
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



The Do's and Don'ts of Settling Family Problems

    Sometimes something more than consideration is necessary to resolve family issues. How should you cope with a family argument or conflict? Gad Krebs, a Positive Relationship expert, believes you should consider the following three options.

    Don't listen to random advice on how to have a successful relation

    Well intentioned people can offer relationship advice readily available.. Firstly, it's the case where those offering ideal solutions are struggling with miserable relations themselves. Secondly, even though they do enjoy harmony at home, the advice that works for them won't necessarily work for you. . This is a result of the unique personalities of the couple. What works for one couple may be disastrous for another.

    Ask for professional directions

    Businesses employ consultants and the sick visit doctors. These professional specialists can be reliable. Relationships should be no different. Living as a couple will lead to conflict; this is unavoidable. Although some disagreements can be settled by the couple alone, others cannot. .

    Turning to a competent specialist during a crisis can allow the couple to gain a new perspective on the issue, as well as give them an opportunity to evolve themselves. However, proud people are always unlikely to expose their problems. .

    Never say “You never” or “You always”

    In the heat of an argument people can shift their focus from specific and technical complaints – “You are 10 minutes late” – to broad and summary statements – “You're always late!” . It defines not only who they are, but who they always are.

A. Rely on professional specialists

B. Accept this advice and then ignore it

C. Most people as for help when they find themselves lost

D. Each relationship operates according to its very own courses

E. Criticism can turn poisonous when a specific issue becomes an identity

F. It is at this point that they need to be mature enough to seek outside professional help

G. Similarly, proud couples, like them, suffer unnecessarily due to their inability to ask for help


    To be more grateful (感恩的) in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you. I bet you ask yourself this question all the time: “How exactly can I be more grateful with my life?”{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    ⒈ Learn to live in the moment.

    Life is a wonderful adventure full of enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Don't just go through the motions of (走过场) repetitive(重复乏味的) activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie (行尸走肉) can make you more likely to take things for granted (对……不予重视).{#blank#}2{#/blank#}, make an effort to enjoy the experience.

    You're supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Enjoy the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite.


    Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for. Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently (持续的,始终如一地).

    ⒊ Control your thoughts.

    Of course you have the power to control what you're thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example: if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entitled (自我为中心), stop.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. You are given consciousness (意识). Make use of it wisely.

    ⒋Always resist the temptation (诱惑) of comparing yourself with other people.

    As humans, we have the natural tendency (倾向、偏好)to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Actually, this kind of activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}! You will always be meeting someone richer, which makes you fed inferior (下等的) to others!

    Don't do it, please.

    Every little thing counts. You have the ability to make yourself feel to be more grateful in your life.

A. Appreciate what you had in the past

B. And if you find yourself repeating negative (消极的) junk, stop

C. It does the opposite

D. Express gratitude all the time

E. Well, the following are some tips to help you with this particular concern (忧虑)

F. Instead of doing something just for the sake of (为了) doing it

G. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be removed


    Nearly everyone has spent at least one night lying in bed wishing for sleep. But for many, it's a nightly struggle. The key, or secret, is to experiment. What works for some might not work as well for others.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Set a regular bedtime. Go to bed at the same time every night.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be attractive to stay up late. If you want to change your bedtime, help your body adjust (调整).

   {#blank#}3{#/blank#}If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up on time naturally without an alarm. As with your bedtime, try to keep your regular wake-up time even on weekends.

    Be smart about napping (打盹). Though taking a nap can be a great way to become energetic again, especially for older adults, it can make insomnia (失眠) worse.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you must nap, do it in the early afternoon, and limit it to thirty minutes.

    Fight after-dinner drowsiness(睡意). What should you do when getting sleepy before your bedtime?    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} For example, washing the dishes, or calling a friend. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep.

A. Wake up at the same time every day.

B. Spend more time outside in the daytime.

C. When it's time to sleep, make sure the room is dark.

D. Get off the couch and do something to avoid falling asleep.

E. If insomnia is a problem for you, consider giving up napping.

F. It's important to find the sleep methods that work best for you.

G. Choose a time when you normally feel tired so that you can fall asleep easily.


    When you're feeling anxious or stressed, the strategies (策略) listed below can help you deal with it.

    Eating and sleeping well.

    Living a healthy lifestyle is important. From sleep to nutrition, the healthier your body is, the better it works, and the better it works, the less you'll experience anxiety. These aren't anxiety cures. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Simply sleeping more isn't going to magically take it away. However, they'll greatly reduce the symptoms, which should help you deal with anxiety much more easily.


    Yoga is a type of exercise that has great benefits to reducing anxiety.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Those with anxiety need an opportunity to slow their lives down so that it feels more manageable.

    Relaxation Strategies.

