
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A strong memory depends on the health and vitality(活力)of your brain. They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isn't true. .

    Give your brain a workout. Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”. The more you work out your brain, the better you'll be able to process and remember information.

    Don't skip the physical exercise. While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn't mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.

    Get enough sleep. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best. .

    Keep stress in check. Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies. Over time, stress destroys brain cells. Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.

    Have a laugh.  That holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the body. Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.

     Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, “healthy” fats and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. For brain health, though, it's not just what you eat—it's also what you don't eat.

A. Eat a brain-boosting diet.

B. Play games with memory.

C. Laughter is the best medicine.

D. But oversleeping is not good for your brain.

E. Even skipping a few hours makes a difference!

F. You have to shake things up from time to time!

G. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Live Peacefully with Your Parents

    As a teen,you are going through big changes physically and mentally.Your interests are expanding.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Here is the challenge: kids need to explore the world in new ways,and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in the world.These conflicts(冲突)can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm house. Sometimes conflicts can't be avoided.But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships,you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

    For example,try to find time to talk when your parents are not angry,tired,or hungry.A good time to talk is when you are all relaxed.Timing is everything.If the conversation begins to turn into an argument,you'd better calmly and coolly ask to stop it.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.Listen to what your parents are saying,and repeat it back to them.This shows them that you are listening.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} .

    Respect is the building block of good communication.People who respect each other and care about each other's feeling can disagree without getting things ugly.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.How do you build trust?Trust,comes by actually doing what you say you are going to do.Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships.Sometime we forget that parents are more than rule makers—they're interesting people who like to watch movies and go shopping—just like their teenagers!

    What do you do if you are trying your best,but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky?{#blank#}5{#/blank#} You can find supportive adults,such as a teacher or a coach,who can lend an ear.Remember you can only change your own behavior.Your parents are the ones who can change theirs.

A.You may consider seeking outside help.

B.Faced with this challenge,children don't know what to do.

C.And then you will be able to accept what your parents say.

D.You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if your parents believe in you.

E.And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.

F.It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you are not on the same page.

G.You can pick it up again when everyone's more relaxed.


    Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but this doesn't mean that we all behave in the same way.

    How should you behave when you meet someone for the first time?{#blank#}1{#/blank#}In Japan, you should bow, and the more respect you want to show, the deeper you should bow. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In Muslim countries, you shouldn't expose your body, especially women, who should wear long blouses and skirts. In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house. Remember to place them neatly together where you come in.

    In Spain, lunch is often the biggest meal of the day, and can last two or three hours.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In Mexico, lunch is the time to relax, and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat. In Britain, it's not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast.

    In most countries, an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions. It should include your company name and your position. If you are going to a country where your language is not widely spoken, you can get the back side of your card printed in the local language.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. For this reason, many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner.

B. As the saying goes, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do."

C. In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect.

D. In China, you may present your card with the writing side up.

E. An American shakes your hand while looking into your eyes.

F. Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldn't wear.

G. Don't make any noise when you eat or drink soup.


    Whether in your life or work, the following things are not the reasons for you to feel embarrassed. It's OK and just move on.

⒈Mistakes while learning

    There will be times when you have people above you(a boss) or even next to you(a coworker) that will get really annoyed with you for“ruining"  something "important".{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Even if you make mistakes and get a punishment, persevere and push on. You do not need to be embarrassed for learning from your mistakes.

⒉Food choices

    People are different and have different taste buds(味蕾).Whether it is healthy or not, food is a choice and it is part of life.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}  You do not need to be embarrassed for food you do or do not like. Tell them, "It is a personal choice I have made, and I am committed to it.”

⒊Your past

    Allowing positive experiences to define, limit, improve, and outshine(凸显)you may cause you to be caught up in the past and unable to truly live in the present. Whether your history is positive, negative, or somewhere in between, don't hold on to the negative experiences and let it reflect your current behavior,{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

⒋The clean lines of your car/home/workspace

    When everyone gets in the car, you realize your Starbuck bags are still on the floor. So what? Think about it this way: everyone has a "messy" aspect of their life. Maybe their home is completely clean, but the relationship with their spouse(配偶)is messy. Someone's car gets washed once a week, but his/her work life could use some help.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} We don't apologize to others about our personal limitations. By being outwardly embarrassed, it only brings more attention to the fact!

⒌Putting yourself first

    If you find yourself saying no to something or making up lies to get out of it,tell them the truth,  and don't apologize. You will feel much better in the long run if you are honest with them and yourself. If you're not up to a voluntary duty, you don't have to be. You can politely refuse the person's request.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Put yourself first.

