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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Great women

    When it comes to changing the world, these women have invented, researched and collected their way to a place in scientific history.

    Hedy Lamarr

    More widely known as a Hollywood star during the 1930s and 1940s, Hedy Lamarr(1914-2000)was much more than a pretty face. After her home country Austria was taken over by the Nazi, highly intelligent and fearless, Lamarr worked with scientist and inventor George Antheil to develop a secret communication system. Without her work, wireless(无线的)technology as we know it today would not exist. Today she is considered as the mother of WiFi.

    Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

    Ameenah Gurib-Fakim was born in 1959 in Mauritius, the country for which she now serves as the first woman president. She is a scientist who has spent many hours researching the local plants of Mauritius and their values as medicine. She has held many high positions in the fields of both politics and science and was awarded(授予)the 2007 UNESCO Award for Women in Science.

    Mae C. Jemison

    On June 4,1987, Mae C. Jemison became the first African-American woman to enter the space program. On September 12,1992, she joined several other astronauts on the Endeavour, becoming the first African-American woman in space. Born in Decatur, Alabama in 1956 and raised mostly in Chicago, Jemison holds many awards and degrees, As a child, Jemison spent a lot of time in her school library ,reading especially books space.

(1)、Which of the following did Hedy Lamarr achieve?
A、Introducing WiFi for the first time. B、Co-developing a communication system. C、Keeping her county from being taken over. D、Playing a key role in Internet development.
(2)、Why has Ameenah Gurib-Fakim spent much time studying plants?
A、To protect the environment. B、To draw Public attention to them C、To learn about their medical values. D、To help her people start business
(3)、It can be inferred that when Mae C.Jemison was young, she       .
A、showed great interest in space B、was encouraged by an astronaut C、failed to receive a good education D、wanted to become the first astronaut


    The Mandarin version of The Sound of Music will return to Beijing from Aug 18 to Sept 3,after its first tour of the country last year.Performed first in July 2016,the musical,produced by Seven Ages,a Beijing-based company devoting to adapting classical Western musicals into Chinese versions,has been staged more than 100 times and attracted over 100,000 people.

    The Broadway show,based on the book The Trapp Family Singers,which was written by Maria Von Trapp about her real-life experiences and published in 1949,made its debut in 1959.With music by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II,it won five Tony Awards,including Best Musical.When the Oscar-winning film with the same title was screened in China in the 1970s,the movie,which was released by Twentieth Century Fox in 1964,was very popular,especially its songs,such as Do-Re-Mi and Edelweiss.The Broadway production and the production by composer Andrew Lloyd Webber both toured China in 2008 and 2014,which expanded its Chinese fan base.

    The upcoming tour will see actors,including 11-year-old Beijinger Qiu Jiahao and 5-year-old Liang Xiaoxian, play the seven children in the family.Fu Zhenhua,a graduate of the Shanghai Theater Academy,and Dang Wenwei,a graduate of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,will play the roles of Captain Georg von Trapp and Maria Rainer.

    "My favorite aspect of this musical is the way it takes a look at various kinds of love we experience as human beings and even the love of things spiritual and unexplainable.And that is what I like most about The Sound of Music-it really is the sound of love," says Graves,a veteran Broadway director,who has lived and worked in China since 2002.

    After Beijing,the musical will be staged in Shenzhen in December and Shanghai next January.

If you go

    7:30 pm,Aug 18-Sept 3.Poly Theater,14 Dongzhimen Nandajie,Dongcheng district,Beijing,400-028-2577.


It's a popular belief that a fish's memory lasts for only seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don't remember what they've eaten or where they've been, and they don't recognize you or any of their friends—every moment in their life would be like seeing the world for the first time.

    But don't be so quick to feel sorry for them. A new study has found that fish have a much better memory than we used to think. In fact, certain species of fish can even remember events from as long as 12 days ago.

    In the study, researchers from MacEwan University in Canada trained a kind of fish called African cichlids to go to a certain area of their tank to get food. They then waited for 12 days before putting them back in the tank again.

Researchers used computer software to monitor the fish's movements. They found that after such a long break the fish still went to the same place where they first got food. This suggested that they could remember their past experiences.

    In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory. An earlier study showed that they behaved aggressively in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past “fights”. But until the latest findings, there was no clear evidence.

    Just as a good memory can make our lives easier, it also plays an important part when a fish is trying to survive in the wild.

    “If fish are able to remember that a certain area contains safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives at risks,” lead researcher Trevor Hamilton told Live Science.

    For a long time, fish were placed far below chimpanzees, dolphins and mice on the list of smart animals. But this study has given scientists a new understanding of their intelligence.


    French writer Frantz Fanon once said: "To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture." Since the world changes every day, so does our language.

    More than 300 new words and phrases have recently made it into the Oxford Dictionary Online, and in one way or another they are all reflections of today's changing world.

    After a year that was politically unstable, it's not hard to understand the fact that people's political views are one of the main drives of our expanding vocabulary. One example is "clicktivism", a compound of "click" and "activism". It refers to "armchair activists" -- people who support a political or social cause, but only show their support from behind a computer or smart phone.

    "We had all the words around Brexit (脱欧) in the last update and we are now starting to see all the words around Trump coming into the dictionary," Angus Stevenson, Oxford Dictionaries' head of content development, told The Guardian.

    Lifestyle is also changing our language. For example, "fitspiration -- a compound of fit and inspiration -- refers to a person or thing that encourages one to exercise and stay fit and healthy. The phrase "climate refugee" -- someone who is forced to leave their home due to climate change -- reflects people's concern for the environment.

    According to Stevenson, social media was the main source for the new expressions "People feel much freer to coin their own words these days." he said.

    But still, not all newly- invented words get the chance to make their way into a mainstream dictionary. If you want to create your own hit words, Angus Stevenson suggests that you should not only make sure that they are expressive and meaningful, but also have an attractive sound so that people will enjoy saying them out loud.


    The introduction of the iPad, with its touch screen technology, has allowed even very young children to take advantage of a computer. So what if all children in a school were given an iPad to use in class and take home with them?

    Anne Laure Bazin works in a school where every child, teacher and teaching assistant is given a free iPad to use in and out of lessons. For her, the main advantage of everyone having an iPad had been the improvement in communication. Documents can be emailed straight over to workmates during a meeting. Children submit their homework by email, or through the school's learning environment. Teachers now take the register (点名) using their iPad, which means that there is a record of which children are in school, and which classroom they are in.

    The use of iPad has encouraged greater sharing of resources among teacher. All communication with parents is now done by email. Working as a group in class is much easier as children can share documents. The whole class can look at one child's work by attaching (连接) the iPad to the whiteboard. If a child has forgotten the textbook, the teacher can take a photograph of the relevant (相关的) page and send it to the student in class.

    While the use of the iPad in schools has revolutionized (变革) the way children are taught, it hasn't completely replaced more traditional methods of teaching. Worksheets are still used in class as some children prefer the contact with paper. The children all have a textbook and exercise books. In Anne Laure's school, parents feared that the iPads would replace exercise books and children would lose handwriting skills. Anne Laure says, "The teacher are not ready to let go of the traditional style of teaching. We have welcomed the iPads in so much as they help communication and widen the resources available but we are not ready to let go of paper yet. The children themselves still value their exercise books and depend on them for review."

