
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    Currently offered by some famous universities, MOOCs are attractive to people who do not have the financial resources to meet the growing costs of university education, or who do not have formal qualifications. They also allow participants to study at their own pace.

    The potential for MOOCs to deliver education is obviously vast—they could be considered as a huge step forwards in widening participation. They also have the potential to provide a unique window on universities that offer popular and valuable courses, they may attract some participants to register for formal fee-paying programmes at the same or other universities and are likely to promote new ways of on-line education.

    However, it is still very early days for MOOCs. The quality of the education provision is highly variable, with many courses offering only recordings of lectures, and delivery is particularly difficult in some special fields that require practical classes, research projects or extensive library access. Besides, wider engagement with participants requires very considerable resource. Even limited feedback or examination becomes a major task if there are several thousand students in the class.

Considering the challenges, some people argue MOOCs will soon evaporate (蒸发). But they certainly provide good opportunity for widening higher education, are a means of raising awareness of universities to audiences of tens or hundreds of thousands, and are well worthy of serious consideration.


    We know that sometimes studying a new language can be hard work but it can be fun too--and if we can make our learning experience fun, then we will learn better. So here are some more of our top tips for making studying fun.

    Firstly,{#blank#}1{#/blank#}—make sure your chair is suitable and it's at the right height for the desk. Make sure you have good ventilation(空气流通) and light and the space you're in isn't too hot--you don't want to fall asleep! And put away anything that might distract you, like your smartphone.

    Rather than just staring at books and being passive,{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Why not record yourself and listen back to yourself speaking or reading out information. Or you could turn facts into songs and sing them out loud--this is sure to make information stick in your head!

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}—lashcards are very useful because they provide visual clues that help you remember things. You could also stick words, grammar rules and other bits of information on notes around your study space or other places around your house--so for example, you can read them when brushing your teeth!

    Don't feel daunted by the amount of studying you have to do.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Study in small bursts and vary the topics you study so you don't get bored and you stop retaining information. If you can, choose a time of day that best suits your natural preference. Some people work best at night while others work best early in the morning.

    Finally, don't overdo it--know your limits--if you study too hard it won't be fun and you won't absorb information.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}—and give yourself a small reward when you do.

A. try to become an active learner

B. So care your mental and physical health

C. get comfortable

D. So take regular breaks

E. Also be creative

F. And don't try to study continuously all day to fit it all in

G. But you can focus on some entertainments


    Let's face it: homework can be almost as frustrating for parents as it is for kids. Getting kids to do their homework can be a challenge, and when they do sit down to study, a variety of other problems can appear.

    Doing homework may not be as fun as playing video games or chatting with friends, but it shouldn't be something that kids hate. Your children's assignments should not be busywork, but should help them build a skill or learn something new.

    You can offer help by stepping in to answer questions or offer encouragement. This gives you a chance to see what they are learning and how well they understand the material. It helps you understand their learning style and shows you care about their education.

    Many kids refuse to study by asking why they have to learn things they'll never use in real life. If your son or daughter shows little interest in their assignments, you can make them seem more important by pointing out ways you use them in daily life.

    Parents who feel that their kids have too much homework can talk about it with the teachers, but they're in the minority. A 2007 survey showed that 15 percent of parents said their kids had too much homework. About 60 percent said the homework load was just right, and 25 percent thought their children had too little homework.

    If you think it takes your child too long to finish homework, try to determine whether the problem lies in having too much work or managing time poorly. One of the things homework is supposed to do is to teach time management.

    If your child feels bored while doing homework, consider the following suggestions to make study sessions more enjoyable.

    Get help from friends: if your children are struggling with an assignment, let them call a friend for help or invite a friend over to work on it with them. You might also invite neighborhood kids over and let them do homework together. Have them sit around the dining table and help each other.

    Add physical activities: set mini-goals for homework and allow time for stretching, jumping around, or a snack after each goal is completed. For a kid who can't sit still, find active ways to study.

    Turn the tables: let your children teach you a lesson. Let them give you a quiz on the things they have just learned.

Title: Help with your child's homework

The right goal of doing homework

It is supposed to help your child{#blank#}1{#/blank#}a skill or learn new things

Advantages of offering help

◆You can see how things are going with your child's studies.

◆You can see what your child's learning style is like.

◆You can show you are {#blank#}2{#/blank#}in your child's education.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}that you may face

    The child's thinking that the assignments are{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Tell them how you use the knowledge in real life.

    Your thinking that your child has too much homework

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}the problem with the teachers.

    Your thinking that the assignments{#blank#}6{#/blank#}your child too much time

    Find out whether there are problems with your child's time {#blank#}7{#/blank#}.

The child's thinking doing homework is{#blank#}8{#/blank#}

◆{#blank#}9{#/blank#}to a friend for help.

◆Set small goals for the   assignments and allow the child to do physical{#blank#}10{#/blank#}during breaks.

◆Let the child teach you something.


    Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. However, anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here is how

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. Choose a good, regular time for studying. Of course, studying shouldn't take all your time. Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

    Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space free of everything but studying materials. No games, radios, or television.

    Make good use of your time in class. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

    Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Prepare lessons before class and try to know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day. Do read that material. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The purpose of a test is to show what your have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be over-worried.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} You will probably find many others after you have tried these.

A.   There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B.    Develop a good attitude to tests.

C.   Make full use of class time to listen to everything the teachers say.

D.   No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E.    Plan your time carefully.

F.    A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems

G.   This will help you understand the next class.


    Good learners can inspire students or anybody to learn well. Here are some characteristics of good learners.

    Good learners are curious. They wonder about all sorts of things, often about knowledge beyond their areas of expertise(专长). {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Finding out about something they didn't know satisfies them for the moment, but their curiosity is addictive.

    Good learners don't give up easily. A few things may come easily to learners but most knowledge arrives after effort. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They try to search out new information. They read, analyze, and evaluate the information they've found. Then they study more and work at what they don't understand.

    Good learners know that a lot of learning isn't fun. The journey to understanding generally isn't all that exciting. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Others need a tiresome attention to detail, and still others need periods of intense mental focus. Your backs hurt, your arms and legs get tired, and your coffee gets cold.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}There's always more to know. Good learners are never satisfied with how much they know about anything. They are pulled around by questions—the ones they still can't answer, or the ones without very good answers. Those questions follow them like day follows night with the answers bringing daylight.

    Good learners share what they've learned. Good learners are teachers committed to sharing with others what they've learned. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Good learners can also explain what they know in ways that make sense to others. They are connected to the knowledge passed on to them and committed to leaving what they've learned with others.

A. Some learning tasks require boring repetition.

B. Good learners are willing to put in the time.

C. Some knowledge can broaden our views.

D. Good learners stay positive.

E. They write about it, and talk about it.

F. They love the discovery part of learning.

G. Good learners never run out of questions.


    How do you prove you really are who you say you are? Maybe you have many ways to prove your identity: a birth certificate, a driver's license, a Social Security card, or a passport.

    But imagine that you are one of the one billion people in the world­most of them among the poorest­who have no official identification. No birth certificates. No official ID documents. Nothing. Without a way to prove who you are, you would face huge problems: going to school, seeing a doctor, getting a bank account...

    For the last decade, NandanNilekani has been working to make the world's invisible people visible by giving them access to official identification. One of India's leading technology experts, Nandan joined the government to lead the launch of India's national biometric ID system, which uses fingerprints and other biological characteristics to check the identities of the country's more than 1.3 billion residents. This ID system, known as Aadhaar (Hindi for "foundation"), is the world's largest biometric identification system and has become a valuable government platform for delivering social welfare programs and other government services.

    Now, Aadhaar has enrolled nearly all residents of India. With a trustworthy system to check identities of beneficiaries for everything from pensions to food moneies, the government has been able to save billions of dollars because of reduced cheating and dishonesty.

    Of course, India's ID system has not been without controversy. There were many privacy concerns, including criticism that the Aadhaar system was a mass monitoring tool and that personal data would be misused. Last year, a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of India found that the program did not violate the privacy rights of the country's residents. But in order to prevent misuse of personal data, the court placed tight limits on how the ID system could be used and shared.

    According to the latest data by the World Bank, there are one billion people in the world without an official proof of identity, including 45 percent of the population in sub­Saharan Africa and 17 percent of South Asia's population.

    Thanks to the work Nandan is doing, the world is moving closer to the day when everyone will have access to an official ID. The sooner we can achieve this goal, the sooner the world's poorest residents will not only be able to prove who they are, but also realize their dreams for better lives.


    If you seek happiness, then you need to know what happiness is for you. I don't believe there is one universal definition of happiness. Happiness is a very subjective emotion, according to me. Put two people in identical situations: same amount of money, life experiences. etc. and you can be pretty sure that they both wouldn't feel equally happy or equally sad. I believe this is so because there are two kinds of happiness. There is one kind of happiness, which is kind of universal and then there is the other kind, which is very individual to each one of us. It is this kind of happiness that I find more interesting.

The second kind of happiness that I talk about comes from our expectations out of our lives, which vary from person to person. For example, a person who expects a lot out of his or her life may find that happiness is hard to find. They are constantly in search of these things in life, which always seem to elude (逃避) them. Those things may be money or fame or power or any of the other pursuits (追求) that humans have, but it would be likely that such people are less likely to be happy, if their goals are not met. In most cases, even after their goals are met, they don't find happiness, because they seek more— new goals, new wish lists, and it's a seemingly never- ending process for them!

    On the other hand, a person who takes life as it comes along and makes the best of each day is more likely to be happy every day. They have no pressure or goals to occupy their minds and they can achieve happiness from the simple pleasures of everyday life, finding love, making time for the family and kids, seeing their kids grow, etc. Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have any expectations at all. You should keep those expectations reasonable and manageable.

