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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors同步练习 (2)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C  和 D )中,选出最佳选项。

    Heroes of Our Time

    A good heart

    Dikembe Mutombo grew up in Africa among great poverty and disease. He came to Georgetown University on a scholarship to study medicine — but Coach (教练) John Thompson got a look at Dikembe and had a different idea. Dikembe became a star in the NBA, and a citizen of the United States. But he never forgot the land of his birth, or the duty to share his fortune with others. He built a new hospital in his old hometown in the Congo. A friend has said of this good-hearted man: “Mutombo believes that God has given him this chance to do great things.”

    Success and kindness

    After her daughter was born, Julie Aigner-Clark searched for ways to share her love of music and art with her child. So she borrowed some equipment, and began filming children's videos in her own house. The Baby Einstein Company was born, and in just five years her business grew to more than $20 million in sales. And she is using her success to help others — producing child safety videos with John Walsh of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Julie says of her new program: “I believe it's the most important thing that I have ever done. I believe that children have the right to live in a world that is safe.”

    Bravery and courage

    A few weeks ago, Wesley Autrey was waiting at a Harlem subway station with his two little girls when he saw a man fall into the path of a train. With seconds to act, Wesley jumped onto the tracks, pulled the man into the space between the rails, and held him as the train passed right above their heads. He insists he's not a hero. He says: “We have got to show each other some love.”

(1)、What was Mutombo praised for?
A、Being a star in the NBA  B、Being a student of medicine. C、His work in the church.  D、His willingness to help the needy.
(2)、Mulombo believes that building the new hospital is___________________.
A、helpful to his personal development        B、something he should do for his homeland C、a chance for his friends to share his money  D、a way of showing his respect to the NBA
(3)、What did the Baby Einstein Company do at its beginning?
A、Produce safety equipment for children. B、Make videos to help protect children. C、Sell children's music and artwork. D、Look for missing and exploited children.
(4)、Why was Wesley Autrey praised as a hero?
A、He helped a man get across the rails.     B、He stopped a man from destroying the rails. C、He protected two little girls from getting hurt. D、He saved a person without considering his own safety.

    This Monday, the nation will start to celebrate Presidents' Day, just seven days before George Washington's birthday. Everyone agrees that day is a holiday. but is it just to celebrate George Washington's Birthday? What about Abraham Lincoln? Some government offices call it Presidents' Day. Others say the holiday is officially Washington's Birthday. Confused yet?

    George Washington was elected the country's first President on April 30,1789. Soon after, Americans began publicly celebrating his birthday. Presidential historians say the actual date of George Washington's birth is February 11,1732. But a change inthe calendar system 20 years later shifted all dates, making Washington's birthday February 22, which is now well accepted. In 1879. Congress made Washington's birthday an official federal holiday. It was the first federal holiday to celebrate an individual's birthday. In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which moved the holiday to the third Monday in February. The new law did not change the holiday's name. It was still called Washington's Birthday, even though some law makers wanted to call it Presidents' Day to include Abraham Lincoln, whose actual birthday is February 12.

    Many people argue that the holiday should celebrate all past Presidents. They feel Lincoln should be honored for his role in preserving the nation during the Civil War and helping to free slaves. Others feelthe holiday should only honor Washington. the country's first President. They say shifting the focus away from Washington would mean future generations of kids would not know about the Father of Our Country.

    Laws have been introduced in Congress over the years to requireuse of the term “George Washington's Birthday.”but none of those laws have been passed. Meanwhile, many stategovernments and school districts now use the term “Presidents' Day.”Many stoles also use it to promote holiday sales.

    Should the holiday honor Washington, Washington and Lincoln, or all past Presidents? Write to emailbag@timeforkids, com and tell us what you think.


    It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Maggie and I were returning from our walk through the woods. We were only a couple of blocks from home when I spotted a cell phone and a credit card sitting on the road. We took them home. We always find amazing things on the street and she looks upon them as a movable feast-a chicken wing here or a barbecue rib there.

    I found another cell phone a few years back, too, and called a number in its phone book. I explained the situation to the guy who answered. He said it was his sister's and that he'd come to pick it up, which he did.

    And that was that. No verbal thank-you, no written thank-you, no “here's a box of chocolates” thank-you.

    I didn't have time to call anyone on my latest found cell phone. I was pouring myself coffee when it started to vibrate(震动) and dance across the kitchen counter.

    “Who's this?” someone asked when I picked up.

    “Who's this?” I countered(反问.“Sarah?”

    She was surprised at my knowing her name until she realized her name was on the credit card. “Could you send them to me?” she asked.

    She lives in Arlington, which is 2 miles from my house.

    “Hmm, no, ”I replied, adding that I thought she could come to get them, and that if I wasn't at home, they would be in my mailbox.

