
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    I started my travel business 6 years ago. I didn't have a1 budget, so I simply told everyone I was familiar with my business.2, I had got very few clients.

    Late one evening I received a call from a woman 3 about a cruise she had booked. I didn't 4 her voice so I asked her where she lived. She replied, “Montana.” I told her that I didn't have any clients in Montana and that she must have been 5. “Sir, I have your6 written down right here on my piece of paper,7 I must have booked it with you. Could you recheck it, please?” she 8 responded.9, she had my website but I wasn't her travel agent.

    I 10 her name, phone number and sailing information and told her I would call the cruise line and see 11 I could find out. She greatly 12_ my offer to help. The next day I called to tell her that I found out that one agency did have her 13and gave her its number. The woman was very 14 with the solution. We also talked for a few minutes about her15 and I gave her some tips while on board. She thanked me again and I told her it would be my 16 to help her any time in the future. After a few days, I completely 17 about the encounter.

    Several months later, much to my18 I got a call from the lady's sister from Montana, who wanted to get married on a cruise ship. That's just the beginning of the story. My little 19 to the lady in Montana brought 30 brand new clients! Time will only tell how many new clients will come my way,20 one simple offer.

A、marketing B、travelling C、housing D、training
A、Unusually B、Unbelievably C、Unfortunately D、Unreasonably
A、commenting B、complaining C、debating D、asking
A、understand B、remember C、tolerate D、recognize
A、mistaken B、misunderstood C、forgotten D、amused
A、number B、name C、website D、address
A、for B、but C、so D、though
A、excitedly B、politely C、curiously D、coldly
A、Therefore B、Besides C、Instead D、Indeed
A、checked out B、put down C、sorted out D、turned down
A、what B、how C、when D、where
A、rejected B、accepted C、appreciated D、weighed
A、application B、booking C、password D、signature
A、embarrassed B、annoyed C、confused D、satisfied
A、family B、cruise C、career D、agency
A、pleasure B、credit C、shame D、reward
A、thought B、worried C、cared D、forgot
A、sadness B、astonishment C、relief D、disappointment
A、rudeness B、generosity C、kindness D、sympathy
A、in terms of B、on account of C、in honor of D、on behalf of

    Grady threw down his backpack and slammed the car door shut.

    "This is going to be a really 1week," he said unhappily to no one 2. He looked around the campground. Hundreds of tall and green fir trees, some as tall as church towers, 3 the mountainside, giving it the appearance of a green carpet. The sun would be setting soon. Then, Grady thought, maybe the 4wouldn't be unbearable. But actually even up here in the5, the hot stickiness of July was closely attached to him.

    Grady hated camping, but it was something his family6 every summer. His father liked cooking over an open fire, telling stories about how to 7 things like bear attacks and swarms of bees. His mother and younger brother Jared liked to hike and take 8 of animals. Jared had a collection of bug pictures that he'd 9 to the walls in his half of their room. Grady thought they were just scary and proof that Jared was a 10 kid.

    They set up camp—two 11, one for his parents and one for himself and Jared. While everyone else started 12 dinner, Grady, looking for some place to cool down, set off for the nearby stream, which was deep enough to 13 in.

    As he 14 the stream, something caught his eye. There was a(an)15black bear cub—no more than two feet tall with a lovely face. It was playing pretty 16 at the water's edge,17 its surroundings. Grady moved closer to get a 18look. Then Grady heard a sound behind him. He 19 his father saying that bear cubs would never be20. Then he turned around and saw the cub's mother moving swiftly towards him…


I was working as a lifeguard at Tower 15 on Newport and two blocks to my right was another guard named Mike, working at Tower 17. He called me over the phone and said, “Hey, I have 1 two kids who are swimming in the dangerous zone. I have to give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.” I said “Sure.” In case of 2, anytime we got out of our tower, we were supposed to 3 somebody else.

Mike hung up the phone and 4 the lifebuoy(救生圈). Then he realized that these two kids had been 5and that there was a great tendency for them to be 6 by the wave. 7, Mike rushed toward the ocean. I 8 the water and all I found was two small heads. The mother of the two kids knelt(跪) down on the beach with 9 .

    When I dropped my binoculars(望远镜) and reached the mother, Mike was in waist-deep water, 10 the two kids. I turned to the mum and said, “Hey, it's OK. They are safe.” I saw the terror started to 11. Then she glanced back and got her first good look at Mike. A new kind of 12 washed over her face as though there was another threat to her kids' lives. She snatch(抢) her kids without 13 .

    Mike had some seemingly 14behavior, and his shaved head showed a scar(伤疤). Maybe he had no 15 manners, but his lifesaving ability 16 his unsatisfactory skills in PR(public relation). In the mother's 17 , Mike was a really terrible guy. However, that couldn't change the fact that he had just18her kids.

    Mike just glanced at me and smiled. As I jogged back to my tower, I promised myself I'd never let my own 19 prevent me from 20 a hero when I meet one.


    I learned a valuable lesson from my 13-year-old son last week. We were hiking in the woods on our very hilly, rocky farm. He stopped near a cliff (悬崖) and started1some rather large stones towards the edge, seeing how2he could break them into pieces on a large rock lying at the3. I got tired of4him do this after about 20 minutes and suggest that we5on. He refused and kept on his constant picking,6and throwing stones.

    Finally after some time I said, “Do you7that you have been-picking up stones for more than half an hour? This is just the8task as Dad asks you to do every weekend to help9the fields. But you always do it for no more than two minutes, and then find a( n)10to quit." His reply was, "But this is11!"

    This hit me like a rock. How many tasks that we are tired of can be12something fun? I know this sounds like a13because sometimes things are just not fun at all.14, with some creative thinking, I bet there are15. For example, you can try turning on some pleasant music and then dancing16the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器), or you can write a secret message in the dust on your dresser and erase it when you clean it.

    For17, organizing competitions for your employees can create some fun and increase18. If you19a business yourself, you can compete just with yourself. Simply set your goals and choose a(n)20for your completion. The idea is to make achieving goals fun. So, make your work fun and get it done.