A. It is simply a personal choice that people make for their own reasons.

B. It is okay to be selfish from time to time.

C. Errors are bound to happen when you have on your training wheels.

D. Each of them waits for your immediate help.

E. Let bygones(过去的事)  be bygones.

F. Forgetting history means betrayal.

G. No one on Earth lives a perfectly "clean" life in every aspect.


    The first TV was made by John Baird in 1925. It had one color. It could only show 30 lines. This was just enough room for a face. It didn't work well, but it was a start.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It was in New York- Few people had TVs. The broadcasts were not meant to be watched. They showed a Felix the Cat doll for two hours a day. The doll spun around on a record player. They were experimenting. It took many years to get it right.

    By the end of the 1930s, TVs were working well. America got its first taste at the 1939 Worlds Fair.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} There were 200 small, black and white TVs set up around the fair. The U. S. President gave a speech over the TVs. The TVs were only five inches big but the people loved it.

    By 1948 there were 4 big TV networks in America. They aired their shows from 8 to 11 each night. Local shows were aired at other times{#blank#}3{#/blank#}TV was not "always on" like it is now.

    Color TVs came out in 1953.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Also, shows were aired in black and white. By 1965, color TVs were cheaper. TV stations started airing shows in color. People had to switch if they wanted to see the shows.

    Now most TVs are high-def (高清). This means that they have many lines on them.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}TVs have come a long way since Baird's 30 line set. High-def TVs have 1080 lines. There are state of the art sets called 4K TVs. These TVs have 3,840 lines. Some people watch TV in 3D. I wonder what they will come up with next.

A. This makes the image clearer.

B. They cost too much money for most.

C. A big TV factory was opened in 1927.

D. The first TV station was set up in 1928.

E. People watch news and shows on them.

F. This was one of the biggest events ever.

G. Most of the time, nothing was shown at all.


Think like This When You Feel Stressed

    It's a sweet opportunity. If you look on pressure as a threat, you are sure to be negatively impacted by its occurrence. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They look on it as a great chance. They will cherish (珍惜) the pressure moment and approach it with confidence and enthusiasm.

    I'll get another chance. Under pressure, we often lose hope. We tend to distort (扭曲) the reality of the situation. One of the most common phrases is the “chance of a lifetime”, in which we tell ourselves, “I will never get an opportunity like this again, so I can't miss it. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    I'll do my best. This is what people who do their best under pressure tell themselves when they are going into a pressure moment. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Because it prevents them from wasting valuable energy worrying over things they can't influence and promotes confidence at the same time. Focusing on doing your best keeps you in the moment and guides your behavior toward success.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} People who perform their best in pressure will reduce the significance of the upcoming pressure moment, so they feel less stressed. Whether it's a sales call or an interview for their dream jobs, they are like winning athletes, and when asked how to handle the pressure of the big game, they responded, “It's just another game.”

    I can control how I respond. People who do their best in a pressure moment focus on what they can control. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you have an upcoming interview, don't worry about the other applicants. You can't control them. Practice how you will handle an unexpected problem.

A. It's no big deal.

B. It stops you paying attention to anxiety.

C. Instead, take care of your own business.

D. Remembering past successes increases your confidence.

E. In fact, we have many chances to succeed in our lifetime.

F. But people who do their best in a pressure moment are different.

G. Focusing on doing your best quickly decreases pressure in the moment.


    Test anxiety is actually a type of performance anxiety-a feeling someone might have in a situation where performance really counts. It can be a real problem if you're so stressed out over a test that you can't get past the nervousness to focus on the test questions and do your best work. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Use a little stress to your advantage.

    Stress is a signal that helps you prepare for something important. So use it to your advantage. Instead of reacting to the stress with fear, take an active approach{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Chances are that you'll keep your stress under control. After all, nobody ever feels stressedout by thoughts that they might do well on a test

    Ask for help.

    Although a little test anxiety can be a good thing, too much of it is another story. If sitting for a test gets you so stressed out that your mind goes blank and causes you to miss answers that you know, then your level of test anxiety probably needs some attention. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Never let test anxiety get to be too much to handle

    Be prepared.

    Many students find that their test anxiety eases when they start to study better or more regularly. It makes sense-the more you know the material, the more confident you'll feel {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When you expect to do well, you'll be able to relax into a test after the normal first-moment nervousness passes.

    Watch what you're thinking

    If expecting to do well on a test can help you relax, what about if you expect you won't do well? Watch out for any negative messages you might be sending yourself about the test. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts (I'm never any good at taking tests "or It's going to be terrible if I do badly on this test"), replace them with positive messages. Not unrealistic positive messages, of course, but ones that are practical and true, such as "I've studied hard and I know the material, so I'm ready to do the best I can.”

A. They can contribute to your anxiety.

B. Let stress remind you to study well in advance of a test.

C. Having confidence going into a test means you expect to do well.

D. A little nervous expectation can actually help you do better on a test.

E. However, feeling ready to meet the challenges can help manage test anxiety.

F. Your teacher, a school guidance counselor, or a tutor can be good people to talk to.

G. They can help to learn ways to calm yourself down and relax when you're anxious.

