
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

外研版英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Modules 7—9单元测试(有听力无音频)


    Gustavo's favourite sport is football, when he was only four, his older brother taught him how to play it. Now Gustavo is eight, and he has a lot of 1 Gustavo's brother likes to kick (踢) the ball with his right foot, 2 Gustavo doesn't. He likes to kick it with his left foot. Gustavo calls it his lucky left foot. All of Gustavo's friends love to play football when they get out of 3 

    Earlier this year, a new boy came to Gustavo' s school. His name is Felipe. One day, the boys asked Felipe to play football with them after school. Felipe said OK but looked very 4 .

    As they walked to the football field, Gustavo asked Felipe, "Are you all right?" Felipe said, "I don't know 5 to play football. I tried once and everybody laughed at (嘲笑) me." "Don't worry," said Gustavo. "I was really bad too when I first started playing football. 6 just have to keep (保持) trying."

    The game started, and Gustavo moved to the from of the field and was ready to kick the ball with his lucky left foot. Gustavo felt 7 every time he played football and today he was playing even better than usual.

    After the game, Gustavo and Felipe stayed on the field to practise Felipe was a little bit 8 . Then Gustavo and Felipe practised on the football field every day after the other boys 9 Felipe .also practised before school.

    Now Felipe loves playing football, and Gustavo has a new 10 Gustavo believes that Felipe will be able to score his first goal (进球) soon.

A、practice B、jobs C、plans D、information
A、so B、or C、but D、if
A、restaurant B、cinema C、hospital D、school
A、excited B、interested C、worried D、bored
A、when B、why C、how D、where
A、I B、You C、They D、We
A、happy B、tired' C、afraid D、funny
A、older B、taller C、slower D、better
A、arrived B、left C、won D、lost
A、teacher B、visitor C、cousin D、friend

    "Mom, I'm bored," said Jason. "There is nothing to do." "You can clean your room," said Mom. "That's not fun." It was only the second week of summer vacation. It was still too chilly to go to the pool, and Jason was tired of watching TV. His friends went on a trip, and even his dog, Riley, was being lazy.

    Mom was getting ready to go downtown to the food kitchen to help out. She volunteered three times a week serving lunch to people that weren't as lucky as Jason. "Why don't you come with me to the food kitchen and help out?" Mom asked. "I don't know anything about working at a food kitchen," said Jason. "You just watch me, and then you will see how to serve the food," said Mom.

    It was time to go, and Jason was excited to try working in the food kitchen. He watched his mom put some chicken on a plate and some mashed potatoes. She then passed the plate to the next lady, and she put some green beans and bread on the plate. "I can do that," thought Jason. One of the volunteers left early, so Jason took his place in the serving line. He was in charge of putting salad on the plates. He served twenty-five people that day. After the kitchen closed, Jason and his mom stayed to clean up. "That was great!" said Jason.

    Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. He couldn't wait to get home and tell his dad about how much fun he had. "Not only did it give me something to do, but I felt so good doing it," Jason told his dad. "Jason, that was nice thing you did today," said Dad. "You helped many people who aren't as lucky as you to have a hot meal," Mom said. "I am so proud of you, Jason! You worked very hard.

    Jason went to bed that night thinking about the food kitchen. "I am going to help out again," he thought. Jason made some new friends, and he didn't even know they lived so close to him in town! The best part was how good Jason felt inside.

