
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    At 2:30 on December 5,1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, Florida. The planes flew cast over the coast...and disappeared. The group was Flight 19, on a run between Florida and Bahamas. Tailor was the group leader. At about 3:40, Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly. The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio. Then, suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive...

    Quickly, two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19. Several hours later, the wind became strong and visibility (能见度) dropped. A return to base was ordered. But only one of the Martin seaplanes landed. Four days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square miles area with more than 100 planes and ships. No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.

Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区).

    The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico, west of Florida. It is a two-faced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters. Yet thick fogs, powerful currents(激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

(1)、Why did Flight 19 disappear?
A、Because the wind became strong and visibility dropped. B、Because Tailor was given wrong orders to dive. C、Because Tailor couldn't read his compasses correctly. D、Because something unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.
(2)、In what position did Flight 19 disappear?
A、In the southwest part of the North Atlantic Ocean. B、In the northeast part of the North Atlantic Ocean. C、To the southwest part of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean. D、To the northeast part of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.
(3)、How many planes disappeared altogether that day?
A、Five. B、Six. C、two. D、Only one.
(4)、The underlined word “combed” in the passage mean“      ”.
A、covered with B、flew over C、did up one's hair with a comb D、searched all over

   Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named “Lucky”.Whenever Mary and Jim had friends come for a weekend visit,they would warn their friends not to leave their luggage open because Lucky would steal something from their luggage and he always hid his finds in his toy box in the basement.

    It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer.She felt she was going to die of this disease.The night before she was to go to the hospital,a thought struck her,“What would happen to Lucky?” “If I die,who will look after Lucky?” Mary thought.The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death.

    Mary stayed in the hospital for two weeks.Jim took Lucky for his evening walk every day,but the little dog just looked sad and miserable.

    Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital.When she arrived home,Mary was so tired that she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom.Jim made his wife comfortable on the bed and left her to sleep.

    Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called.It made Mary sad.But she felt so sleepy that soon she fell asleep.

    When Mary woke,for a second she couldn't understand what was wrong.She couldn't move her head and her body felt heavy.But panic(惊慌) soon gave way when Mary realized the problem.She was enclothed with a blanket,and with every treasure Lucky owned!

    While she had slept,the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement bringing his beloved hostess all his favorite things.He had covered her with his love.

    It's been 12 years now and Mary is still living.Lucky? He still steals treasures and hides them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure.


    Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience that was too convenient for my own good: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I checked my email. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed (推特简讯). Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four newspapers each morning. I was behaving as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasn't.

    So this year I made up my mind to try something different: withdrawal (退出) from the Internet. I knew it wouldn't be easy, since I'm bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by giving the iPad to my wife.

    The cellphone signal at our house was worse than in the past, making my attempts at cheating an experience in frustration (沮丧). I was trapped, forced to go through with my plan. Largely cut off from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for radio and how much radio can one listen to, really? I had to do what I had planned to all along: read books.

    This experience has had a happy ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle against the Internet, realizing finally that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem.I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “ I don't need it,” I said.  

    However, as we return to post -vacation life, a harder test begins: Can I continue when I'm back at work? There are times when the need to know what's being said right now is great. And I have no intention of giving up my convenience completely. But I hope to resist the temptation (诱惑) to check my e-mail every five minutes, which leads to checking my Twitter feed and a website or two.

    I think a vacation is supposed to help you reset your brain to become more productive. Here I hope this one worked.


Welcome to Adventureland!

    Everyone loves Adventureland! The parks and exhibitions were built for you to explore(探索), enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you going to do this time?

The Travel Pavilion

    Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways of life. Visit the Amazon jungle(丛林)village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing…

The Future Tower

    This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we'll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars!

The Nature Park

    This is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to theOcean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see…

The Pyramid

    This is the center of Adventureland. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps?

    For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas too.


