
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通




    Hobbies play an important role in our life. Most people have a lot of free time available but seldom use it gainfully.There are many hobbies from which you can pick and you can choose one that suits your talents.

    Once you have decided to start a hobby, it will be wise to go through a list of popular hobbies and choose one that is close to your heart and can make you feel confident. Some of the most popular hobbies that people generally take to are reading, listening to music, gardening, fishing, sports, music, exercise and computer-related activities. Once you start, you seldom think of giving it up.

    Learning a new hobby is really a wonderful experience. As you progress, you will be living in a new world and learning new skills. You will begin to discover your hidden talents that you didn't know. You will start reading more about your hobby, meeting other hobbyists with similar interests, exchanging views and building friend circles both near and far.In these games you will get the opportunity to meet others on a regular basis and develop great relationship.

    They can help you keep good health and remain fit. On the other hand, if you are young and take a great interest in sports, you can develop your skills and finally get financially rewarded too. Similarly, gardening provides the hobbyist with enjoyable pastime and opportunity for relaxation. At the same time they get the rewards of their labor.

    People take up hobbies for interest, enjoyment and relaxation. Over a period of time, you might develop outstanding skills and get financially rewarded.

A. Each of these hobbies can give you great benefits.

B. This will change when you play games like golf, basketball or tennis.

C. Most importantly, the main aim of having a hobby is for personal satisfaction.

D. Physical hobbies like sports and gardening can be very rewarding.

E. This will be more so if you take up games like golf, basketball or tennis.

F. Although these hobbies can benefit you a lot, you may not keep them forever.

G. They would rather chat with their friends than use their talents and start a hobby.



    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The angry person loses objectivity in evaluating the emotional significance of the person or situation that arouses his anger.

    Not everyone experiences anger in the same way; what angers one person may amuse another. The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person based on biological and cultural forces.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} We no longer regard duels (决斗) as an appropriate expression of anger resulting from one person's awareness of insulting behaviour on the part of another.

    Anger can be identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes. Under most conditions EEG (脑电图) measures of electrical activity show balanced activity between the right and left prefrontal (额叶前部) areas. Behaviourally this corresponds to the general even-handed disposition (意向) that most of us possess most of the time. But when we are angry the EEG of the right and left prefrontal areas aren't balanced and, as a result of this, we're likely to react.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour: we move closer to people we like. Most negative emotions, in contrast, are associated with avoidance behaviour: we move away from people and things that we dislike or that make us anxious.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.The angrier we are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as offensive anger: the angry person moves closer in order to influence and control the person or situation causing his anger.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Interestingly, this asymmetry(不对称) lessens if the angry person can experience empathy (同感) towards the individual who is bringing forth the angry response. In defensive anger, in contrast, the EEG asymmetry is directed to the right and the angry person feels helpless in the face of the anger-inspiring situation.

A. But anger is an exception to this pattern.

B. Balanced activity can be spotted in prefrontal areas.

C. In offensive anger, people try to move away from what is dislike.

D. Most damagingly, anger weakens a person's ability to think clearly and keep control over his behaviour.

E. This approach-and-confront behaviour is accompanied by a leftward prefrontal asymmetry (不对称) of EEG activity.

F. And our behavioural response to anger is different from our response to other emotions, whether positive or negative.

G. In contemporary culture, physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful to be tolerated.


    You often find somebody who works around you complaining(抱怨) all the time, don't you?{#blank#}1{#/blank#} About 70% of Americans say being around nonstop complainers sometimes has a bad influence on them. Luckily, here are 4 tips to help form positive patterns.


    When a negative(消极的) thought pops into your mind, immediately correct it. Instead of telling yourself “That's a nice shirt, but I can't afford it,” change the message to “That will look great with my black pants when I can afford it.”{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Of course everyone complains  sometimes. But the less frequently you complain, the better you will feel.

    ⒉Distance yourself

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Excuse yourself and go somewhere quiet, somewhere outdoors in the fresh air. Think of something pleasant before returning. You have to take this seriously because negative people can and will pull you into the quicksand.

    ⒊Don't try to change complainers

    If you find yourself trapped in a group of complainers in a meeting or at a social event, simply choose silence. Let their words bounce off you while you think of something else. Attempting to stop the complaining can make you a target.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} If someone says, “I hate Mondays; weekends are too short,” try to think, “I'm glad I rested up over the weekend, so I'm ready to make some improvement on that big project.”


    When someone is shouting at you angrily, throw the responsibility back at them by asking, “So what do you intend to do about it?” In most cases, complainers don't really want a solution(解决方法). They just want to speak them out. If you make them aware that they themselves have to find the solutions, they will leave you alone and find someone else to complain to. If so, you will be happy.

A.Find solutions

B.Change responsibility

C.You have got a lot of company.

D.By doing this, it will lead to positive behaviors.

E.But you can redirect the discussion in your own mind.

F.Whenever possible, escape from negative conversations.

G.You will never know what they are going to talk about.


