
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    Australia is a big country, but it is easy to get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon(地平线) are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. You can explore the big country in different ways.


    Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia's landscapes(陆地风光) and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.


    Australia has a big network of well-kept roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no trouble finding car rental companies at major airports, central city and suburbs(怒火).


    Bus travel in Australia is comfortable, easy and cheap. Buses generally have air conditioning, reading lights, adjustable(可凋) seats and videos. Services are good for everyone, frequent.


    Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australia's size, all from the comfort of your carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.


    The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra services are running during summer rush hours. Sea-link ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.

    Besides all of above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia-impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.

(1)、If you want to see the largest land sights in a short time you can     .
A、travel by plane B、ride a bus C、take a train D、drive a car
(2)、Which of the following is TRUE about traveling in Australia?
A、More travelers make the flying fees higher than before B、You can rent a car easily to explore its touring routes C、Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable and cheapest way D、Train services can make you more comfortable
(3)、Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs     .
A、only at night hours B、only during rush hours C、several times a day D、between different cities

    When you go to the doctor, you like to come away with a prescription.It makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine. But the doctor knows that medicine is not always needed. Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well. In such cases the doctor may prescribe a placebo.

    A placebo is a sugar pill, a harmless shot, or ail empty capsule. Even though they have no medicine in them, these things seem to make people well. The patient thinks it is medicine and begins to get better. How does this happen?

    The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself. It is as if there was a doctor in each of us. The doctor will heal the body for us if we let it. But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body. Some people say it works because the human mind fools itself. These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine, then it will act as if it did, and the body will feel better.

    Placebos do not always work. The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. If the patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient, then the placebo is more likely to work. So in a way, the doctor is the most powerful placebo of all.

    A placebo can also have bad effects. If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine, then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo. This would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicine is in your mind rather than in your body. Some doctors still think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. They think there is still not enough known about it.

    The strange power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is. There are people who say you can heal your body by using your mind. And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo.


    Have you ever felt like you are not given the kind of respect you deserve? In one way or another, all of us have felt this way. We've yearned(渴望) to be looked at as an authority, someone people look up to and trust. We're not taught in school how to do this and our parents didn't tell us the secret on how to establish our authority. It's something we learn and gain by ourselves. And the answer is as simple as changing our mindset. What? No way! Oh but it is. People tend to underestimate the power of the mind. Change your game by changing your mind.

    Take time to look back and think about people in your life who are an authority or a leader at work, who has more credibility(可信度) than you or who you look up to and inspires you. They are up there not for the reasons you think. If you really think about it, they aren't the smartest of the bunch, not the most educated, and neither are they the best. And in no way do they even call themselves an expert. Instead, they are up there because they are great teachers and advocates(支持者) for the success of their customers or employees.

    Let's take Richard Simmons for example. This famous fitness personality has been a household name ever since he started gaining popularity during the first few years of his career. Stop and think, though, do you really think he is the best person to really get people into shape? Is he the Einstein of fitness and nutrition? Or does he even call himself a master of his craft? Of course not. People look up to him and give him authority because he is a great educator. Instead of sharing information that's far too complicated to understand, he figures out what your problems are and finds out a way to fix them. He even has social media that he updates on a regular basis with topics that are helpful and easy to understand for his fans and followers.

    Depending on the field you're in, you can share with people things you know and that you think they will want to know as well. If you're a nurse, for example, you can make a blog post for common health problems and quick remedies(治疗方法) people can do at home. Remember, the simpler you can make it, the better. People will trust you completely if you give them easy solutions. Like Richard, you'll soon be the expert you'll want to listen to. You can be an advocate also by showing people that you have their best interests at heart. You can also start up conferences to take up people's concerns and try to deal with them the best way that you can.

    So, how will you be viewed as an authority? Make that mind shift. Find out what concerns and troubles your target. Give solutions. Show that you care. And help them climb up that ladder of success. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how it's done.


Real Simple

First Issue: 2000

Published: Monthly

Real Simple is a lifestyle title owned by Time, Inc. This magazine covers topics from decorating and dieting to childcare and product guides. Like many lifestyle magazines, Real Simple is written with women in mind, but that doesn't mean men can't get something out of it! This one is especially good for people who like to organize and simplify their lives. As the title implies, simple, authentic(真实的)living is the magazine's main theme.

