
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Chris Thomas used to think of Facebook as just a platform to get in touch with his friends. He now believes the social networking service with saving his life. The 28-year-old was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症) nine years ago and has relied on a wheelchair ever since.

    On July 15,2015,Thomas was getting ready for bed in his apartment,when a shelving(架子) fell onto his wheelchair and knocked him over,causing him to fall and hit the back of his head. After waking up from a few minutes of coma(昏迷),he realized he couldn't reach the string used to get the doorkeeper's attention.

    His phone was nearby and had the Facebook application conveniently open,so he posted a status update that immediately got his friends worried—even some he hadn't spoken to in years. “It was amazing,friends from six different states who didn't know each other were connecting with each other to get me help,” Thomas said. “Now that's the power of social media! You have hundreds of people at your fingertips.”

    Eight minutes after the status went up,an old friend,Leah,got in contact with Thomas' friend Brad,whose wife was in the neighborhood,and before you knew it there were 12 Facebook friends in his apartment,who took him to the hospital at once. They showed up to the rescue at the perfect time. Minutes before they arrived,Thomas thought he was going to have a panic attack,which he often suffers from because of his illness,but he's doing better now.

    “It felt good to know that my friends,even those I haven't spoken to in the past,came to save me,” Thomas said. “They all came together .I would've never imagined it.”

(1)、What did Chris Thomas do with Facebook in the past?
A、To sell his products online. B、To seek treatment for his illness. C、To communicate with his friends. D、To offer help to others.
(2)、What happened to Chris Thomas on July 15,2015?
A、He became seriously ill. B、He was hit by a shelving. C、He fell off a shelving. D、He fell to the ground.
(3)、What did Chris Thomas do to cause his friends' attention?
A、He shouted loudly. B、He telephoned them. C、He posted a status update. D、He hit the door heavily.
(4)、When seeing the status update,Chris Thomas' Facebook friends ________.
A、connected with each other to offer help B、came to his apartment at once C、gave him some practical advice D、took him to hospital immediately

    Conor Grennan was unwilling to be a volunteer(志愿者). The 29-year-old American was not sure if he had the skills or a strong feeling for it.However, he went to work at an orphanage(孤儿院) in Nepal. His first thought was to make people impressed.

    "I thought that if I volunteered just once. I could retell the story over and over," Grennan said in a Huffington Post article.However, his three-month stay it the orphanage turned into in unusual experience. It was 2004 and Grennan had given up his job to begin a year-long around-the-world trip, His first three months were spent in Nepal.

    When he arrived in the village, he knew nothing about the children or the local culture. When he opened the gate of the Little Princes Children's Home, he was faced by the excited children.

    The young American ended up caring for 18 children. He later discovered that they were trafficked(被拐卖的)children. So he walked through the mountains with great difficulty to find the kids' families, "I started walking with photos of the kids." he told the Reuters reporter. "I would show up in villages and show photographs around. I went with 24 photos, and I found 24 families." At the same time, he put his heart into Nepalese culture.

    Grennan said, “Volunteering is the single best way to see how the rest of the world lives.”

    He also encouraged others to do what he had done. He believes that volunteering needs only making decisions to show up.

    Grennan's fight against child-trafficking has changed him. His book, Little Prince, came out last week.


    Americans think that everything we British people say sounds smart. We think that they sound low-class, but secretly we think they sound cool. These are just stereotypes about British and American English, but there is some truth in them.

    What is certainly true is that the differences between British and American English continue to interest us.

    When the US was only around 20 years old, people were already saying that British accents sounded more intelligent, according to Erin Moor's book. That's Not English: Britishisms, Americanisms, and What Our English Says About Us.

    However, there are many different accents in Britain—Moor says the UK may have just as many regional accents as the US, even though the population is around one-fifth the size. In the UK, accents are much more related to class, but to many Americans, even an accent that British people think is “low class” is thought of as intelligent and superior, according to MPR News.

