
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Think like This When You Feel Stressed

    It's a sweet opportunity. If you look on pressure as a threat, you are sure to be negatively impacted by its occurrence. They look on it as a great chance. They will cherish (珍惜) the pressure moment and approach it with confidence and enthusiasm.

    I'll get another chance. Under pressure, we often lose hope. We tend to distort (扭曲) the reality of the situation. One of the most common phrases is the “chance of a lifetime”, in which we tell ourselves, “I will never get an opportunity like this again, so I can't miss it.

    I'll do my best. This is what people who do their best under pressure tell themselves when they are going into a pressure moment. Because it prevents them from wasting valuable energy worrying over things they can't influence and promotes confidence at the same time. Focusing on doing your best keeps you in the moment and guides your behavior toward success.

    People who perform their best in pressure will reduce the significance of the upcoming pressure moment, so they feel less stressed. Whether it's a sales call or an interview for their dream jobs, they are like winning athletes, and when asked how to handle the pressure of the big game, they responded, “It's just another game.”

    I can control how I respond. People who do their best in a pressure moment focus on what they can control. If you have an upcoming interview, don't worry about the other applicants. You can't control them. Practice how you will handle an unexpected problem.

A. It's no big deal.

B. It stops you paying attention to anxiety.

C. Instead, take care of your own business.

D. Remembering past successes increases your confidence.

E. In fact, we have many chances to succeed in our lifetime.

F. But people who do their best in a pressure moment are different.

G. Focusing on doing your best quickly decreases pressure in the moment.


    With modern technology, much written communication tends to focus on the keyboard, but handwriting is still a necessary and important skill.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are some tips for you to improve your handwriting.

    Examine Your Handwriting

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Look through your writing to decide what makes it difficult to read or what makes it unattractive. Perhaps you write your letters too small. Check on spacing of letters and words, and proper formation of letters. If your letters are small, put more effort into writing larger letters. If certain letters trip you up, practice those letters separately and within words.

    Write Correctly

    Positioning and technique play a role in how your handwriting looks. Hold the pen between your thumb and first two fingers so that it rests against your fingers. Hold it firmly enough to control the tip but not so hard that it hurts your fingers. Lighter pressure on the paper helps you create smooth lines and focus on your letter formation.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}


    Letters are formed from several basic strokes(笔划). Practice those strokes separately to get your hand used to forming them. Strokes found in letters include vertical lines, horizontal lines, and circles. Build on those to practice specific letters.

    Write for a Purpose

    Teach young children handwriting in meaningful contexts. Use that same idea by picking up a pen to write lists and notes by hand instead of typing. Keep a journal daily with slow, correct strokes.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}These true and sincere writing opportunities make the practice meaningful.

A. Build on Basics.

B. Practice makes perfect

C. Focus on improving your correctness instead of speed

D. Writing at a slower speed also helps you focus on letter formation

E. Put a handwritten letter in the mail to surprise a friend or a relative

F. Handwriting requires your brain, eyes and hands to work together to form letters.

G. Before you can improve your handwriting, you need to know where you're falling apart.


How to improve vocabulary fast

    Your vocabulary refers to the words in a language you are familiar with. We should learn some ways to expand it.

    Read every day.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Choose reading material that is slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.If you do not meet with an unfamiliar word in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search for one.

    Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word. Pronunciation is as important as definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary, you must be able to use it in speech.

    Elaborate (详尽阐述) on the meaning of the word. If you have just learned the word “stubborn”, think about the neighbour who will not lend you his car.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Use your new word in speech and in writing. E-mail your sister about how your cat is stubborn about sleeping on your pillow. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.But the more you use it, the more fluent you will become in its use. Soon it will be a regular part of your active vocabulary.

    Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary. Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

    The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone, the more likely you are to remember it.

A. Find a new word every day.

B. The vocabulary can be increased.

C. Your vocabulary contains the words you understand.

D. The more often you read, the faster your vocabulary can grow.

E. Or let them ask for the definition of a new word you have used.

F. Imagine him shaking his head, and think of him as 'stubborn in his refusal.”

G. The first time you use a new word in speech it may seem strange.


    Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? When you enter a supermarket, the manager knows better than you: how you will behave — which way you will walk, where you will look, what will make you buy one product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they naturally look to their left but move clockwise, towards the right. So supermarket entrances are usually on the left of the building. And the layout is designed to take shoppers around the store, aisle (通道) after aisle, from left to right. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Fresh fruit and vegetables are displayed near supermarket entrances. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Basic food like sugar and tea, are not put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so customers are taken past other attractive foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are encouraged to buy products that they do not really want.

    People walk quickly through narrow aisles, but they move slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. One best-selling position for products is at the end of aisles, because shoppers slow down to turn into the next aisle. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Supermarkets are paid by food companies to put their products in each of these high-selling places.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} While parents are waiting to pay, children reach for the sweets and put them in the trolley.

