
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    To meet the global climate crisis that is approaching, big lifestyle changes are required of those of us. The good news is that our way of life can remain meaningful and worthy as our consumption becomes sustainable(可持续发展的).

     Eat less meat and move toward a plant-based diet. This is one of the most effective things we can do because the food we now produce and consume is destroying the very ecosystems that we depend upon for survival. Here are some of the grim facts.

    The U. S. uses about one-half of its land for agriculture.For example, the U. S. uses over 90 million acres of good agricultural land to produce corn, which is mostly fed to livestock(家畜).

    With 7.6 billion people on earth, the demand for food is enormous and constantly on the rise. It's easy to feel we can't make a differenceWe should not ignore the power of the choices we make.

    Even one person can make a big difference by eating less meat and moving toward a plant-based diet and make contributions to the health of the planet as well as your own. Recognize how the food we eat is connected to other living beings. It often helps us make much wiser buying choices.This way, we will help people around the world enjoy more eco-friendly and nutritious foods.

    When you change your diet to be more sustainable, you become visible proof that changing our food habits is doable, healthy, and enjoyable.

A. Little things matter in your relationship with the earth.

B. By buying mindfully, we support local, affordable agriculture.

C. But we can change our diet to heal the earth as we heal ourselves.

D. Unfortunately, the majority is used to raise livestock or for crops consumed by them.

E. Your choices create positive impacts on the food system and inspire the people around you.

F. There's one step you can take right away to reduce harm to Mother Earth.

G. We can try to reduce waste by using leftovers and eating the fresh produce we buy.


    Your telephone is running low on power while you are waiting to fly out of an airport.

    Then you discover a public USB charging area close by.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Then you take a deep breath and sit back, happy to get the power for free.

What could go wrong? Plenty.

    In addition to providing an electrical current, phone charging cords can send and receive data. That free USB charging hub at an airport, hotel or any other public place may not only charge your phone.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}The USB charging hub could be connecting to your phone and copying your contact list, email and text messages, voice mail, photographs and videos. It can also copy passwords, banking information and any other information stored on your phone.

    If you want to charge your phone while traveling, you have other choices that do not increase your risks.

    Connect your phone only to electrical outlets so data transfer is not possible.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} It is better to use a distant wall outlet than a nearby USB charging hub.

    Carry an extra, fully-charged battery. Having one means you can charge your phone without having to worry about carrying a special cord or finding a power outlet.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    If you must use a public USB charging center, be sure to turn off your phone completely.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}But it will reduce the chances of it happening, depending on what phone you have.

A. Remember to fully charge your phone before you leave home or work.

B It also could be transferring information to and from the device.

C. The public USB charging hub may even download programs to your phone.

D This may or may not prevent data transfer.

E. You can charge your phone with the extra battery wherever you are.

F. An available outlet may not be as near as a USB charging hub, but the few extra steps may keep you safe.

G. You quickly reach for a charge cord and connect your phone to the charging hub.


    There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When someone says they have to “face the music” , it does not mean they are going to a concert. “Facing the music” means to accept and deal with the punishment of an action.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For example, “ I can't face another night of camping! It's a cold and rainy”. Or “In life, you must face your fears”. Face used in this way is very common.

    But now, let's go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, “Thanks so much for watching my car while I'm away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely fast car.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}You drive it around town one night. And you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!

    When your returns you must tell her what you have done and “face the music”{#blank#}4{#/blank#}It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports to her sports car or both.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}To “take your medicine” means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, “You made your bed. Now lie in it” they mean you created a bad station and now you will experience the results.

A. But you do not listen.

B. “Face the music ”is a good example.

C. The “music ” here is the result of your actions.

D. American often use the word “face” in this way.

E. Everyone likes to enjoy a concert in the evening.

F. You are very afraid of losing your trust of your friend.

G. There are other American expressions that mean the same thing as “Face the music”.


    Choosing the right college for you is not so easy. You should have a general idea of what you want and don't want. The idea can guide you to what fits your needs best. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Think about what major you want to study in college. If you know that, just look at colleges that have your major. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. So think carefully about your majors and interests before choosing one.

    Where the college is located matters. Anyone who tells you the location isn't important is lying. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, stay away from schools in cold areas. If you look forward to working in the publishing industry, New York may be your best bet. If your parents want you to stay close to home, please don't consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.

    Think about how much you can afford. Are your parents paying for your education? If so, how much are they willing to spend? Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarships exist, but don't count on anything. Are you willing to get into debt at school? {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, these are all things to consider for you.