    American slang has been part of British people's vocabulary for a long time—the amount of American television, movies and music enjoyed in the UK means that British people have been using words like “cool” and “awesome” for years now. But sometimes words from the UK make it to the US—like “gobsmacked”.

    “Gobsmacked” started as slang (俚语) from northern England. “Gob” means mouth, so the word means “surprised as if someone smacked (掌掴) you in the mouth”. Reality television brought it to the US, Moor said. When the singer Susan Boyle became famous for her unlikely great singing voice on the show Britain's Got Talent, she used it all the time. “I'm gobsmacked,” she repeated, and it got popular.

    “Americans love a colourful piece of slang as much as anyone else,” said Moor. And this is just one example of how Britons and Americans can leave each other “gobsmacked” with their different types of English!


    Nine years ago, a few days before Christmas, I was a director at a company in San Francisco, and I was called into a meeting that was already in progress. That meeting turned out to be my exit interview. I was 64 years old at the time. It wasn't completely unexpected. I signed a pile of papers and left the company.

    So, 40 plus years of employment was over. I had a good reputation and background. Retirement was not a choice for me. I wanted to do something. And then an idea came into my mind, born from my concern for our environment. I wanted to build my own business, designing and producing biodegradable(可生物降解的)packaging from waste. This is called clean technology, and it was really meaningful to me. It could help reduce billions of pounds of single-use plastic packaging wasted each year.

    Five years later, I'm delighted and proud to share with you that our income has doubled every year and we have no debt. Meanwhile, I have a wonderful partner, and we've won more than 20 awards for the work that we've done.

    And I am doing the most rewarding and meaningful work of my life right now. But what I really long for is to find other first-time entrepreneurs(企业家)who are my age. I want to connect with them.

    So I want to do something about that in a few years. I want us to start talking more about people who don't become entrepreneurs until they are seniors. And then connecting all of them across industries, regions and countries—building a community.


    Poetry is the artistic expression of the human thoughts and feelings in rhythmical and emotional language. Compared with prose (散文) , it lays more stress on rhythm, imagery (意象), emotion, and imagination. As its language is rhythmical, its sound is highly musical. We may say, "No rhythm, no poetry", no matter the rhythm of poetry is traditional as in metrical (格律的) style or "natural" as in free verse.

    So the poet must write carefully and reflectively in order to find words that not only fulfills the demands of meter and rhyme, but also expresses the meaning in a manner that complements the imagery and tone of the rest of the poem. This careful use of language is the most significant difference between ordinary prose and poetry.

    The ordinary prose writer neatly builds an argument using words the way a mason (石匠) builds a house using bricks; the poet is an artisan who creates a fieldstone hearth (大卵石壁炉炉床) — each stone or each word is turned over  examined, and often laid aside until it can be placed where its shape, weight, and color will contribute to the strength and beauty of the whole. Prose, according to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is "words in their best order", and poetry is "the best words in their best order".

    The reader's chief delight in reading poetry comes from his response to its musical effect, which comes from many metrical patterns represented in conventional iambic (抑扬格) feet or from repetitions and parallel phrasing shown in free verse and from other elements of poetry.


American country music is also known as country western music. It has a very long history. It comes from the folk songs of immigrants (移民) from Britain.

 Country music uses simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love, and sadness. That is to say, country music describes life. It talks about friends and enemies, trucks and roads, farm and crops. People in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about.

Country western music became popular first among cowboys (牛仔) in the American west countryside. Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to calm the animals and to overcome their own fear. They were not well-educated and so they sang about their daily life in very simple words. They played guitars, violins and other instruments. In the south of America, many people added instruments from their homes, like bottles and spoons. When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country western music.  

In recent years, many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past. These changes make the songs sound even better. Today singers such as Carth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Emmylou Harris, Lyle Lovett, Eddie Rabbitt, LeAnn Rimes, Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles. They have brought country western music more and more fans from all over the world.

