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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



                                            Robot Surgeon (外科医生) Succeeds without Help from Human Doctors

         Humans make mistakes. Even surgeons with years of experience are not infallible. But what if these doctors could pool their knowledge and experience together and create a surgical standard of care, to be carried out by machines?

    That's the idea behind surgical robots, which may soon perform most surgeries, from sewing up tiny wounds to performing heart procedures. Many of these operations are, in fact, already completed with the assistance of robots. But a recent test suggests that robots in the operating room may soon go a step further, performing on soft tissue completely on their own, from start to finish.

    The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR), successfully completed surgeries on pigs. “We're the first group to develop autonomous robotic surgery with soft-tissue surgery, and when compared to standard operation, it's better, ”says Peter Kim, professor of surgery. “The idea is not to replace surgeons; it will make the surgeons better and make the procedures safer.”

    A recent Mayo Clinic study found that major surgical errors-including operating on the wrong site or side of the body, or even leaving tools or objects inside the patient-occur every one out of 22, 000procedures. That's rare, but robots like STAR would aim to lower the number even further.

    In the da Vinci surgical system, surgeons place their arms inside instruments and use their hands to control the movement of robotic tools on the operating table from afar. The robot's every major move is controlled by surgeons, and thus its results may vary based on the surgeon's training or experience.

    STAR, on the other hand, is entirely autonomous. It's not only able to work on its own and perform surgeries with a more flexible “hand”, but it's able to react to the unexpected incidents. Cutting into hard tissue like bones is one thing, but operating on moving soft tissue is far more complex. STAR reacts to a changing environment, similar to how self-driving cars are programmed to not only drive on the highway, but also react to another driver making a mistake and getting in your way.

(1)、The underlined word “infallible” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
A、always right B、really creative C、rather responsible D、quite smart
(2)、We can learn from the passage that STAR ________.
A、has been widely used in the operating room B、can perform the operation on its own C、can make surgeries much faster D、will take the place of surgeons
(3)、In the da Vinci surgical system, ________.
A、robots are trained from afar B、surgery results depend on surgeons C、robots always make mistakes D、surgeons have trouble controlling robots
(4)、In the last paragraph, the author mentions self﹣driving cars in order to show ________.
A、how bad getting in another driver's way might be B、how difficult self﹣driving on the highway is C、how smart an autonomous robot can be D、how dangerous operating on people is.

    Walt had a strong commercial sense of what would appeal to the public.Disneyland,Walt Disney World,and finally the other Disney theme parks around the world all came about because Walt Disney insisted that he could build an amusement park that was so much bigger and better than other amusement parks that it shouldn't even be called an amusement park.

    In 1940,he disclosed a plan to show Disney characters in their fantasy surroundings at a park across the street from the Disney studio in Burbank.

    The idea of an amusement park grew in Walt's mind as he traveled through the US and Europe and visited attractions of all kinds.Walt was sure that an amusement park would be successful in the United States if it offered a “good show” that families could enjoy together,was clean,and had friendly employees.

    In 1948,he shared his concept with trusted friends,a modest amusement park with a central village including a town hall,a small park,railroad station,movie theater,and small stores.Outlying areas would include a carnival(联欢) area and a western village.Soon he added spaceship and submarine rides,a steamboat,and exhibit halls.

    Four years later,he decided on “Disneyland” for the name and formed a company to develop the park,Disneyland,Inc.

    In 1953,he got Stanford Research Institute to examine the economic future of Disneyland and to find the perfect location.

    They broke ground in July,1954,and one year later,Disneyland opened.Within 7 weeks,a million visitors had visited Disneyland,making it one of the biggest tourist attractions in the US.

    Walt combined his talent and his sense of what the public would want with lots of hard work.In 1960,with a mixture of huge successes and failures,Disney had created something that was successful beyond Walt's own dreams.


    I am astonished at the way God knows when to send a special gift of encouragement at just the right time! It might be in a dream, a lost letter, a memory, or something found that we'd forgotten about.

    My grandmother was from a town in Michigan. And summer after summer I enjoyed staying with my grandparents as a young child. I was from the city and loved the small town where they lived. People knew everyone, their children, their pets, their ancestors.

    Grandma was always using her hands for something exciting …She would make sandwiches and we'd have tea parties, plant flowers and carefully tend them. She loved knitting sweaters as well as making beautiful quilts for her grandchildren. I remember the small thimble ( 顶 针 ) she would place on her finger while doing her needlework.

    A few years ago, when Grandma left this earth for her new residence in Heaven, I bid farewell to my loving grandmother. How quickly our lives can change! We had just had tea together a couple of months earlier, on her 91st birthday. I missed her very much, but I noticed it mostly on my birthdays, because there was no card from Grandma. She'd never forgotten my birthday!