    Make sure you're going to spend time with the right people. The cool thing about colleges that each different one attracts different kinds of people. For the first thing in your life, you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} .And make sure that the people you're with for four years are your kind of people.

A. If you don't like cold weather

B. Before you fall in love with a college

C. College is about learning what you love

D. You'd better choose a major that is popular

E. Go to the college with some people you like

F. Remember, above all, it's people that make places

G. These guidelines will help you figure out what college you want to go


Sad Tale for Sale

    Hundreds of thousands of puppies (小狗) are born in puppy factories each year. Because the main purpose of the puppy factory is to make money, puppy factory owners fail to spend enough money on the dogs. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The animals almost never get exercise or attention. Their cages (笼子) are often dirty, with little protection from sun, wind or cold.

    Many puppies born in puppy factories are taken away from their mothers before they are ready. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The moms left behind are then bred (繁殖) again to produce more puppies.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Although the puppies may seem healthy, these problems can show up when they're fully grown — sometimes even sooner. Some of the puppies die within days or weeks of purchase (购买).

    Kind kids and their families can help. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Even if a pet store says that they don't sell dogs from puppy factories, chances are they really do. And don't trust newspaper or website ads made by people who sell puppies.

    If your family is ready for a dog, your best choice is to adopt one from an animal shelter (收容所). Animal shelters have different kinds of dogs just waiting for homes.   {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Puppy factories need to stop.

B. In the future, don't buy puppies from pet stores.

C. To save money, they keep dogs in packed cages.

D. By doing this, you're in the business of helping pets!

E. There are many puppies killed in puppy factories.

F. Then they are shipped cross-country to be sold in pet shops.

G. Many of the dogs born in puppy factories have serious health problems.


How to Solve Worry Problems

    The Great Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Dr. Alexis Carrel, once said, "Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young." {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Then how can we find a quick, surefire (万全的) recipe for handling worry situations? Here are a few basic steps to deal with different kinds of worries.

Get the facts

    Why is it so important to get the facts? Because unless we have the facts, we can't possibly even attempt to solve our problems intelligently. Without the facts, we will be left in confusion. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision. If a man will devote his time to securing facts in an objective way, his worries usually disappear in the light of knowledge.


    However, getting all the facts in the world won't do any good until we figure out what these facts mean and interpret them. It is much easier to achieve this after writing them down. In fact, merely writing the facts on a piece of paper and stating our problem clearly goes a long way toward helping us to reach a sensible decision. Therefore, when we are worried, sit down and write down two questions – and the answers to these questions, "What am I worrying about?" and "What can I do about it?"

    Arrive at a decision

    Worry is killing. So we will probably save our life by sitting down and writing out all the various steps we could take and then writing down the probable consequences of each step and calmly coming to a decision. Experience has proved the enormous value of arriving at a fixed decision. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Act on that decision

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Don't stop to reconsider. Don't begin to hesitate and retrace (折返) our steps. Don't lose ourselves in self-doubting which causes other doubts. Don't look back our shoulders.

A. Analyze the facts.

B. Write down our worries.

C. This is the chief cause of worry.

D. There comes a time when we must decide.

E. Once we have made a decision, go into action.

F. And so do housewives, horse doctors and bricklayers.

G. It is the failure to reach a definite decision that drives men mad.


    Everyone is aware that taking good care of our bodies can prevent many medical problems from occurring later. However, we often have less awareness of preventative actions we should take to help with mental health problems. While our mental health may be fine right now, many of us will struggle at some point. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It's impossible to get through life without challenges, but our mental health prevention habits can help us get through difficult times. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Keep active. The more active you physically, mentally and socially are, the higher the level of your mental wellness is likely to be. So go for walks and learn something new. There are many other ways to be active. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Be connected. Regular involvement in social activities with supportive friends and family improves your ability to handle disappointments, and everything else life throws at you. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But you can be involved in any manner; even volunteering for an organization can help you be more social.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The nature of these activities varies widely from person to person. The key is to identify what gives your life meaning. Volunteering, coaching, teaching, etc. all can contribute to increasing your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life. Many activities can address more than one. The key is to make a plan and stick with it. If you are already struggling, begin to practice these ways to help your recovery.

A. Here are three practical steps.

B. However, good mental health is important.

C. Stresses, disappointments and disasters happen.

D. Overcome life's challenges before they happen.

E. Be committed to activities that give life meaning.

F. The key is to find what keeps you motivated and interested.

G. This can be difficult when you move to a new town or as you get older.

