
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A. You can't order every delicious dish on the menu.

B. Unfortunately, people often find it hard to make decisions.

C. Don't count on emotion to make decisions.

D. You may regret making such a stupid decision.

E. Maybe you wish to consult with your advisor.

F. Don't spend too much time thinking.

G. It is an important source of information.

    We all have to make decisions all the time, and we have an abundance of choices, ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. That means the skill of good decision-making counts a lot. If you would like to improve your skill of decision making, here are four suggestions for you.

    Don't expect to have it all.

    Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities. And there will be paths not taken, careers not chosen, to name a few. You can imagine some "what if" situations if you must, but do not let them take up too much space in your brain.


    It's often good to think through your decisions. But don't overdo it. Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce, which makes it confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition (直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data.

    Don't delay making decisions.

    Yes, there is a time to put off making a decision. Perhaps you need more information. Or it's likely that you wait for a less stressful time. Just don't wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness.

    Don't be hard on yourself.

    You decide to go on a voyage. You choose an expensive liner. Everything should work out just right. Only you didn't expect a bug that ran around on the ship, making you and your family sick for five days. But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes.


    Americans use the term “college students” to mean students either in colleges or universities. Not only that, Americans almost never say “going off to university” or “when I was in university.” That sounds British.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Both offer undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences, for example. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living.

    But many colleges do not offer graduate studies. Another difference is that universities are generally bigger.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Another place of higher education, especially in technical areas, is an institute, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Yet even an institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities.

    Modern universities developed from those of Europe in the Middle Ages. The word “university” came from the Latin universities, describing a group of people organized for a common purpose.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In England, colleges were formed to provide students with places to live. Usually each group was studying the same thing. So college came to mean an area of study.

    The first American universities divided their studies into a number of areas and called each one a college. This is still true.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} For example, Harvard College is the undergraduate part of Harvard University.

A. A college can also be a part of a university.

B. They offer more programs and do more research.

C. There are more universities than colleges in the USA.

D. Colleges and universities have many things in common.

E. Universities and colleges offer students different opportunities.

F. Instead, they say “going off to college” or “when I was in college.”

G. “College” came from collegium, a Latin word with a similar meaning.


    Sleep and Teens--Biology and Behavior

    How much sleep do teens need? And how much sleep are they realistically getting? Based on current data, most teens need about 9-plus hours to have the best or most suitable sleep night{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Many factors combine to decrease sleep in adolescents. We can think in general of two major factors: biological, the brain processes that regulate the amount and timing of sleep, and behavior, all the psychological, parental, societal, cultural features of teen's life.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}These changes lay the ground work for the biological night to occur later during the teen years than before. Circadian Rhythms (daily biological clock) seems to slow down as young people progress through the middle school years. At the same time, the sleep pressure system appears to change in a way that makes it easier to stay awake longer, though without changing the amount of sleep that is needed.

    Moreover, many teens have a "technological playground" in their bedrooms: television, computer with 24/7 Internet access, telephones, electronic game stations, MP3 players, and so forth. These technologies provide instant and constant contact with peers. Societal and media pressure to consume these technologies is now higher than ever. Yet society also requires that teens go to school at a time of day that is at odds with their biological and social lives. So we see teens turn to caffeine, late-night Internet and cramming in activity after activity as a means to keep awake.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Problems emerge for lack of sleep{#blank#}4{#/blank#}For some, grades begin to suffer as they struggle to keep awake during class and while doing homework. And others may simply feel moody, never knowing how to feel or do their best. Worse still, many teens suffer from both physical and mental illness.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}The earlier teens can start this good sleep habit, the easier it will be for them to stay healthy, happy and smart.

A. Sleep experts recommend teens keep consistent sleep and wake schedule

B. Teens may schedule sleep like any other daily activity and make sleep a priority

C. Then they are trapped into a terrible situation where they would never get enough sleep

D. The sleep-wake bio-regulatory factors appear to change significantly during adolescence

E. Some teenagers struggle to wake up in the morning, often resulting in late or missed school

F. Teens may be driven to things that can wake them up because they'll fall asleep if they do not

G. However, it is indicated that most teens fall short of this goal, many by a considerable amount.


    Once a child reaches their teenage years, many parents may think it is too late to help them change a negative attitude. This is not the case, and while it may take longer, it is possible to help your child develop a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is important to a teenager's happiness and success.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Judge your own attitude. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Teens watch their parents and how they react to certain experiences and events. Children learn a good part of their belief system from their parents. Therefore, a parent's attitude and a loving home environment are important to help develop positive attitudes in teens

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. This is the little voice in our heads which we use to communicate with ourselves. Positive self-talk will have a direct influence on how positive a person's attitude and actions are. Tell your teen instead of using negative statements, replace them with positive ones. For example, “I can do this right. I just need to concentrate” is much better than “I failed again. I never do anything right.” If you promote positive self-talk you should notice a clear change in the teenager's attitude.

