
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    A couple of weeks ago, when we were leaving one of those horrible giant trampoline bouncy(弹跳床)places, my 11-year-old daughter said to me, “I don't think I'm very athletic, you know, like Rocket (her brother). He seems to be really good at1.”

    What came out my mouth2me: “No, you're kind of not.”

    Okay, let me3. As you may have guessed, this child has been with me for about 11 years, so I've had enough time to4her engaging in physical acts: jumping, climbing, running, and organized sports.

    And the kid is just5me: two left feet. If anybody was ever NOT a “natural”6, that person is me.

    But even7these facts, my first instinct(本能反应)was to show her with some8: “Oh, no honey. You're good at sports! You just have to keep 9!” But I decided to tell her the10, and I could see it hurt a bit.

    So I said more: “Ava, we all have things we are particularly,11good at. Like you and12. You're in the 5th grade and read Charles Dickens. That isn't13, but you've done it without even trying. But all of us also have things that we are14in. If we want to get good at those things, we have to put in twice the15of the people around us to get to a decent(相当的)point and even harder if we want to16.”

    She was nodding. She totally17it. Why? Because it's the truth. Sometimes I wonder why we run around talking nonsense(胡扯)to our kids when they can18the truth. And they can smell rubbish from a mile away. In other words, they can easily recognize you are19. In addition, if they don't know where they20now, they'll never know how to get somewhere new.

A、arts B、reading C、organization D、sports
A、surprised B、puzzled C、amused D、worried
A、get up B、give up C、come up D、back up
A、keep B、leave C、observe D、prevent
A、for B、like C、with D、against
A、coach B、judge C、captain D、athlete
A、knowing B、ignoring C、checking D、minding
A、information B、facts C、rubbish D、beliefs
A、trying B、waiting C、looking D、smiling
A、idea B、truth C、news D、failure
A、probably B、naturally C、unexpectedly D、gradually
A、listening B、speaking C、reading D、writing
A、normal B、important C、special D、useful
A、poor B、different C、experienced D、interested
A、money B、courage C、effort D、confidence
A、get by B、live on C、catch up D、stand out
A、got B、forgot C、deserved D、did
A、hide B、avoid C、learn D、handle
A、joking B、lying C、struggling D、regretting
A、fall B、live C、stop D、stand

Anyone who has never been to China Braille Library will draw to mind various images of the place.They would wonder how the library works all the way.In fact, the library offers readers a pleasant space with several broad reading rooms on the third floor,and has 18,269 kinds of books, including 3,523 kinds of braille books, 809 kinds of braille journals, 419 kinds of books written in both braille and visible language, and 142 kinds of children's ordinary books.

The library is open to the 17 million visually impaired people in China. This library has an arrangement with China Post, under which it has manufactured a special kind of mailing bag with cards where the address of the library is printed on one side.The borrowers can make phone calls, or send WeChat messages or emails to the librarian, listing the books they are seeking. The librarian then fishes out these books, puts them into the mailing bag, fills in the address of the borrower on the other side of the card and waits for a postman to pick up the bag.Whenever the borrower finishes reading, he or she needs to put the books back into the bag, turn the address card around and put it into a postbox for the books to return to the library.

In the age of multimedia, books have taken various forms. That applies to the world of the visually impaired, too.CBL offers its readers a smart listening device that looks like an old-fashioned cellphone. Guided by a recorded voice, a user has to just press a few buttons to gain access to 20 terabytes of audiobooks stored on the CBL website.The smart listening device is part of a Digital Reading Project for the Blind launched by China Disabled Persons' Federation in 2017.

As part of the program, the government purchased 200,000 such devices and distributed them to the over 400 Braille libraries and barrier-free reading rooms nationwide for lending to the visually impaired. Now, 80 percent of them are still in use, which means more than 160,000 visually impaired people are benefiting from it.


Earlier this year Rodney Smith Jr. made headlines when he drove eight hours from his home in Huntsville. Alabama, to cut the lawn for an elderly soldier in North Carolina who couldn't find anyone to help him with his yard work.

That wasn't the first time the twenty-nine-year-old Bermuda native had gained such attention. To do his good deeds, Rodney often finds leads for those in need through social media.

