
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    We know that sometimes studying a new language can be hard work but it can be fun too--and if we can make our learning experience fun, then we will learn better. So here are some more of our top tips for making studying fun.

    Firstly,—make sure your chair is suitable and it's at the right height for the desk. Make sure you have good ventilation(空气流通) and light and the space you're in isn't too hot--you don't want to fall asleep! And put away anything that might distract you, like your smartphone.

    Rather than just staring at books and being passive,. Why not record yourself and listen back to yourself speaking or reading out information. Or you could turn facts into songs and sing them out loud--this is sure to make information stick in your head!

    —lashcards are very useful because they provide visual clues that help you remember things. You could also stick words, grammar rules and other bits of information on notes around your study space or other places around your house--so for example, you can read them when brushing your teeth!

    Don't feel daunted by the amount of studying you have to do.. Study in small bursts and vary the topics you study so you don't get bored and you stop retaining information. If you can, choose a time of day that best suits your natural preference. Some people work best at night while others work best early in the morning.

    Finally, don't overdo it--know your limits--if you study too hard it won't be fun and you won't absorb information.—and give yourself a small reward when you do.

A. try to become an active learner

B. So care your mental and physical health

C. get comfortable

D. So take regular breaks

E. Also be creative

F. And don't try to study continuously all day to fit it all in

G. But you can focus on some entertainments


Tips for Upcoming Senior Two

    People often describe Senior Two as a year with “much more homework, more frequent exams and more fierce competitions”.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ⒈Manage your time carefully and make full use of it.

    Try to study not hard but efficiently. Make a to-do-list for your time after school. Don't just spend quite a long time on only one subject.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Remember to take breaks when you feel exhausted.

    ⒉Treat Competition in Class in a right way.

    Don't treat your classmates as potential(潜在的)enemies. Competition cannot be avoided, but everyone wants to study and live in a friendly environment.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}By helping others solve problems, you inspire others, enrich your own knowledge and gain lasting friendship.


    Don't let your former rankings limit you. What really matters is how you treat exams and ranking. Forget the class ranking or grade rankings, but compete with yourself. In a while, you will see yourself climbing in scores and rankings.

    All in all, the coming new school year is sure to be full of challenges. Too much worry only adds to your difficulties in your development.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Wish you the best of luck in the new academic year!

A. Learn for yourself, not for others.

B. Have a right attitude towards your rankings.

C. Good time management skills are very important.

D. Instead, divide the hours into small periods for different subjects

E. When you prepare for the battle, some advice from me may be of help

F. So when they turned to you for help, just share your wisdom immediately

G. If you keep my advice in mind, you will achieve a lot and lead a happy life.


    If you want to make a great first impression—and why wouldn't you—you know there are basic steps you can take: you should smile, make eye contact, talk less than the other person, and ask questions about him or her. Anyone can do those things.

    But what you might not know is that if you think other people are going to like you, they usually will. As research shows, interpersonal warmth explains the scene: study participants who expected to be accepted were sensed as more likable. (when you think other people will like you, you act in a more natural way—which then makes people like you more since we tend to like warm, friendly people.)

    All of which sounds great, but when you're shy or insecure, you might believe that other people will like you. When you're not familiar with the setting or do not feel comfortable, it's a lot easier to believe people don't like you.

    So how can you convince yourself that people will like you? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and commit to taking a few steps that ensure almost anyone will like you.

    ⒈Give a sincere compliment(称赞).

    Everyone loves praise, especially since no one gets enough praise. Show interest by asking questions. But go past, "What do you do?" Ask what it's like to do what the person does. Ask what's hard about it. Ask what the person loves about it. You'll soon find things to compliment.

    ⒉Focus on letting people talk about themselves.

    People love to talk about themselves.

    Research shows approximately 40 percent of everyday speech is spent telling other people what we think or feel—basically, talking about our subjective experiences.

    By helping people talk about themselves, you're seen as a great conversationalist. In fact, you say very little. Even if you haven't succeeded in making people fully understand you, it is OK. And in the process, you also make other people feel better about themselves, and that makes them like you.

    That's another win-win.

    ⒊Change one word.

    Think about the difference in these statements:

    I had to go to a meeting.

    I got to meet with some great people.

    I have to interview some candidates for a job.

    I get to select a great person to join our team.

    No big deal, right? Wrong. We like to be around the people who have enthusiasm and motivation.

    Keep in mind choosing the right words also affects how you feel. Don't say, "I have to go to the gym." Say, "I want to go to the gym."

