
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The first Ferris wheel was built for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The people who planned the fair were looking for an attraction that would bring people to Chicago. The Eiffel Tower had been a great success for the fair in Pairs in 1889, and they wanted something like that.

    George Ferris handed in drawings of a giant wheel that people could ride on. At first everyone laughed at his strange idea. But Mr. Ferris didn't give up, and finally the idea was accepted. The ride opened in June of 1893.

    That first wheel had thirty six enclosed cars, each holding sixty passengers. When filled it carried 2,160 people. During that summer in Chicago one and a half million people rode the Ferris wheel, which was named after Ferris. Six platforms were used to pick up and drop off passengers. Each ride was two full turns of the wheel. On the first turn, it made six stops for loading. Then the second turn was a nonstop nine-minute ride. Each car had five large glass windows in front and in back, giving everyone a great view of Chicago and Lake Michigan.

    After the fair the ride was moved to a nearby amusement park built especially to show off the wheel. In 1904 it was moved again—this time to St. Louis for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. After the fair in St. Louis closed, the wheel stood unused. In 1906 it was finally sold to a company for scrap(废弃材料)metal. It took 200 pounds of dynamite to bring it down.

    Fortunately a Chicago bridge builder, W. E. Sullivan, figured out how to make a smaller Ferris wheel that could easily be taken apart and put together. In 1906 he started the company that still makes many of the Ferris wheels used today.

    But whenever you ride one remember that it all began with George Ferris' very strange idea.

(1)、What is the main idea of the passage?
A、Large designs are more successful than small ones. B、Riding a Ferris wheel is the best way to travel around the world. C、World fairs attracted millions of visitors to Chicago from all around the world. D、Ferris' design was so successful that Ferris wheels are still around today.
(2)、The first Ferris wheel was mainly built to          .
A、make George Ferris well-known worldwide. B、attract visitors to an event in Chicago. C、match the Eiffel Tower in Paris D、bring fun to people in Chicago
(3)、What does the author think of George Ferris?
A、He showed great creativity in the Ferris wheel design. B、His Ferris wheel design was impractical. C、He was a leader in the amusement industry. D、He did a lot better than W E Sullivan.
(4)、What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A、To persuade the reader to ride a Ferris wheel. B、To describe the success of the 1893 World's Fair. C、To inform the reader about the first Ferris wheel ever built. D、To entertain the reader with a story about World Fairs in the US.

Bad news sells. If it bleeds, it leads. No news is good news, and good news is no news. Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers. But now that information is being spread and monitored(监控) in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules. By tracking people's e-mails and online posts, scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories.
“The ‘if it bleeds' rule works for mass media,” says Jonah Berger, a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. “They want your eyeballs and don't care how you're feeling. But when you share a story with your friends, you care a lot more how they react. You don't want them to think of you as a Debbie Downer.”
Researchers analyzing word-of-mouth communication—e-mails, Web posts and reviews, face-to-face conversations—found that it tended to be more positive than negative(消极的), but that didn't necessarily mean people preferred positive news. Was positive news shared more often simply because people experienced more good things than bad things? To test for that possibility, Dr. Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories: thousands of articles on The New York Times' website. He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most e-mailed” list for six months. One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than non-science articles. He found that science amazed Times' readers and made them want to share this positive feeling with others.
Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad. They needed to be aroused(激发) one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad. The more positive an article, the more likely it was to be shared, as Dr. Berger explains in his new book, “Contagious: Why Things Catch On.”

    For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted a personal motto. I wanted a saying that I could really try to live my life by. I mean all the humorous book and storybook heroes always have a personal principle they follow. Good manners! Courage! Keenness! But a part of me could never get myself to create my own motto because I never knew where to start and I never thought I could give one.

    “With great power comes great responsibility.” is a quote by the great writer and philosopher, Voltaire. More familiar, it makes an appearance in the modern day movie performance of the superhero Spider-Man. This saying provides a sense of responsibility for those with actually limitless power.

    “Be good to others and others will be good to you.” is another well-known proverb that has roots in almost all of the major religions. Although it is less practiced today than it is lectured, it is a powerful and good motto to live by. Kindness, in this sense, is the final power in judging every action.

    My personal motto today has an idea – being efficient. Through my limited knowledge, I have come to find that this is simply the best way for me to give insight about who I am and what I believe in.