Back to one August afternoon in 2015, Rodney Smith Jr. was driving home. That's when Rodney saw an elderly man struggling to mow his lawn. He would take a couple of shaky steps, using the handle to stabilize himself, pause, then slowly push the mower again. Rodney decided to help. Mr. Brown thanked him greatly, and Rodney went home feeling satisfied.

Sitting at his computer to do his homework, Rodney couldn't get Mr. Brown out of his mind. There must be many Mr. Browns out there. He went online and posted that he would mow lawns for free for senior citizens. Messages flooded in.

One day a cancer-battling woman said she wasn't having a good day. Rodney decided to do more than mowing lawns. After he finished mowing, he knocked on her door. "You're going to win this fight, Madam", he said. Then he asked folks to pray for her on social media.

Word of Rodney's mission spread. A grandmother in Ohio said he'd encouraged her 12-year-old grandson to mow lawns. He got a letter from a seven-year-old boy in Kansas. "Mr. Rodney, I would like to be a part of your program, and I'll make you proud," he wrote.

That gave Rodney an idea. In 2017, he decided to establish a programme Raising Men Lawn Care Service to make a national movement for young people. The kids learn the joy of giving back.

Yard work seems like a small, simple thing, but taking care of the lawn means a lot to the people they do it for. "When we mow their yards for free, they can use the money for healthcare and food etc. It means more than you would think," Rodney said.


Adults check their phones, on average,360 times a day, and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. The problem for many of us is that one quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of our emails or social media feeds, and suddenly we've been sucked into endless scrolling.

It's an awful circle. The more useful our phones become, the more we use them. The more we use them, the more we lay neural(神经的) pathways in our brains that lead to pick up our phones for whatever task is at hand-and the more we feel an urge to check our phones even when we don't have to.

What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification(通知)can have negative consequences. This isn't very surprising; we know that, in general, multitasking does harm to memory and performance. One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving. One study found that merely speaking on the phone, not texting, was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road. It's true for everyday tasks that are less high-risk, too. Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task-almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.

It isn't just the use of a phone that has consequences-its me re presence can affect the way we think.

In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible(like on a desk), nearby and out of sight(like in a bag or pocket), or in another room. They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby-whether visible, powered on or not.


One teacher had two students. One of them had a positive vision while the other had the 1 one.

One day, the teacher 2 for a park with both the students and while wandering in the garden, they 3 a mango tree from which some ripe and juicy mangoes were 4 . On seeing this, the teacher thought to 5 both of his students. Then, he asked the first one, "My dear child, what do you think of this mango tree?"

The student answered instantly, "Teacher, in spite of people 6 this tree with stones, it gives us sweet and juicy mangoes. It does 7 but still it gives us fruits. I wish all human beings learn this important 8 from the mango tree-to share their 9 even if they have to suffer for this."

After that, the teacher asked the other student the same question. The student 10 answered, "Teacher, this mango tree is no good and will not give mangoes by itself but only when we hit it with stones and 11 . Therefore, we should hit it hard to get sweet mangoes from it. That is the only way to 12 these mangoes. It is also clear from this tree that in order to get good 13 from others, we need to be violent and only when we become violent, then and only then will we get 14 ."

The teacher was delighted with the answer given by the first student because he had an admirable vision and 15 the tree with positive vision.


It was a typical weekend for Mitch White and his friends. They were out celebrating a bachelor party, sailing the peaceful waters of the Minnesota River. They never expected that this single party would transform from a relaxed canoe trip into a painful rescue mission. With the sun setting, an unexpected bark changed everything.

Led by Mitch White, the soon-to-be-married man, they searched for the source of the sound along the banks of the river. Suddenly, a weak cry for help came from the mud. They were surprised to find that the head of a 13-year-old St. Bernard named Ed was barely visible in the thick mud. Mitch said, "The dog wasn't moving on its own, so we should feed it and give it water. " The dog looked like i had used all its strength.

The men took up their oars(桨) and began digging, their festive mood giving way to a focused rescue mission. It took them more than half an hour to free the trapped dog as it was already breathing very feebly after possibly being trapped for 24 hours. When they got the poor fellow out of the mud, he couldn't walk, so they carried him back to the house. Back home with his owner, George Niskanen, Ed began his slow restoration-a happy ending to a dangerous adventure. George was thankful to the bachelor party heroes.

Now, the people of Carver, Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for. Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party. It became a heroic tale of humanity, friendship, and the instinct(本能)to do what's right.