Better Homes and Gardens

First Issue: 1922

Published: Monthly

Better Homes and Gardens is a household name when it comes to lifestyle magazines. It's been around since 1922, so the title has a long history of providing high quality, useful content. Decorating and gardening, as the title suggests, are common topics in the magazine, but it is also known for its excellent recipes.

Woman's Day

First Issue: 1937

Published: Monthly

If you're looking for a magazine that combines lifestyle and fashion content, Woman's Day might be a good choice. It has a readership of over 3 million women across the United States. Some of its unique characteristics include its focus on traditional values and its commitment to giving women realistic advice. Many magazines feature lifestyles that are out of reach for the majority of American families, but Woman's Day tries to give practical advice and suggestions that its real-world readers can put into practice.

Taste of Home

First Issue: 1993


For people who want a magazine that's entirely about cooking, recipes, nutrition, and other food-related content, Taste of Home has been a popular choice all the time. It has an unusually rich history of giving its readers what they want. The magazine only started including advertisement in 2007, before which it was advertisement-free. Now the magazine is doing pretty well financially(财政上).


    In 2011, the old style Malta buses were taken off the road and replaced by modern vehicles. Most of the old buses were deserted, a few were sold, and about 100 of them were put into storage in the hope of showing them in a museum at some stage.

    A pre-2011 visit to Malta wouldn't have been complete without a ride on one of the colorful buses. Until 1973 you could tell the destination of the bus just by looking at its color — Sliema was green and white, Zabbar was red and white with a blue stripe(条纹)etc. . Later, the buses all had numbers. For a while, they were all painted green and white before the ‘final' orange, yellow and white.

    In their prime, walking around the Triton fountain at the Valletta bus station, you would have found it very difficult to see two buses of exactly the same design. Most of them had locally built bodies. On the front of the buses carried names like Dodge, Leyland, Bedford etc. You were equally likely to find football pennants(锦旗)and the like decorating the cabs. Real bus experts would have recognized that these were there mainly for decorative reasons, and were seldom an accurate reflection of the vehicle's origins.

    Nowadays much more modern buses are to be found at the Floriana bus station. They are more environmentally friendly and possibly even more comfortable than the older types. However, I miss the old buses. I remember, when you boarded your bus, you had to prepare the correct change to pay the usually bad-tempered driver as you got on. If you were seated anywhere near the front, you would have noticed that most drivers sat well to the right of their steering wheel. The reason for this, as any Maltese would tell you, was to leave space for their pet to sit alongside them. I wonder where the pet sits these days.


    I didn't know how to say no, and was afraid to tell people what I wanted. Instead, I got myself tangled (纠结的) in a web of obligations, anxiety, and white lies.

    The worst thing was that I didn't even realize what I was doing. I thought I knew how to say "no"—but couldn't remember the last time I had. Like a lot of people, I just wanted to be accepted, appreciated, loved—and that the only way to get those things was to put everyone else's needs before my own.

    I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do. I'd like to learn Spanish, write more fiction, and travel. These aren't huge, unrealistic goals. And yet, my people-pleasing ways dramatically cut into my free time to pursue these desires.

    But recently, I decided I'd had enough. As an experiment, I began standing up for myself, even at the risk of alienating (使疏远) myself from everyone and having my entire life come crashing down around me. Several days ago, a good friend asked me to go for coffee at 5 p.m. I was planning to hit the gym and then binge—watch Mad Men for the millionth time. I said, "Sorry, I've got things I want to do tonight." She said, "That's fine. Maybe another time." It was all so painfully simple that I wanted to cry.

    Saying "no" is so much easier. If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest in, I'm polite but honest. "I'm sorry, I don't think that's really for me." The words slip out my mouth faster than some other lame excuses.

    Learning how to say "no" has added several extra hours to my days, days to my weeks, and what feels like months to my years. I no longer have to back-burner my plans to help friends with their job search, or set aside a weekend to read a book draft by someone I barely know. Saying "no" has set me free.

