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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Reader's Travel Photography Competition

    This month's images include some original and brilliant shots. The overall 2018 winner will receive a $200 holiday ticket and go on a 16-night wildlife holiday.

Doug Scott

Guess what the young monk is doing! He is playing with his smart phone in secret.

PAUL GOLDSTEIN JUDGE: Smart phones have taken over the world. Even without the photographer's caption there is composition, humor and fun here. To the outsider, he could be having a short sleep, or lost in meditation. My eyes stop on this for a while and the admission of smart phones cannot be changed in any corner of the world.

Eloise Campbell

I was able to follow this young eagle hunter and his eagle in the mountains of Mongolia and watched how it was trained. Though the bond between them was new, to me it seemed unbreakable—they were coexisting peacefully with each other.

Adam Cunningham White

This shot grasps the moment when we had to change direction with this group of around 300 migrating reindeer in northern Sweden. They can become confused very quickly, making this moment risky. They could run in different directions immediately, making it difficult to get them back into a group.

Nick Dale

This is a close-up of the left eye of a zebra.

PAUL GOLDSTEIN JUDGE: Perfect, I have seen these before but rarely done with this competence. The depth of field is exactly right. The bold cropping and blue to the left make people interested. Zebras are easy to photograph but not often this well.

(1)、What does Doug Scott probably want to tell us with his photo?
A、The monk's life is full of pleasure. B、What we see is not necessarily true. C、The monk's mental world should be noticed. D、Smart phones are involved in people's life worldwide.
(2)、Which of the following statements is true?
A、The winner of the photography competition will receive $200 as an award. B、A harmonious atmosphere is reflected in Eloise Campbell's photo. C、The picture of migrating reindeer is taken in southern Sweden. D、Nick Dale's courage to approach wild animals impresses the judge most.

    Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

    Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns(角) had not yet developed. A century later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle. By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today—a person who is new in a job.

    Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expression comes from early nineteen hundreds. A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

    The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

    Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling, jealousy(嫉妒). The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play “Othello”. It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants. A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or, that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay rise and he does not.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C  和 D )中,选出最佳选项。

    The ancient city of Xi'an in China holds many treasures. And last month, archaeologists working there made an important discovery—a buried palace built in the third century B.C. to honor China's first emperor.

    The entire palace measures roughly 2,260 feet long by 820 feet wide. It includes 10 courtyard houses and one main building. Archaeologists found bricks and pieces of pottery at the site of the palace, as well as the remains of walls and roads.

    The palace is part of the massive burial complex of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi. He conquered seven warring kingdoms and united ancient China in 211 B.C.

    Qin Shihuangdi wanted his legacy, or accomplishments, to be remembered forever. So he hired more than 700,000 workers to build his funeral complex in Xi'an. It represents a miniature version of his vast kingdom.

    The complex also includes the world-famous terra-cotta army, a collection of more than 8,000 life-size clay statues. These sculptures represent soldiers, acrobats, and horses from the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.-206 B.C.). Scientists have not yet found all these terra-cotta warriors, even though they discovered more of the statues last summer.

    Farmers discovered the complex by accident in 1974. Since then, scientists studying the site have learned a great deal about life in ancient China. But much of the emperor's tomb has yet to be dug up, or unearthed. Many of the artifacts (objects from the past) are so old that scientists cannot preserve them.

    "Archaeologists fully acknowledge that nobody in the world has the technology (to safely dig up Xi'an's treasures) yet," explains Kristin Romey, an expert on Chinese archaeology.

    But as technology improves, archaeologists will keep digging to uncover the rest of the wonders that still lie buried in Xi'an.

    "It's one of the most important archaeological discoveries that's waiting to be made," says Romey, "and we know where it is."

    For those who study the development of intelligence(智力)in the animal world, self-awareness is an important measurement. An animal that is aware(意识)of itself has a high level of intelligence.
    Awareness can be tested by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in the mirror, that is, its own reflected image(反射出的影像).Many animals fail this exercise bitterly, paying very little attention to the reflected image. Only humans, and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins, have shown to recognize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.
    Now another animal has joined the club. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report that an Asian elephant has passed the mirror self-reflection test.
    “We thought that elephants were the next important animal,” said Dinana Reiss of the Wildlife Conservation Society, an author of the study with Joshua M.Plotnik and Fans B.M. de Waal of Emory University. With their large brains, Reiss said, elephants “seemed like cousins to apes and dolphins.”
    The researchers tested Happy, Maxine and Patty, three elephants at the Bronx Zoo.They put an 8-foot-square mirror on a wall of the animals' play area (out of the sight of zoo visitors) and recorded what happened with cameras, including one built in the mirror.
    The elephants used their long noses to find what was behind it, and to examine parts of their bodies.
    Of the three, Happy then passed the test, in which a clear mark was painted on one side of her face. She could tell the mark was there by looking in the mirror, and she used the mirror to touch the mark with her long nose.
    Diana Reiss said, "We knew elephants were intelligent, but now we can talk about their intelligence in a better way."

    Are you interested in hi-tech products? Here are some that you might find at the market now.


    Tired of dragging your bag through busy airports? Then you might want to consider CX-1. The smart suitcase uses facial recognizing software to follow its owner as he/she is checking in or heading to the gate. Though CX-1 can only move at a speed of up to seven miles per hour, a tiny tool enables owners to keep track of the suitcase's location. Happily, it has been sold on the market.


    Sony's latest version of the Aibo robotic dog is almost as fun as the real thing — but much less work. The pet dog can recognize its owner, obey several commands, and even recall the behavior that pleases its master the most. Aibo can also learn new tricks, take photographs, and over time, develop its own unique personality.


    Forpheus, an "athletic" robot developed by Japanese technology company Omron. It teaches users how to play ping-pong. The 10-feet-tall machine uses a camera and artificial intelligence to track the ball's speed and can predict the ball's direction correctly. The smart Forpheus can also quickly test its player's abilities and adjust the playing level, making the game fun.

    Black Box VR

    Though many people determine to go to the gym once a week, few reach their goal. Black Box VR wants to change that by turning hard exercise into fun video games. Using it, gym users will find themselves fighting enemies, including big creatures — all while getting exercise.


    Why is it that many people who have suffered a major shock, such as divorce or death of a family member, seem to be weaker against a variety of major and minor illness? One common idea among psychologists has been that people could deal with suffering more effectively if they were able to understand and accept it. Indeed, many experts stress the value of expressing thoughts and feelings connected with upsetting events.

    Recently, a team of medical researchers studied the links between describing psychologically painful events and long-term health. In one experiment healthy college students were asked to write about either personally disturbing experiences or ordinary topics over a period of four days. In the months afterwards, students who had chosen to show their inner thoughts and feelings in their writing visited the health center for illness much less often than those who had written about everyday topics.

    In an experiment that followed, another group of healthy students were given the four-day writing exercises. Some chose to write about highly personal and upsetting experiences (including loneliness, problems with family and friends, and health). When questioned immediately afterwards, they said that they did not feel any better. However, their blood samples(样本) taken before and after the experiment showed evidence of an improved resistance to illness. The white cells that fight off bacteria and viruses had increased their reaction and sensitivity to these "invaders". This trend continued over the following six weeks, when another blood sample was taken. Individuals who showed the best results were those who wrote about topics that they had actively kept from telling others about.

    The researchers suggested that failure to face up to painful experience can be a form of stress itself, and can increase the possibility of illness. It follows, then, that actively dealing with a major shock makes possible its understanding and acceptance. The answer is not to suffer in silence. It may not always be possible to talk about personal problems, but writing them down will help the body to fight disease in the long run.

