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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(新课程标准)高中英语必修3 Unit 1 Festival around the world同步练习3


    India has many festivals, with some celebrations that last for weeks. However, none of them come even close to Holi, India's most colorful and fun festival. Celebrated on the day following the full moon, this year's festival happens to be on March 19th.

    As with most Indian festivals, this one also has many different folk stories. Most of them center around the success of good over evil. The most popular one is about a king, who hates his son Prahlada for loving the creator of the Universe-Lord Vishnu. When every attempt to stop him fails, his sister, Holika believed to be immune (免疫的) to fire, joins in the effort by inviting the young boy to sit with her inside a huge fire. Helped by the power of Lord Vishnu, Prahlada escapes safely, while the evil Holika is burned to death. To remember this event, huge outdoor fires are lit in the night before Holi in order to clean the air of evil spirits and to celebrate the death of the evil.

    So what's so great about this day? While there are some fun parades (游行) and folk songs and dance performances, the most fun of all is walking to the streets and splashing (泼洒) people with water guns and dry colors and even covering them with entire buckets of colored water. On this day, everybody is fair game, no matter how old or how young.

    At about midday, the splashing comes to an end and people living close to oceans or rivers usually take a bath in the water to clean themselves before going home to a delicious home­made big dinner and a well­deserved short sleep, following this full day of fun and activities.

(1)、Why does the king dislike his son Prahlada?
A、Because Prahlada doesn't love him. B、Because Prahlada is rude to Holika. C、Because Prahlada loves Lord Vishnu. D、Because Prahlada concentrates on his own success.
(2)、Prahlada gets out of danger ________.
A、with the help of Lord Vishnu B、because of his good luck C、by beating his aunt Holika D、using his amazing talent
(3)、The underlined phrase“fair game”in Paragraph 3 refers to a person who ________.
A、fights against others fairly B、enjoys splashing people C、plays a trick on others   D、is the aim of splashing water
(4)、After the fun activities, people living close to oceans or rivers often take a bath because ________.
A、they have got dirty with dry colors and colored water B、going home with colored water means bad luck C、they believe clean water will bring good luck D、taking a bath shows their true love for Lord Vishnu

    People can be addicted to different things, e.g. alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive, i.e they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders; they feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational-impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts are even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasures that they get from the things they buy.

    There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don't need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game: when they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.

    It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people. Stores, companies and advertisers use psychology to increase business: they consider people's need for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.

    Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personal problems. In the same was, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.


    Believe it or not, school uniforms are absolutely not only clothes for students. They stand for the culture or beauty appreciation standard of a country. Let's take a look at school uniforms in different nations.

    School Uniforms in England

    Style of English school uniforms is rather classic, simple and elegant. Boys wear conventional western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear neckties. Girls also wear western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear bow-ties. This classic clothing style unconsciously affects English students' temperament (气质) and also sense of beauty.

    School Uniforms in Korea

    Do you still remember the classic scenes in My Sassy Girl? If you've watched it, you will know how stylish Korean students' uniforms are. Boys wear nice white shirts and western-style trousers. Girls wear white shirts, lovely skirts of latest design and bow knots.

    School Uniforms in Malaysia

    Students in Malaysia obey rather strict rules. Girls' dresses must be long enough to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbows. Compared with Thai students, they are much more conservative.

    School Uniforms in Japan

    For students, school uniforms in Japan are not only symbols for schools, but also symbols for the current fashion trends, even affecting students when choosing a school. Japanese school uniforms for girls originate in sailor suits. So they are also called sailor suits or sailor uniforms. Cartoon elements are used on them. Japanese school uniforms for boys are classic dark-colored clothes with stand-up collars, similar to Chinese tunic suits.


    In a natural disaster: a hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, or other catastrophes. Minutes and even seconds of warning can make the difference between life and death. Because of this, scientists are working to use the latest technological advances to predict when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying how best to analyze and communicate this information once it is obtained.

    On September 29,1998, Hurricane Georges made landfall in Biloxi, Mississippi, after damaging Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and several islands of the Caribbean badly with heavy rains and winds up to 160 km per hour. Few people lost their lives along the Gulf Coast of the United States, although hundreds died in the Caribbean. This was a very different result, when a powerful Gulf Coast hurricane made an unexpected direct hit on Galveston, Texas, killing at least 6,000 people. Vastly improved hurricane warnings explain the different circumstances at either end of the 20th century—residents of Galveston had no advance warning that a storm was approaching, while residents of Biloxi had been warned days in advance, allowing for extensive safety precautions (预防).

    At the same time that people in Biloxi were thankful for the advance warning, some residents of New Orleans, Louisiana were less satisfied. A day before Georges made landfall, forecasters were predicting that the hurricane had a good chance of striking New Orleans. Emergency management officials must begin evacuations (疏散) well before a storm strikes. But evacuation costs money. The mayor of New Orleans estimated that his city's preparations for Georges cost more than 50 million. After Georges missed New Orleans, some residents questioned the value of the hurricane forecasts in the face of such high costs.

    The different views on the early warnings for Hurricane Georges show some of the complexities (复杂) related to predicting disasters. Disaster prediction is a process of providing scientific information to the government officials and other decision makers who must respond to those predictions.


    Kinder Camp

    This is a week-long camp, Monday through Friday, for children from three years old to those entering first grade in the fall. Early childhood educators guide your child through activities including songs, games, stories and walks in the woods. Daily themes include dirt, furry animals, insects and more! Parents sign up to bring a snack (小吃).Choose from either morning or afternoon sessions, from June 9 to July 1& 2019.

    Kids Camp

    Children explore all day in the natural world. Art, music, cooperative games and hikes through the woods are some of the activities in this fun-filled week. Each grade level has its own camp program especially designed with the campers5 interests in mind.

    Camp takes place Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm.

    Level 1 (completed 1st grade): July 28 to August 1, 2019.

    Level 2 (completed 2nd grade): August 4 to 8 2019.

    Level 3 (completed 3rd grade): August 11 to 15, 2019.

    Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

    Outdoor Expeditions

    Send your child on a traveling adventure. Teenagers will investigate the natural, cultural and historical facts that make their hometown a great city. Activities will include unique field trips and tours.

    Outdoor Expedition: from 9 am to 3 pm, August 11 to 15, 2019.

    Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

    Rainbow Camp

    Campers enjoy all kinds of activities including arts and crafts, music and singing, drama, active games, cooking and a host of special events that go with our theme weeks! Special guests are invited to the camp every week to entertain our campers and may include storytellers, musicians and magicians.

Week-long camps, June 14 to July 18.

    Campers must be at least 4 years old to take part.

    For more information, call Frick Environmental Center at (412) 422-6538.

