
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Many children go to the zoo on October 4 to see elephants, monkeys and tigers because that day is World Animal Day.

    Now, more children like animals and want to make friends with them. In the zoo, they learn about animal life. They don't need to go out to show their love of animals. They have pets(宠物)at home.

    Mark is a middle school student. He has a black cat. He gives it milk to drink and meat to eat. The cat is his true friend. Jane is also a middle school student. She has two tortoises. They are as big as her hand. Every day, she changes(换)the water for them. She likes to watch them.

(1)、October 4 is___________.
A、World Water Day B、World Air Day C、World Animal Day D、World Children Day
(2)、Lots of kids like to go to the zoo because they want to______.
A、show their love of animals B、learn how to look after animals C、learn about animal life D、play games in the zoo
(3)、Mark's pet may be a______.
A、cat B、dog C、tortoise D、fish
(4)、Which of the following is NOT true?
A、More and more children like to make friends with animals these days. B、Mark's pet likes to drink milk. C、Jane likes to look after her pets and watch them. D、Children must go to the zoo to show their love of animals.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED, 牛津英语词典) is thinking of adding the Chinese word tuhao (土豪) to its 2014 edition (版本).
The word has become popular in China during the past few months to describe newly rich people who spend money in extravagant(铺张的,浪费的)ways. Tuhao has caught on in Western countries, too, to describe similar people in their countries.
The adoption (采用) of the word by foreign countries is an example of China's spreading influence in the world not just economically, but also socially and culturally. People are paying attention to what is happening in China and are picking up some Chinese words in the process, especially those words that express unique (独特的) Chinese ideas that cannot be easily translated (翻译) into English.
The OED is also thinking of adding hukou (户口) and dama (大妈) to the already 120 Chinese words in its dictionary. Hukou refers to (指的是) China's system of residency permits (户籍系统) and dama refers to middle-aged Chinese women whose gold buying habits influence the global gold markets. The news that the OED was adding these words has met with some criticism (批评). Some people say the words embarrass (使人尴尬) China, but others insist that in a globalized (全球化的) society it's natural for words to spread and be adopted elsewhere. In fact, a word like tuhao expresses the humor of China. It's easy to pronounce (发音) and very accurate (精准的) at poking fun at (嘲弄) rich people who have more money than taste.


    The government in China ended his one-child policy and let families have two children instead in 2015.

    A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy. The statement said the change is meant to balance population development, stop a falling birth rate(出生率)and strengthen the country's labor force(劳动力). China, with the largest population in the world, started the one-child policy in 1980. But the government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children. For example, some families in the countryside could have two children, if the first-born is a girl.

    In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children if one of them was an only child.

Jiang Quanbao, a teacher and population expert, explained how Chinese families react(反应) to the newest policy. "Too many young people in the cities are no longer interested in having a second child," he said. "People in the countryside are more interested. But some of them are already allowed to have two children." At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people. A total of 800 million of them have jobs. But the labor market need of labor by the year 2050. With the two-child policy, an increase in births can solve this problem.

    Boys and girls, what do you think of the two-child policy? Do you want to have a new-born brother or sister?