    Many relaxation strategies exist that help you deal with anxiety. Flying your imagination is a great one.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Creating memories is another great one. You can go to the museum or try a new cuisine. These strategies give your mind an opportunity to be calmer so that you can cope with stress naturally.


    Your thoughts tend to be your enemy when you suffer from anxiety. So stop focusing on those thoughts and give yourself a break to simply calm down. Talking on the phone with someone you like about positive things can be more powerful than you realize.


    Writing thoughts down in a journal may seem like something you only did as a child.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}It not only gives you a chance to let out your thoughts, but tells your brain that it doesn't have to focus on remembering them as much as it did previously.

A. Distracting yourself.

B. Actively face your fears.

C. The key is to reduce their severity.

D. However* it's a powerful healing tool.

E. It is a slower form of exercise that is not challenging.

F. Simply imagine yourself and your five senses in a more relaxing place.

G. Anxiety is more of a mental health disorder developed through years of experiences.


    Warren Harding was the 29th President of the United States, serving from 1921 until his death in 1923. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} One was a successful international conference (会议).

    After World War One, Britain, Japan and the United States expanded their navies (海军). They built bigger and bigger ships. Many members of the United States Congress worried about the cost. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They asked President Harding to organize a conference to discuss these issues.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} President Harding invited representatives from the major naval powers of the time--Britain, Japan, France and Italy. He also invited representatives from countries with interests in Asia and Europe--China, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands. He did not invite the new Soviet leaders in Russia.

    Mr Harding's Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes, spoke. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} He proposed that the world's strongest nations should stop building warships for ten years. He also proposed that Britain, Japan, and the United States should destroy some ships to make their navies smaller immediately.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It involved the misuse of underground oil owned by the federal government. Warren Harding was an honest man. But he did not have a strong mind of his own. He was easily influenced. And he often accepted bad advice. He explained the problem with these words, “I listen to one side, and they seem right. Then I listen to the other side, and they seem just as right. I know that somewhere there is a man who knows the truth. But I do not know where to find him.”

A. He is remembered mostly for two events.

B. The conference was not a complete success.

C. They also worried about increased political tension (紧张) in Asia.

D. The conference was held in Washington in November, 1921.

E. President Harding appointed several men of great ability to his cabinet (内阁).

F. He offered the conference a detailed plan to reduce the size of the world's major navies.

G. The second thing for which President Harding is remembered is the Teapot Dome scandal (丑闻).


A. Building career choices.

B. Raising the spirits.

C. Volunteering means a lot more.

D. Building relationships with people is very important.

E. Volunteering is an excellent way to improve your independence.

F. She volunteers by performing in concerts for senior citizens.

G. Volunteering allows you to experience different environments and situations.

Why is volunteering important?

    When it comes to service work, it is important to realize that the actual goal should be getting the most out of your volunteering work. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Gaining new /social experiences.

    Volunteering allows students to get involved with new things and develop social and academic skills that couldn't be learned in a classroom environment. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Giving back and helping others.

    Volunteers create better environments for others—they create healthier communities and they brighten lives. Jill, a senior student, had been a volunteer in her community (社区) for more than three years. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} "They always tell me how great we sound and how they wish they had taken time to learn an instrument in their youth."

    Creating connections with people.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Not only does the volunteer work you do show who you are as a person, but it reflects many positive qualities that possible employers and admission officers want to see. Volunteering allows you to meet a wide variety of people from all sorts of walks of life.


    Volunteering isn't one of the most attractive jobs, but it is one of the most beneficial and uplifting (令人振奋的). It's taking some time out of your day to help others. Volunteer work makes us feel good. It builds self-confidence and lifts up the spirits.


    A sense of humour can be a person's greatest quality. This skill can help you interact (交流) more easily with others and improve your health. It allows you to find humour in both positive and negative situations, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, as well as make you better at dealing with difficult situations.

    Having a sense of humor is different from being funny. Being funny means being able to express humor: perhaps telling a laugh-filled story or a well-timed joke. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You don't have to be funny to have a sense of humor, or be the one telling jokes.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Think about your funny friends. How do they add humor to their conversations? What kinds of jokes do they make? Lean from comedians. Focus on their performance, the topics, and how they turn something plain (平淡的) into something humorous.

    Learn to joke. For example, to bring some humor to social functions, learn a few basic jokes. You can also look for humorous pictures and amusing statements to share with others. People often laugh at jokes that deal with their situations, where they live, or their beliefs. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. If you're in the same business, make a joke about that profession.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Enjoy small things, find humor in everyday situations, and find humor in life's misfortunes. Anyway, smile as often as you can, and try making others laugh, too.

A. Watch and learn

B. Look at the bright side of life

C. Also it may reduce stress and anxiety

D. True humour can show your personality

E. When you find yourself in an embarrassing situation, step back and laugh

F. Having a sense of humour means being able to let go and not take everything seriously

G. So you can make a light joke about the weather or the city in which you live to break the ice

