
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier (收银台) in her general store.  I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying "thank you. "

    At first I was paid in candy.  I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. My father helped me set up a bank account.

    By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics (化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as "What color do you think I should wear?" I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup (化妆) ideas.

    The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn't need to be a Rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener.  Expect they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.

A. Later I received 50 cents an hour.

B. Before long, she let me sit there by myself.

C. I ended my selling a record amount of cosmetics.

D. Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers.

E. My grandma's trust taught me how to handle responsibility.

F. Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.

G. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.


    The young dolphin swam in the waters off Brisbane, Australia, and found his seafood dinner. Suddenly he realized that he was not the only hungry predator(捕食者)in the area. A ten-foot tiger shark aimed at the same fish. The dolphin refused to give up the meal and dashed to the shark. The shark attacked him, biting down hard into his back. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Later, on the sandy beach nearby, staff at the Tangalooma Resort were shocked to see the severely wounded male. He was a regular visitor, a playful 12-year-old dolphin called Nari. “We've known him all his life, since he was a baby,” says resort director Trevor Hassard. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}The wound measure about a foot long and more than an inch deep. He took photos of Nari and sent them to vets at Sea World, a local marine mammal park. They agreed that Nari needed emergency care.

    The next day, Sea World staff traveled to the beach to catch Nari.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Nor did he appear the next evening. Everyone was depressed and worried about him.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}“I had started thinking the worst,” Hassard says. “Words can't describe how excited we were.” Six rescuers surrounded Nari and carried him to Sea World. The vets performed an operation to remove the dead flesh from around the bite. Nari was then moved to a special pool where his wound was cleaned and treated regularly.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Sea World decided to tansort Nair back to his home beach. Hassard had worried that the other dolphins might reject Nari after such a long absence. That concern disappeared when Nari's friend Echo instantly recognized him and moved close to his side.

A. But Nari didn't show up

B. Three days later, Nari finally turned up.

C. He felt quite worried when he took a close look at Nari's injury

D. After seven weeks, Nari was fully recovered but growing restless.

E. Shark researchers are trying to warn people to escape without being eaten

F. The five-meter-long dolphin simply swam away, disappearing into the water below.

G. Luckily, the wounded dolphin managed to escape from the shark's biting with violent struggle.


    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} People traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies. Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich. On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.

    This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun. Even in ancient times, some pleasure travel occurred. During a typical season, 700,000 tourists. would crowd into the ancient city of Rome, where animals performed and magicians entertained them. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010, according to the World Trade Organization. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Probably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical well-being. Actually, traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel. In our fast developing, modern society where stress has become part of people's life, people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind. In 18th century Europe, young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education. Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modem mass media. People who travel to other countries can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

A. But why do people like traveling so much

B. Throughout history, most travel was not for pleasure

C. So they travel to a lake for a swim or to a park for a hike

D. The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel

E. Wealthy Romans made trips to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games

F. The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world

G. Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures


    If you want to learn English well, enlarging your vocabulary is important. Here are some helpful ways to help you to have a larger vocabulary.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}A good dictionary should be up-to-date and easy to understand. Make sure the definitions (定义) are written in clear English. I strongly recommend Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as there is good coverage of spoken and written English, British and American English, as well as clear example sentences.

    Make notes of new words. But before you write them down on you notebook, you should look them up in the dictionary and make sure you are aware of any grammatical information.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}When you write down the new word in your notebook, try to include an example sentence in English.

    Organize your notes into themes. Some people find it very helpful to do so. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}For example, you can have one page containing words which have something to do with houses, while another page containing words relating to jobs, and so on.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}The next time you have spare time, skip through your notebook. Choose a page where you have already stored a number of words and expressions, cover the page and try to remember what you wrote. Then look at the page and see how many words you have remembered.

    When you find a new word, check to see if you can use it in other ways. English is a flexible language—nouns, verbs and adjectives often share the same root. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Review the words in your notebook.