    Teach your teen to aim high, while showing her how to acknowledge her limitations.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. If your teen wants to achieve the impossible, this will only make her feel negative when she fails to do it. Unrealistic expectations are one of the biggest causes of negative attitudes in children, says the Kids Health website.

    Try to praise your teenager when he deserves it. Show him you value him and recognize when he makes positive choices. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Be sure to give credit when credit is due. Your teen's attitude will be much more positive if you also show him respect as well as command it from him.

A. Teach them how to self-talk.

B. A child's attitude is a learned behavior.

C. Avoid unkind blames to affect your teen's attitude.

D. A negative attitude can result in them feeling upset.

E. There is no problem having reasonable dreams.

.F. Most teenagers will appreciate their parent's praise.

G. Encourage him to take up new hobbies or interests.


A. Would you like them to stop?

B. Would you mind explaining that again?

C. It is difficult to deal with people who are angry at you.

D. If so, maybe people think that your English isn't polite.

E. It can often be difficult to refuse an invitation from a friend.

F. It will get the result you want and there won't be any trouble!

G. You're really busy at work, but your workmate needs your help.

    Did you once make you friends angry or unhappy because of your words? Are you having trouble getting people to reply to your requests? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Learn how to say things the right way with this great guide!

    Could you give me five minutes? vs Go away.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} When you're busy and can't do anything else, just saying "Go away" is certainly not right. You can keep everyone happy by saying "Could you give me five minutes?"

    Excuse me. vs Move.

    Telling someone to "Move out of the way" is very impolite. The next time someone is in your way, saying "Excuse me" is a good idea. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    I'm afraid I can't. vs No.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} People will think it impolite to simply say "No". The next time you have to refuse an invitation, you'd better say, "I'm afraid I can't."

    Would you mind...? vs Stop it!

    Someone doing something you don't like, and perhaps being impolite. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} To get the result you want, it's not a good idea to shout "Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!" and it's a good choice to ask them politely with the sentence, "Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?"


    As we all know, the spine (脊柱)stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spine cord (脊髓) a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Maintaining good posture is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you are asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it's important to get up and stretch regularly.

     {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Stretch can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better arrangement. Strength exercises like push-ups (俯卧撑)can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don't overdo the exercise, as repeated movements can strain the muscles around your spine.Finally, your diet affects the health of your spine because many vitamins arc necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, vitamins B and D are essential to keep bones healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement (补充). {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, so it is also helpful to do some of exercise outside.

    Many of the actions necessary to keep your spine healthy are identical to those used to preserve your health in other ways. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. It can be hard on your back to stay still for too long

B. So protect your back, the rest of the body will benefit

C. However, the latter can also be absorbed from sunlight

D. Doing yoga to protect your spine is also a necessary step

E. Exercise is also an important factor in your spine's health

F. Try the following exercises to keep your spine more flexible

G .So, to have a healthy spine, you should take the following factors into account


Sleep Patterns and Health Troubles

    When Carol Gee turned 55, she made a new friend: 4 a.m. In the past, she usually slept through it. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} She's not the only older adult to have the same experience. In 2017, a national vote conducted by the University of Michigan found that 46 percent of adults 65 and older have trouble falling asleep on a regular basis.

     {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Brains can slow. Wounds take longer to heal. And sleep patterns shift, too. The most noticeable ­ and often most annoying ­ changes are how sleep and wake-up times change and sleep gets lighter, often beginning in middle age. This can come as news to many, says Michael V. Vitiello, a psychologist at the University of Washington who specializes in sleep in aging.

    Studies have found that poor sleep can have a particular threat to older adults. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} 

    Falls, depression and anxiety, problems with memory, and increased suicide risk are among the impacts of sleepless issues in this population group that researchers have found.

    As with changes in sleep architecture and timing, scientists are still unsure why those risk associations exist. Kristine Yaffe, a neuropsychiatrist (神经精神病学家) at the University of California's San Francisco School of Medicine who specializes in dementia, warns that there are more questions than answers when it comes to dementia and sleep. He found that if people have dementia, they tend not to sleep well. Do sleep problems actually lead to dementia?


    What is clear is the association between good sleep and psychological well-being in older adults. But sleep quantity didn't show the same effects. And therein, experts say, may lie the key to understanding sleep as you age. If you're sleeping less, but don't feel negative effects out of bed, the changes you notice may just be normal age-related.

    Your bedtime pattern changes as you age, is that a sign of trouble? {#blank#}5{#/blank#} "A lot of older adults recognize that they don't sleep the same as they did when they were 18, but they can still function and they're OK. And all is well with the universe."

A. Researchers think it's hard to say.

B. But recently it has become her new wake-up time.

C. Over time, Vitiello says, sleep patterns simply change.

D. Statistics indicate that restless night is bad to our health.

E. As people age, the body changes in all sorts of predictable ways.

F. Too much work and pressure in life often cause you to wake up earlier.

G. Changes in the brain can be associated with a number of types of dementia.

