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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    You may be familiar with those quotes, but seldom can you associate these quotes with those outstanding women behind them, not to mention the great work they did.

    “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”

—Anne Frank (1929 — 1945)

    Hiding from the German forces, Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, was gifted a diary by her father when she was 13. However, her diary was published after her death in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the age of 15. The diary served as a unique eye-witness account of life during Holocaust (mass murder of about six million Jews during World War II) and it became one of the world's most read books.

    “Not all of us can do great things• But we can do small things with great love.”

—Mother Teresa (1910 — 1997)

    Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner (1979), aimed at looking after those children who had nobody to look after them through her own order “the Missionaries of Charity”. She worked tirelessly towards her goal until her ill-health forced her to step down in March 1997, after which she took her last breath in September 1997.

    “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”

—Margaret Thatcher (1925 — 2013)

    Margaret Thatcher was loved and hated equally for some of her policies but she never compromise (妥协). She was known as “the Iron Lady” for her leadership style. From being a grocer's daughter to graduating from Oxford University to becoming a banister, she went on to become Britain's first and to date, only female Prime Minister elected in 1979 and the country's fifth longest serving leader.

    “I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move.”

—Rosa Parks (1913 — 2005)

    Also known as “the first lady of civil rights”, Rosa Parks was a pioneer of civil rights in a racially segregated Alabama in 1950s. In 1955, she refused to give away her seat to a white passenger in a bus, disobeying the bus driver's orders. This act of hers sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott that crippled the state capital's public transport system.

(1)、What did Anne Frank describe in her diary?
A、The great gift her father sent her. B、Jewish family traditions. C、The sad life of Jews during Holocaust. D、Her survival from Bergen-Belsen camp.
(2)、What was Mother Teresa honored for?
A、Her work in helping the homeless children. B、Her efforts to promote her religious belief. C、Her great courage to battle against her disease. D、Her spirit of pursuing life-long career success.
(3)、Margaret Thatcher earned her title of “the Iron Lady” for       .
A、her rich family background B、her style of never compromising C、the good education she had received D、being elected the first woman leader
(4)、What did Rosa Parks mean by saying “I made up my mind not to move”?
A、She would stay in Montgomery to fight against Bus Boycott. B、She decided to live in America in spite of hardship. C、She hated the impoliteness of the white passenger. D、She refused to offer her seat to a white person in the bus.

    Holiday makers wanting to get away from the pressure of modern life might consider staying at a wooden hut in Sweden.

    The Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge Hotel is not for everyone. If you can't even understand the idea of living without electricity, running water, or a modern toilet, then the charm of this place will probably not appeal to you. But for anyone trying to escape the pressure and busy life of the big city or take a break from the Internet and other modern devices, this place is a paradise(乐园). Located 1 km south of Skarsjon Beach, in the middle of a pristine Swedish forest, Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge consists of 12 wooden huts with nothing but two sheepskin-covered wooden beds, and a wood stove that uses wood cut by the guests themselves.

    Self-catering breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of items like spaghetti(通心粉), tomato sauce, bread, fruit and eggs that tourists have to cook themselves over an outside fire; there is no shower, only a nearby spring and as for toilet, visitors are encouraged to go behind a tree, or visit one of the two sheds(棚子).

    Adding to the charm of this place is the long coal-making tradition of Kolarbyn. Locals have been building these huts from wood and mud for over 400 years, and a few of them came up with the idea of recreating a few of them in the woods as an eco-lodge to keep tradition alive in the area.

    “People visit Kolarbyn lodges because they want to experience the nature and to test sleeping in the historical huts. They want to get away from the normal life,” the owner Andreas Ahlsen said. “The huts themselves are relatively small, as if they are too big , it will destroy the nature experience.”


    A popular saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." However, that's not really true. Words have the power to build us up or knock us down. It doesn't matter if the words come from someone else' or ourselves—the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.