B. Have good English dictionaries.

C. Read books that contain some new words.

D. Look up new words and phrases in your dictionary.

E. For example, love, lovely, beloved and loveless all share one root.

F. For example, if you are looking up a verb, check to see if it can be used in a passive form.

G. So rather than have a list of words without any obvious connection, you can divide your notes into themes.


    It's reported that a male waiter recently poured boiling water over a female customer at a hot pot restaurant after the woman was caught complaining about the waiter's bad service online{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The female victim, surnamed Lin, reportedly got into an argument with the waiter, surnamed Zhu, when Zhu refused her repeated request for additional soup for her pot. Lin was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with severe bums on up to 40% of her body.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Many netizens criticized the waiter for being too impulsive and ignoring the possible consequences, but some also accused Lin of being too picky. Meanwhile, some came up with a question worthy of discussion:{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Many tragedies are caused by arguments and if the victim can control his or her anger and try to reach a compromise, the tragedies could possibly be avoided. Sometimes so-called “cowardliness” can be a form of self-protection, especially when you are faced with strangers and you know little about their personalities.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When they calm down afterwards, they would regret their “ridiculous” behavior and have to pay the price for the consequences.

    In May, a male driver in the southwestern city of Chengdu was captured on film intercepting a woman's car and dragging her out of her seat, throwing her on the ground, before cruelly kicking her several times on the head, simply because the woman suddenly changed lanes in front of his car.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Forgive others' mistakes and avoid fueling others' anger. Accordingly, you may be less likely to suffer from unexpected troubles.

A. Will the situation be out of control because of your anger?

B. Intolerance has contributed to lots of violent incidents.

C. How to keep ourselves safe when we argue with others?

D. The waiter has been arrested for further investigation and trial.

E. This incident caused an outcry among netizens and opinion leaders.

F. But it is difficult to control our anger when we have conflict with others.

G. So next time you deal with conflict, it is mere advisable to control your temper and say “sorry” with a smile.


    Can creativity be taught? That's a question without a simple yes or no answer. Creativity may not be able to be taught directly, but what you can get better at is frequently targeting at the circumstances of life which bring up the greatest chances for true creative expression. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, but more like something which manifests (显现) itself inside those who learn to develop it and create the right conditions for it.

Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You'll be sharper than someone who merely fights with a larger set of tools.

    Learn how to be resourceful. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Creativity is not just about creating something new but making old things work better as well. Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones. You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.

    Don't listen to feedback (反馈) and keep following your own path. The problem of asking for feedback is that the feedback will be given according to the person's past experience. Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as best. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Just don't let criticism (even the constructing type) destroy your creativity during the creative process.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Routines are positive if they strengthen a healthy creative consciousness and negative if they destroy that. The key is to discover a creative routine that puts you in a more creative mindset.

A. Creativity is not like a lightning strike

B. Having a routine is actually not a bad idea

C. You can literally do anything you like with them

D. Resourcefulness is about making the most of what you have to work with

E. The more limited your set of tools is, the more creative the output will be

F. This is done with good intentions, but it actually hurts your natural creativity

G. While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good


    Life is filled with regrets (遗憾). Anyone around you will have no difficulty in telling his regrets. As we get older, we look back and wish that we had made better choice. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Make better plans

    If you start to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. The earlier, the better.

    You will know what comes first and what comes last. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} If changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.

    Live a more active life

    You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} "Thank you" can bring a smile to someone's face. Learn to say "sorry" and don't be angry with others.


    A friend may make your life and he or she can break your life as well. So you have to think twice when you choose a friend. Good friends will always give you better ideas. When you get into trouble ask others for help. That little help may get you good results.

    Never fear failure

    Everybody fails. Even the greatest person fails before he or she achieves success. We should not fear failure, because failure is not the end of the road. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Life is good. We don't have to live in our past, but we do hope that we can plan better, live better, and work better when we have the chance to do so.

A. Ask others for help.

B. Find the right friend.

C. You also need to be kind.

D. What can we do to avoid future regrets?

E. Regrets play an important part in our daily life.

F. We must take failure as a chance to learn and improve ourselves.

G. You'll also know what you should do and what you shouldn't do.

