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人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle课时评价作业


Understanding the link between the clean environment and human life is not a new concept. In fact, it was noticed as early as ancient Roman times. Today we see how green living has influenced our everyday lives. There is a growing community of people who embrace a zero waste lifestyle and make changes to the way they live to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Living a zero waste lifestyle means doing one's best to achieve the aim of not sending anything to a landfill. People who adopt this lifestyle ultimately cut down on their waste by reducing what they need and want. They reuse what they own, sending few things to be recycled. 

Many people who adopt the zero waste lifestyle claim to be frustrated by the many harmful chemical substances found in beauty and cleaning products. They also find the uses of disposable items and excessive packaging the same. For example, how many times have we had to peel away layers of plastic wrap and cardboard before finally taking out the item which we had bought? Instead of buying prepackaged food and goods, those who identify with the zero waste philosophy tend to shop in stores that allow them to make purchases and bring their own cloth bags and glass jars to store their purchases. 

Many people have the misconception that it is easier to live a zero waste lifestyle in the West. Nevertheless, Malaysian environmental journalist, Ms Aurora Tin, has proven that a zero waste lifestyle is possible even in the Asian context. Instead of going to the supermarket to buy prepackaged foods, Ms Tin now visits the wet market and brings her own bags for vegetables. She has even stopped using store-bought toothpaste and make her own toothpaste from coconut oil and baking soda. This lifestyle may be too big a change for the average person, but we could follow her suit to make gradual changes to our own lives. 

(1)、Which of the following is a zero waste lifestyle?
A、Bringing a reusable container to take away food. B、Choosing devices that cost less money. C、Turning off a device to stop using power. D、Classifying the garbage before throwing it away.
(2)、What may disappoint a person who adopts a zero waste lifestyle?
A、Recyclable cardboard. B、Excessive packaging. C、Glass jars to store purchases. D、Natural substances in cleaning products.
(3)、What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A、How people live a zero waste lifestyle. B、Why Ms Tin chooses to live a zero waste lifestyle. C、It's possible to practise a zero waste lifestyle in Asia. D、It is easy to live a zero waste lifestyle in the West.
(4)、What is a suitable title for the text?
A、Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle B、Going Green Is More Than a Fashion C、A Zero Waste Lifestyle Is Easy to Achieve D、Making Environmentally-conscious Decisions

    My family was gathered for a barbecue when the discussion arose about a celebrity who earned a large amount of money. The major criteria for receiving millions of dollars seem to be determined by how much the audience will pay to watch the performer achieve.

    The discussion led to a sudden self-questioning. Why did I choose teaching for a career? I half-listened to their conversation as I pondered the answer.

    I remembered my three children watching me spend nights planning for my class. I remembered how they intently listened to my frustrations concerning materials, procedures and the amount of responsibility that seemed to endlessly be thrust into the laps of classroom teachers. I remembered when it came time for each of my own children to choose a profession. How I waited to hear if any had plans to follow Mom into teaching. Long considerations held no mention of anyone becoming a teacher.

    Dessert was being served, and everyone was still involved in the discussion of the enormous salary of one individual, when the phone rang. My husband handed the phone to me.

"Hello, this is Bonnie Block," I said.

"Is this the Bonnie Block who used to teach kindergarten?"

    A nervous sensation swelled in me, and my mind raced with memories of those days long ago.

"Yes!" I exclaimed with a lump in my throat. It seemed like forever as I waited anxiously to hear what the caller would say next.

"I am Danielle—Danielle Russ. I was in your kindergarten class."

    Tears of surprise and joy rolled down my flushed cheeks.

"Yes," I uttered softly as I remembered that darling, wonderful child.

"Well, I am graduating from high school this year, and I have been trying to find you. I wanted you to know what a difference you made in my life."

She proceeded to give details. My influence on her wasn't limited to kindergarten but remained a strong motivating force when she needed a coach to help her meet a challenge. "I pictured you praising and encouraging me all the way."

    Why choose teaching?

    The pay is great!


    It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.

    The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货), saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

    I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

    People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.


    Do students learn as much when they read digitally as they do in print? Investigators have been trying to determine whether students do as well when reading an assigned text on a digital screen as on paper.

    A number of researchers have sought to measure learning by asking people to read a passage of text, either in print or on a digital device, and then testing for comprehension.