    We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We're usually too shy to admit it, though. In fact, more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.

    This "self-talk" helps us encourage ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying "Good job!"!

    Often, words come out of our mouths without thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner Or harsh (刻薄的)and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.

    Words have power because of their lasting effect. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesn't pass this test, then it's better left unsaid.

    Words have power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊) and encourage others to do their best Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.


    With beautiful canals, top art museums, and cycling culture I Amsterdam is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. As the capital and most populous city in the Netherlands, it's often referred to as the “Venice of the North” because of its wide system of bridges and canals. Here are some key points for you to keep in mind while planning a trip there.

    Must-See Attractions

    Most visitors begin their Amsterdam adventure in the Old Centre, which is full of traditional architecture, shopping centers, and coffee shops. The top museums to visit are the Rijks museum, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum. As a World Heritage Site, the Canal Ring was originally built to attract wealthy home owners and an area for celebrity spotting and nightlife today.


    Travelers should be aware that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in the world. This airport is located about 15 kilometers southwest of the city center. You can catch a train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station, which has many connecting routes. It's not a good idea to drive a car to the city center. Cycling is popular here, and it's easy to rent a cheap bike around the town. Amsterdam has a flat terrain (地形) and it's a good choice to explore the city on foot.

    Money-saving Tips

    Look for accommodations in Amsterdam's South District where rates are generally cheaper than in the city center.

    Buy train tickets at the machine instead of the counter to save a bit of money.

    Instead of hiring a tour guide, jump onto a canal boat. They're inexpensive and will give you a unique point of view of the city.


    Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs services to people who don't have access to our library service in the usual way. As long as you live in Chester City, we'll provide a wide range of library services and resources including:

    Large printed and ordinary printed books            Talking books on tape and CD

    DVDs and music CDs          Magazines         Reference and information requests

    Home delivery service

Let us know what you like to read and we will choose the resources for you. Our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free. We also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you choose the things from the library. You can also choose the resources you need personally.

    Talking books and captioned videos

    The library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases. You don't have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library. If you have limited hearing which prevents you from enjoying movies, we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge.

    Languages besides English

    We can provide books in a range of languages besides English. If possible, we will request these items from the State library of NSW, Australia.

    How to join

   Contact the library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are suitable for any of the services we provide—Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am—5 pm on 4297 2522 for more information.


A new study says that more than half the world's ocean area is "becoming greener," and the trend is connected to human-caused global warming.

It's not clear what is driving the greening. In some places, it could indicate changes in the amount of plankton or other organic material floating in the water. Plankton are a cornerstone of the ocean food chain, and these kinds of shifts could have ripple effects throughout the entire marine ecosystem.

The study, published on Wednesday in the journal Nature, examines 20 years of satellite data measuring light reflected at the surface of the water all across the globe, subtle changes that aren't necessarily visible to the naked eye. The research finds that 56 percent of the world's oceans are shifting in color — and on the whole, they're growing greener. The trend is especially strong in the lower latitudes, including the subtropics and tropics.

The researchers then used a computer model to find out whether climate change was playing a part. They conducted one set of simulations representing the oceans under a strong climate change scenario, and then compared them with a second set of simulations imagining a world in which climate change didn't exist. The model suggests that rising global temperatures are to blame.

The exact reasons still require some scientific digging. While climate change seems to be the culprit, the study also indicates that rising ocean temperatures in and of themselves aren't driving the greening.

There are plenty of other ways global warming is affecting the world's oceans, by changing the structure and flow of certain currents, for instance. These kinds of changes can affect the growth of phytoplankton and other factors that might be contributing to the greening.

The findings weren't a surprise to the researchers. They're consistent with the way researchers expect the global oceans to change as the world keeps on warming.

"I've been running simulations that have been telling me for years that these changes in ocean color are going to happen," study co-author Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a statement. "To actually see it happening for real is no unexpected, but frightening."