    On one particular birthday when I was feeling a little low, something happened and made me feel as if she was sharing that special day with me. I was arranging some colorful pillows that she had made, and suddenly I felt something inside one pillow; it was small and hard. I moved the object to a seam (缝) that I carefully opened, and, to my delight, out came a tiny silver thimble!

    How happy I was to find something that had been a part of her! Not realizing k had fallen off her finger, I pictured her sewing h into that little pillow that I just happened to fluff (抖松), to place on my bedspread (床罩) that day. I carefully laid the thimble alongside the others Id collected over the years. What a precious memory of a very special lady who, somehow, I knew, was laughing in delight at sewing her thimble into my pillow. I heated the kettle and made some tea, using my best china, as Grandma always did, and then enjoyed my tea and Grandma's thimble. What a wonderful birthday that was!


Let Kids with Cancer Be Kids Again!

    We care about the needs of kids with cancer

    Camp quality originated in 1983 in Sydney, Australia. The camp was created to give kids with cancer and their family a place to interact with other children and have an extraordinary summer. Activities are designed with kids in mind such as swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, and even the beloved campfires.

    Companions and volunteers

    The safety of campers and staff(员工)is of top priority to Camp Quality Arkansas. Each staff member is required to attend a training session. Within these sessions, each potential staff member gets to know the program and then a decision is made to decide whether he or she will fit best in the camp.

    "In all of our volunteers we look for adults who can lead with their own actions and have a child-like spirit. This ability to have fun is essential to the success of the camp. While the companions work directly with the campers, we are always on the lookout for volunteers to fill the positions of RNs, certified lifeguards, photographers, and kitchen staff," said Amber Dovel, volunteer coordinators at Camp Quality Arkansas.

    A unique function of the camp is that for each kid a companion is assigned. A companion is a reminder of "hope, courage, and happiness, not only during the week of camp, but all year round," according to the official website.

    Contact us

    For more information visit www.campqualityusa.org or contact Director, Chris Jennings at Chris. Jennings@camoqualityusa.org.


    In most people's opinion, the tiger is not an animal that we would ordinarily think of as being chicken. However, one tiger, which lives in an English zoo, turned out to be more cowardly (胆小的) than his keepers could ever have imagined.

    Tanvir, a two-year-old Bengal tiger, got stuck at the top of a new 5m-high activity tower in the zoo, after climbing it for the first time.

    The wooden tower had been designed to provide mental exercise for Tanvir by testing his ability of dealing with troublesome situations, but after climbing it in just a few seconds, he lost his courage when it came to coming back down. Tanvir went on to spend nearly two days at the top of the tower trying to collect the courage to attempt to get down.

    A spokesperson for the zoo said that several days before Tanvir had taken half an hour to get down a lower tower only 1.5m high, and the taller tower had clearly been too much challenging for him.

    "Every time he got to the edge, he looked out, put a paw over, and thought, 'no, I cannot make it!" 'laughed Samantha Cordrey, Tanvir's keeper. In the end Tanvir's hunger defeated his fear, and after almost 48 hours he made his way down. Burying himself in a big meal just like a hungry pig, Tanvir seemed to forget such a shameful experience for a while.

    It appears that his experience would not be the worst in Tanvir's life if he continued to act like a chicken. It is not known whether he will take courage to go back up his exercise tower again.

    The whole episode (插曲) only serves to show the difficulties faced by zoo staff in creating environments that will improve animals' living ability in enclosed space.


    The term "crocodile tears" refers to insincere sadness. This term has an etymology dating back several centuries. As early as the fourth century, crocodile tears are referenced in the literature with the meaning of insincere sorrow. It is said that crocodiles weep while eating their hunted animals because they are sad; however, this sadness is not honest.

    The term crocodile tears became widely popular after it was documented in a fifteenth-century book titled The Voyage and Travel of Sir John Mandeville, Knight. A passage from the book reads: "These crocodiles kill men and they eat them weeping."

    As you may already know, crocodilians(鳄目动物) likely feel bad about little—especially feeding. However, the assumption of the crocodile-tears metaphor may be true. In a 2007 paper published in BioScience titled "Crocodile Tears: And they eat them weeping", researchers observed 7 crocodilians in cages during feeding time at a reserve (4 caimans and 3 American alligators). The researchers observed the crocodilians outside of water at feeding stations to better find out whether tearing developed.

    Five of the 7 crocodilians developed something like tears in their eyes before, during or after feeding. The researchers suggest that these crocodile tears occur because a crocodilian hisses (发出嘶嘶声) while it eats, and this hissing forces air through the spaces in the bone behind the nose and out the eye, in the process picking up nasolacrimal secretions (鼻泪管分泌物.)

    In humans, crocodile tears is a medical condition that causes a person to tear up while eating. Crocodile tears typically occur because of a temporary loss of facial control due to damage of the facial nerve. Specifically, when the facial nerve grows again, it does so incorrectly thus resulting in tears during chewing food.