    More is bought from a fifteen-foot display of one type of product (e.g. cereal, washing powder) than from a ten-foot one. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} They do not like to buy from shelves with few products on them because they feel there is something wrong with those products that are there.

A. Another is on shelves at eye level.

B. Sweets are often placed at children's eye level at the checkout.

C. There are always enough products prepared for customers in the supermarket.

D. Then shoppers will pay attention to all the products.

E. This gives the impression that only healthy food is sold in the shop.

F. Customers also buy more when shelves are full than when they are half empty.

G. Supermarkets are one of children's favorite places and they are also big consumers.


    A global cyberattack, which is considered the biggest cyberattack ever, is spreading quickly and widely.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    What the attack does

    Cyber bad guys have spread ransomware(勒索软件), known as WannaCry, to computers around the world. It locks down all the files on an infected computer. The hackers then demand $300 in order to release control of the files.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    How it happened

    WannaCry takes advantage of a vulnerability(弱点) in Microsoft Windows. Microsoft released a security patch for the vulnerabilities in Marclf. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Playing with fire finally caught up with the victims.

    Microsoft requires Windows 10 customers to automatically update their computers, but some people with older PCs disabled automatic updates.


    The attack has been found in 150 countries, affecting 200,000 computers, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency. FedEx, Nissan, and the United Kingdom's National Health Service were among the victims. In the U.K., hospitals were crippled by the cyberattack, which forced operations to be canceled and ambulances to be diverted.

    Who is vulnerable

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Microsoft said it had taken the "highly unusual step" of releasing a patch for computers running older operating systems including Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003. So even people with older computers should update them.

    Apple's Mac computers were not targeted by this ransomware attack. Bad guys generally target Windows far more than Apple's operating system because there are vastly more computers running Windows around the world.

A. When it will be solved

B. How widespread the damage is

C. That's why it's called ransomware.

D. The hackers remain anonymous for now.

E. Here is a super-simple explanation of what's going on.

F. Anyone who hasn't updated their windows PC recently is easy to attack.

G. But many corporations don't automatically update their systems.


    Everyone makes mistakes.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the company's bottom line Evil consequences will finally come down to you. Simply correcting your mistake and moving on may not be an option. When you make a mistake at work your career may depend on what you do next.

    Admit your mistake.

    Tell your boss about your mistake immediately. The only exception is if you make an insignificant error that will not affect anyone. Otherwise, don't try to hide your mistake.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    Present your boss with a plan to fix your mistake.

    When you go to your boss to admit your mistake, you must have a plan for correcting it. Present your plan clearly. Tell your boss how long it will take to carry out your plan and if there are any costs involved.

    Don't blame anyone else for your mistake.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Encourage those who may share responsibility to follow your lead in admitting to your boss.


    There's a big difference between admitting your mistake and beating yourself up about it. Take responsibility but don't blame yourself for making it, especially in public.

    Correct your mistake on your own time.

    If you have to spend extra hours at work to correct your mistake, don't expect to be paid for that time.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Apologize for your mistake but don't beat yourself up

B. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on

C. You can use your lunch hour or come into work early

D. Pointing fingers at others won't help you if you make a mistake

E. Strengthen your friendship with your boss

F. You'll feel ashamed if your colleague takes the responsibility for you

G. You will look terrible if someone else discovers it


    Many of us tend to compare ourselves to other people. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} When you compare yourself to your friend or coworker occasionally, there's nothing wrong with it, as such a comparison helps you become better and stay motivated to reach your goals. However, if you are constantly comparing yourself to others, it's a red flag.

    If you compare yourself to a previous time in your life and you believe that your past was better than your present, it's a sure sign you unconsciously compare yourself to others. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Focus on your present and enjoy new happy and bad moments in your life instead of past ones.

    Do you want to make more money because your friend has a higher paycheck than you? You think that your neighbors, friends, and coworkers have a better life because they can afford to buy a new car. But, are you sure that they really can afford all those things? After all, they might have lots of debts and financial problems. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Probably you often say something like 'Your hair is more beautiful than mine' or 'You're so slim and I'm so plump since I can't drop those extra pounds.' You should never ever say such things. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You are special and you are absolutely beautiful no matter your age, weight and height.

    Many of us are trying to stop comparing ourselves to others, but at the same time many of us don't even know that we have such a bad habit. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Remember, no one is perfect. Stay grateful, love yourself and enjoy your present life.

A. When you compare, you find your strengths and weaknesses.

B. Learn how to love your body, accept yourself and love yourself.

C. People who are constantly comparing themselves to others are more likely to succeed.

D. Your past was not as good as you may think now.

E. Comparing yourself to others has its advantages and disadvantages.

F. Comparing brings insecurity and makes us miserable.

G. Moreover, money will never make you happy, remember it.