                                                                                              America's top comic book stores

    New York City, NY - JHU Comic Books

    NYC has a number of impressive comic book stores. While other comic book stores in the city fill their shelves with other products like cards and board games, JHU focuses only on the comics themselves, with shelves filled with great selections of the latest releases and back issues from wall to wall. (32 East 32nd St, 212 — 268 — 7088)

    Austin, TX-Austin Books & Comics

    Opened in 1977, Austin Books &. Comics is one of Texas' biggest and longest running comic book stores. Not only do they sell the latest issues, they also carry many first editions and back issues. Good news is that they often hold regular book purchase discount activities, which means that you'd better consult them before your visit. (5002 N Lamar Blvd, 512-454-4197)

    Washington D. C. - Big Planet Comics

    This store, originally from Georgetown, prefers the more independent, small-press titles as well as stuff from Europe and Japan that your kids probably haven't even heard of, but they also carry the more popular ones. True to its name, BPC has established its own comic book world, with book signing and meet-and-greet events, and their very own, though tiny, comic book publishing house. (1520 U St NW, 202 —342 —1961)

    Portland 9 OR - Floating World Comics

    Floating World Comics is not only a comic book store but a community hosting art shows. Priding itself on cool style, this is an ideal place for comic books, where art books fill shelves just as much as the more mainstream comics. Both the future artists and the comic book lovers in your family will more than appreciate a stopover during your Portland vacation. (400 NW Couch St, 503-241-0227)


    Spring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new life. The long, cold winter is over. The weather is warmer and sunnier. The trees again have leaves and the flowers are blooming. The season represents hope, joy and beauty. At this time, many people think of this classical music piece—Spring, which shows happiness. Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi wrote it in the seventeen hundreds.

    However, not all songs about spring are happy. This song written and sung by K.D. Lang is about dreaming of spring in cold dark places. She recorded I Dream of Spring in 2008.

    Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote It Might as Well Be Spring for the movie State Fair in 1945.Frank Sinatra sings it. It is a feeling of restlessness or excitement brought on by the coming of spring. Richard Rodgers also wrote Spring Is Here, this time with Lorenz Hart. Ella Fitzgerald sings this song about feeling lonely during this season.

    Frank Loesser wrote the sad song, Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year. Why has the season been delayed? Because the singer's lover has left her. Sarah Vaughn released(发行) her version of the song in 1953.

    By now you may be thinking, "Enough with the sad songs, already!"OK ,then how about a cowboy song? Gene Autry was one of the America's most famous singing cowboys. He recorded When It's Spring time in the Rockies in 1937.

    And finally, we'll leave you with a sunny song called Up Jumped Spring. Freddie Hubbard wrote this jazz song in 1977 and Billy Taylor Trio performs it.


    America is the world's largest food exporter. But the worst drought in half a century is hitting corn and wheat harvests. The drought across the central United States adds to concerns about world food supplies and prices in the coming years.

    Experts say by 2050, the world will have to produce at least sixty percent more food to feed a population growing bigger and bigger. China, a major food importer, is looking for producers around the world to guarantee future food supplies.

    China has invested in food production in Australia and New Zealand. A new source of supply is Ukraine. Ukraine was known as the breadbasket of Europe because of rich corn and wheat harvests a century ago.

    Galyna Kovtok is chief executive of Ukraine's largest agricultural business, ULF. She predicts that within a few months her company will be approved to export corn to China. That will make Ukraine the first country outside the Americas to do so.

    ULF will soon have almost two million tons of elevator storage capacity as it prepares for the Chinese market. Chinese money is financing the building of six grain elevators. But the company's equipment is largely American, including half-million-dollar John Deere combines to harvest wheat.

    ULF'S grain production per hectare (公顷) is now halfway between Ukrainian averages and the high yields of the American Midwest. But farming depends on the weather. Across the Black Sea region—in Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan--drought this year is pushing harvests down by fifteen to twenty percent.

    Traditionally, the Black Sea region is the main source of wheat for North Africa and the Middle East. But this year, on the supply side, Russia may have to stop exports. And, on the demand side, Africa and the Middle East are now competing with China.

    At the same time, a new report says large parts of Asia may face long periods of severe drought within ten years. It says northern China, India, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Pakistan will be especially hard hit. It says other parts of Asia are likely to face longer and wetter monsoon seasons (雨季) because of climate change.