    Travel blogging (博客) is a journal that the whole world can read and it is the main reason behind me for setting up my own travel blog{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Nowadays everyone is writing about their travels. Here are seven reasons why you should join the army and get writing.

    Remember your trip. The biggest advantage of having a travel blog is providing you with a great way to remember your trip{#blank#}2{#/blank#} But writing online means you can type it up, including photos and you can keep your memories forever.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you keep it basic, having a travel blog won't cost you anything. However, if you want to develop your blog, it may cost you more such as paying for hosting. There are a lot of free blog hosting platforms out there including Wordpress and Blogger that are worth trying and they won't cost you a dollar.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It can often take a lot of effort to stay in touch with those hundreds of people you met backpacking (徒步旅行) on your travels. But with all the social media platforms around these days it is certainly a lot easier. Alongside this, if you have your own travel blog, it means you are regularly updating (更新) your adventures online with all your friends.

    Inspire others{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Along the way you will get to meet so many people who will thank you for inspiring them to take that first trip away from home or you may have encouraged a recent graduate to save enough money to backpack through Asia.

A. It doesn't cost you anything.

B. Earn some money through blogging.

C. Many people want to be inspired by others.

D. Keep in touch with those you met on the road.

E. I set up Sophie's Suitcase for both my friends and family to read.

F. The biggest enjoyment for many bloggers is inspiring other people.

G. Much like a travel journal, it enables you to record the best memories of your travels.


How old is “old”?

    How old is “old”? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Two hundred years ago, you were old at 35. That was the average life then. At the turn of this century, as medical knowledge advanced, the average life span(长度) increased to 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is looking forward to many more active years.

    So, how old is old? The answer is one you've heard many times, from all sorts of people. “You are as old (or young) as you feel!” The calendar(日历) simply tells you how many years you have lived. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Once an unknown author wrote,“ {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Nobody grows old by living a number of years; people grow old by giving up their goals.”

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Alice Brophy, when she was with the New York City commission for the Aging, said, “It upsets me when people say, 'Gee, you look young for your age!' What does that mean? Is there some model that you're supposed to look a certain way at 65 and 75 and 85? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80.”

There are many wrong ideas about aging. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Here are some of the more common ones. For example, most older people are in poor health, or older people are unable to change.

A. Old is a point of view.

B. It's extremely terrible to be grown old.

C. The answer has changed over the years.

D. Your body tells you how well you've lived.

E. Older people are stubborn, unable to change.

F. Youth is not a time of life but it is a state of mind.

G. These ideas stereotype (固化) people on the basis of age.


    A volunteering vacation can be a meaningful way to spend your time off, but to make the trip satisfying both for you and the cause you are supporting, several factors need to be considered. Here is some advice on planning the satisfactory vacation:

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for, and finding one close to your heart will lead to a more worthwhile trip. Possibilities include wildlife conservation, education, environmental protection, health and nutrition. Also, consider any personal and professional skills that you can contribute. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Choose your destination and setting. Your volunteering trip will be more enjoyable if you use it to reach a favorite destination. Southeast Asia is on your mind, helping with tree­planting programs in Bali would benefit the environment and let you appreciate the scenic island.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Is volunteering outdoors in a hot or snowy climate attractive, or do you prefer being in an air­conditioned office?

    Ask the right questions.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be aware that most volunteering programs require a week-long stay. Ask other questions like: How many hours of work per day is required? Are there days off? Will you be working individually or as part of a team? And what are the goals of your efforts? {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Ask if the cost includes only accommodations(住宿)or meals and transportation too.

A. Your duty there is to rest and play.

B. Find a well­respected organization.

C. And think about the surroundings you want.

D. Figure out your cause.

E. Despite the word "volunteer", these vacations usually cost you some money.

F. The more you know about your trip, the more successful it will be.

G. If you're a doctor, for example, working at a health clinic could be an ideal fit.


    With busy schedules and limited hours of daylight, some runners find their only me to run is in the darkness of early morning or evening.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. But if you have to run at night or in the early morning, make sure to follow these guidelines. Choose a Well-lit Route.

    It might not be your favourite route to run, but the most well-lit route is your first choice. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} and you'll always be able to see the road and avoid potential hazards.

    •Always Run Against Traffic

    It's easier to avoid cars if you can see them coming. Avoid busy roads and those with no shoulders or sidewalks.

    Run With a Friend

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. If possible, try to never run alone. If you're running alone, let someone know the route you're running and approximately how long you will be out.

    •Watch Out for Bikes and Runners

    Even if you're running on a path or in a park with no cars, always be aware of other runners and cyclists. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. This advice applies to running in both daylight and darkness.

    •Put Away Your Music

    Make sure you leave your radio, MP3 player, or iPad at home. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. You can't hear oncoming cars, cyclists yelling to move, dogs, or any other potential threat.

A. Oncoming cars see you better

B. There's strength and safety in numbers

C. Running in daylight is always a safer choice

D. A headlamp is also an essential item for runners

E. Before you stop or turn around, make sure your path is clear

F. Cutting off your sense of hearing leaves you at a disadvantage

G. Put your driver's license in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe

