistic persuasion or enjoy a creative scene, don't miss out.

    Foolio's Hoodilly Storytime

    Date: November 21 through November 27, 2018

    Time:1:00 pm~4:30 pm

    Phone: 404-523-3141

    We make up a brand-new story every week. Come and enjoy a new story each time at Dad's Garage Theatre. Little ones will get to help provide key parts of the story and even add in their own jokes. Interactive and out-of-the-ordinary fun for kids and parents!