    A day later, when I was out for a run, someone retrieved(取回) them. There wasn't even a piece of paper put in the mailbox with “Thanks” on it. In this age of e-mail and cell phone, there's really no excuse. Years ago, I found something more precious than a $100 bill on the street: a driver's license. I saw  that its owner lived a couple of blocks from me, so I called him up. He asked whether I could slip the license through his front door.

    “I guess I could, ”I replied.

    And that was that.


    After I visited my elder sister's house, I was reminded just how different the apartment living with a child was. She has a nice big house with a few floors, a big backyard and lots of toys. Her house is my son Tom's little piece of heaven. At her house there are little toys, big toys, a doll house, a play house and more! There are bedroom stocked with train tables, ride-on toys and big trucks.

    The main difference about being an apartment mom is that you cannot become a collector of “things”. I continually get rid of anything too large. When Tom was born, we made a rule that there would never be any stuffed animals in our apartment that were larger than him at that time. We also made a rule that we would only ever have at most five stuffed “anything” at one time. So far this had worked out well for us. These rules left Tom with a few special soft creatures to play with, but that can be easily put away.

    Since we want to keep the appearance of being clean city dwellers, we have limited Tom's play things to one toy basket in the main living space and one big storage bin in his bedroom. I am constantly thinking about living space when I buy anything for our little Tom. We love the storage bin in Tom's room. It is filled with fun play things. It is a place to keep his toys and everything gets pulled in and out daily. Anything that doesn't fit is often weeded out to create space.

    Tom absolutely likes going to his aunt's house and pulling out every single toy available to him. Of course, Tom does not notice that when he returns home he only gets one basket of toys instead of many rooms of toys. Right now Tom lives fully in his 1,100-square-foot apartment and seems very satisfied with his basket of toys.


    By trying to tickle(挠痒痒) rats and recording how their nerve cells respond, Shimpei Ishiyama and his adviser are discovering a mystery that has puzzled thinkers since Aristotle expected that humans, given their thin skin and unique ability to laugh, were the only ticklish animals.

    It turns out that Aristotle was wrong. In their study published on Thursday, Ishiyama and his adviser Michael Brecht found that rats squeaked and jumped with pleasure when tickled on their backs and bellies. These signs of joy changed according to their moods. And for the first time, they discovered a special group of nerve cells. These nerve cells made this feeling so powerful that it causes an individual being tickled to lose control.

    To make sure that he had indeed found a place in the brain where tickling was processed, Ishiyama then stimulated that area with electrical currents. The rats began to jump like rabbits and sing like birds.

    “It's truly ground-breaking,” said Jeffrey Burgdorf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who reviewed the paper. “It takes the study of emotion to a new level.”

    Burgdorf has played a central role in our understanding of animal tickling. He was part of a team that first noticed, in the late 1990s, that rats made special noises when they were experiencing social pleasure. Others had already noted that rats repeatedly made short and high sounds during meals. But the lab where Burgdorf worked noticed that they emitted similar sounds while playing. And so one day, the senior scientist in the lab said, “Let's go and tickle some rats.” They quickly found that those cries of pleasure doubled.

    “The authors have been very adventurous,” said Daniel O'Connor, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University who studies touch. To him, that finding was very surprising.

    “Why does the world literally feel different when you are stressed out?” he said. “This is the first step towards answering that question. It gives us a way to approach it with experimental rigor(严谨).”


    "Are you going to Seattle?" an anxious-looking woman asked a female traveler at the Amtrak Airport in Sacramento. "No, I'm going to Eugene," the traveler replied. "Oh, I was hoping you could watch out for my daughter, she's never been on a plane before."

    Now, as I am quite a seasoned plane traveler, I know that seats and cars are supplied by destination(目的地). So I came up to the woman and her frightened-looking daughter, telling them that her daughter could sit with me and that I would take care of her during the journey.

    The plane had arrived 25 minutes late, and people walked in line to get their seats. The conductor wanted to know if there were people traveling together, so I went to the front of the line with the girl and we were arranged to sit next to each other. Once on board, I showed her where to put her package, and took her to the bathroom area. Then we settled down to sleep. In the morning, I showed her the dining room and bought her a drink. She became comfortable enough to do what most 15-year-olds do: talk and text on her mobile phone.

    All through the trip, I made sure she picked up her ID, which had fallen out of her backpack, some money, which had fallen into the crack (缝隙) of the reclining seat, and continuously kept an eye on her. I hope someone takes her under their wing when she flies back to Sacramento.

    I do hope that kindness will spread around the world through these ways. We're conditioned to think that our lives go on with great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware, beautifully wrapped(包裹)in what others may consider a small one.