    Most studies have found that participants scored about the same when reading in each medium, though a few have indicated that students performed better on tests when they read in print.

    Since in standardized testing, reading passages and answering questions afterwards may tell us little about any deeper level of understanding, some researchers are beginning to pose more subtle questions.

    When people were asked to read d story in print or on a digital device and then to reconstruct the plot development, the answer is: Print yielded better results. When people were asked to read by choosing how much time to spend on each platform, the researchers found that participants devoted less time to reading the passage on screen and performed less well on the following comprehension test.

    So, how does the learning question relate to educational goals?

To become skilled in critical thinking, students need to be able to handle text. The text may be long, complex or both. To make sense of it, students cannot skim, rush ahead or continually get distracted. So, does reading in print versus on screen build critical thinking skills?

    When asked in which medium they felt they concentrated better, 92 percent replied “print”. For long academic reading, 86 percent favored print Participants were also reported to be more likely to reread academic materials if they were in print

    What's more, a number of students indicated they believed print was a better medium for learning. By contrast, in talking about digital screens, students noted “danger of distraction” and “no concentration”.

    Evidently, it's not too hard to tell that a pattern did emerge: Print stood out as the medium for doing serious work.


Long ago, poets in Japan listened, watched, and caught the beauty of the earth's songs like the raindrops. They did this with the tiniest poems in the world, called haiku. A haiku is a poem that is just three lines and seventeen syllables long. And the poets who wrote them watched and listened, not only with their eyes and ears, but also with their hearts!

In their haiku, the early Japanese poets caught the colours, sounds, and beauties of the seasons of the year. They sang of their islands' beauties. Their miniature poems were not meant to fully describe a scene or to explain it but rather were a flash impression. 

Interestingly enough, Japanese poetry has had a long and colourful history. In the prehaiku period in the early eighth century, Japanese poets wrote katauta, poems in a question-and-answer form, using two people. Each three-line verse contained about seventeen syllables that could be delivered easily in one breath—just as one would naturally ask or answer a question. This has remained the basic pattern for traditional Japanese poetry throughout the centuries. 

Another form that appeared was the tanka, which contained five lines and thirty-one syllables(5, 7, 5, 7, 7), written by either one or two persons. From that evolved(逐步形成) the renga, which contained more than one verse, or link. Written by three or more people, it could have as many as 100 links! The first verse of the renga introduced a subject. It had three lines and was called hokku, or starting verse. Renga parties became a great pleasure. 

Around 1450, haikai no renga became popular. This style of linked verse contained puns (双关) and was humorous and amusing. The opening three lines were still called a hokku, and from haikai and hokku the term haiku evolved. 


"Having the world at our fingertips" is a metaphor often used when we put our hands on information technology, like smartphones and computers. This is a good metaphor. But what is much better is how we use our hands to make things done.

Put one hand flat on a surface, palm down, and you might be able to make out the outline of 14 short bones in your thumb and fingers, in addition to 5 longer ones in your palm that are jointed to your wrist. These bones give each hand its rigid, knuckled structure. Together they're critical components of the anatomical (解剖的) architecture that allows your hand to move. At each of your fingertips there's an ever-growing, translucent plate of fibrous protein, otherwise known as a nail. Although they're nice for decoration, your nails protect and enhance your sensitivity to touch, too.

Imagine squeezing a piece of paper between your thumb and index finger, for example. We use this type of forceful pad-to-pad precision grasping without thinking about it, and literally in no time. Yet it was a breakthrough in human evolution. Other primates (灵长目动物) exhibit some kinds of precision grasps in the handling and use of objects, but not with the kind of efficiency that our hand does.

With a unique combination of traits, the human hand shaped history. No question, stone tools couldn't have become a keystone of human technology without hands that could do the job, along with a nervous (神经的) system that could regulate and coordinate the necessary signals. Even for those who have never attempted to make a spear tip or arrowhead from a rock, it's obvious that it would require strong grasps, constant rotation and repositioning, careful strikes with another hard object. And even for those who have done so, it can be a bloody business.

Of course, the most common object that people touch nowadays is a screen. And the tap-tap-tap movement of our fingers is a unique human ability, as no other primate can move their fingers as rapidly and independently as we do. Here again, we can thank the extraordinary human brain given that normal finger tapping requires the functional integrity of different parts of our central nervous system.