 Efficiency is a quality that everyone desires for, right? Who doesn't want to be able to not only work fast but to achieve great results? To some, it may appear to be a frightening journey. But to me, it means that I have a lifelong journey to improve the methods and ideas with which I come near my tasks.

    Regardless of what motto you want to live by, I believe that everyone should have one, or two or more. These are all symbols of a perfect story of us, in our own view. And it immediately provides insight to the type of person we were, we are and what we strive to be. We are never meant to be perfect, but it is important to try and live by a belief that will help us reach our potential. All you have to do is know what your excitement is and live by it.


    It's 5:00 in the morning when the alarm(闹钟)rings in my ears. I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom. I turn on the light and put on my glasses. The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully. Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose my favorite exercise DVD, Insanity. Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes. My heart races as I force my body to finish each movement. As I near the end of the exercise, I feel extremely tired, but a smile is on my face. It's not a smile because the DVD is over, but a smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.

    Some people enjoy shopping, smoking, food, work, or even chocolate. But I need exercise to get through each day. Some shake heads when they see me run through the town. Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmother's chocolate cake. They raise their eyebrows, surprised by my "no thank you", or by my choice to have a salad. Over the years, I have learned it's okay to just say "no". I shouldn't feel sorry for refusing food that I don't want to eat.

    So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say no to ice cream? Commitment. A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases self-confidence and energy, extends life and above all improves my body shape. This is the point where a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit just right. It's through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.


    If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, you'd better check the Durban City Tours! This is actually one of the best choices in South Africa today.

    There is nothing more relaxing than to think about that there is a place to go and relax, right? City life is strained(紧张的), but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is nothing but relaxation. Here in Durban you will get to see all the amazing tourist attractions(吸引人的地方). If you love animals and want to see some elephants wandering around the streets, then Durban is the place to go. You can even get to ride one if you want!

    Here you will also get to taste all the delicious South African food. You can choose from Italian cooking to its native dishes. Durban is a great place to tour with your friends and family. You will learn a lot about its history through the landmarks(地标) you will see down the streets. Tourists and even the local villagers just can't get enough of these treats!

    However, it is important that you make the necessary arrangements安排. There are actually lots of tour guides that will help you as you make your journey along the streets of Durban. But if you prefer the best tour guides here in Durban, then you'd better choose the Street Scene Tours. Their staff(员工) are all well­trained and professional(专业的). They will certainly make your stay here an unforgettable one. No wonder tourists prefer the Street Scene Tours when it comes to Durban City Tours.


    Chinese movie goers set a box office record for the eve of the weeklong National Day holiday on Monday, with takings(票房收入)more than twice the previous record, according to several industry trackers. The major blockbusters(大片)contributing to the box office record were three new releases--My People, My Country, The Captain and The Climbers--which all opened on Monday.

    Industry analyst Wu Nian said more than 80 film companies invested in the three blockbusters, which would provide a substantial boost to the recently lackluster market.

    My People, My Country, a 158-minute anthology that saw seven famous directors join hands, dominated the box office, according to Maoyan(猫眼).

    Consisting of seven short stories set in historic moments to look back at New China's 70years of existence, the movie was codirected by Chen Kaige as well as 6 other directors--who have all directed domestic hits or international award winners.

    Chen, who served as chief director, said China has seen a huge transformation in the past seven decades. As the painstaking efforts of several generations had contributed to the country's achievements, Chen said the team working on the movie had decided to use it to revisit milestone moments through ordinary people's eyes.

    Another highly anticipated film, The Captain, earned 194 million yuan to occupy second place on the box office charts.

    Starring actor Zhang Hanyu, the film is based on heroic Sichuan Airlines pilot Liu Chuanjian, who completed one of the most miraculous emergency landings in China's civil aviation history.

    Also adapted from real events, The Climbers grossed 157 million yuan on Monday. With a stellar cast including Zhang Ziyi and Wu Jing, the film is about Chinese mountaineers' ascent to the summit of Mount Qomolangma, via its perilous north ridge in 1960 and 1975.Wu Jing said the film filled a gap in the market, with sports-themed titles quite rare in the world's second-largest movie market.

    Aside from the three blockbusters, eight other films--covering a wide range of styles from animation to fantasy-will be released during the holiday ending on Oct 7.