    ⒋Show a little weakness.

    Great teams are often led by people willing to admit weaknesses and failings.

    Want to make a great first impression? Don't try to impress. Instead, be humble. Admit your mistakes. Laugh at yourself.

    When you do, other people won't laugh at you. They'll laugh with you.

    And they'll immediately like you, and want to be around you more.

Common sense

If you want to make a great first impression, you are {#blank#}1{#/blank#} to smile, make eye contact, {#blank#}2{#/blank#} more than you talk, and ask questions about the other person.

Interpersonal warmth principle

If you think other people are going to like you, they usually will, so you act more{#blank#}3{#/blank#} and make yourself liked more since everyone tends to like warm, friendly people.

When you're in an unfamiliar setting or feel {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, it's a lot easier to assume that people{#blank#}5{#/blank#} you.

{#blank#}6{#/blank#} for being likable

●Everyone loves to be {#blank#}7{#/blank#}, especially since no one gets enough praise. Show interest by asking questions, you'll soon find things to compliment.

●By helping people talk about themselves, you're seen as a great conversationalist even when you say very little. Maybe you needn't  {#blank#}8{#/blank#} all of your ideas across.

●We like to be around {#blank#}9{#/blank#} and motivated people, so keep in mind choosing the right words also affects how you feel.

●Admit weaknesses and failings, other people will laugh with you {#blank#}10{#/blank#} of laughing at you.



    Why should mankind explore space? Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? Why should resources be spent on space instead of on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.

    Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup as human beings. What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? With the wide spread of a species, human beings can get high chance of survival. Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.

    Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified and prepared for. Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger. With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.

    Exploration also allows minerals and other potential resources to be found. Even if we have no need of them right now, they will perhaps be useful later. Resources may be more than physical possessions. Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. We have already benefited from other spinoffs including improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems. Even nonstick pans and mirrored sunglasses are byproducts of technological developments in the space.

    While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us. While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. The danger exists, but knowledge can help human beings to survive. Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.

    While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets. It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.

Space Exploration

Outline of the paragraphs

Detailed information

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}to points for discussion

Why should we explore space?

Why should we invest so much with few visible benefits?

Why should resources be spent on space {#blank#}2{#/blank#} than on conditions and people on earth?

Reasons for exploring space

It is human {#blank#}3{#/blank#} to explore new areas and environment.

The{#blank#}4{#/blank#} the spread of a species, the higher its chance of survival.

Human beings genetically tend to expand where possible.

By exploring we can have the information and understanding that can help us identify and get{#blank#}5{#/blank#} for any danger in surrounding areas.

Human beings can have unexpected benefits by exploring space.

We can find more minerals for future use even if we don't need them {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

Besides physical possession, we can acquire knowledge or techniques through exploration, which results in{#blank#}7{#/blank#} the life span, improving quality of life, {#blank#}8{#/blank#} earthquakes and the weather and even developing non-stick pans.

Faced with danger, human beings' {#blank#}9{#/blank#}, bravery and intelligence will enable us to survive.


Space exploration may help us{#blank#}10{#/blank#} potential problems on Earth.

Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    Decades of research has demonstrated how junior employees benefit from being mentored (指导). Guidance from senior colleagues has also been shown to enhance mentees' job performance and satisfaction.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    We were especially interested in understanding how mentoring might help mentors who work in stressful occupations. Mental health is a growing concern within occupations that play important social roles, such as medical professionals, firefighters, and police officers. And because policing is one of the most stressful occupations, with high levels of mental health and well-being difficulties, we conducted a study of a formal mentoring program in an English police force.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It was designed to support the development of junior officers by giving them a way to discuss concerns and receive guidance. Our study involved two parts. First, we conducted a field experiment: we compared the mental health of 17 mentor-mentee pairs to a control group of 18 pairs of senior and junior officers that did not participate in the program. Second, we interviewed both the mentees and their mentors separately.

    Our experiment results showed that people who served as mentors experienced lower levels of anxiety, and described their job as more meaningful, than those who did not mentor. We learned from our interviews that mentoring afforded senior officers, as well as junior officers, a chance to discuss and reflect on concerns. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}By acknowledging that these anxieties were common, both mentees and mentors grew more comfortable in discussing them and in sharing different coping mechanisms.

    Why does mentoring have this impact on mentors? {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Despite the pressures that comes with their roles — including abuse, difficult decision making, and the risk of death — police officers tend not to seek support from other officers, including more senior colleagues. This is to avoid negative stigma, a shameful reputation, associated with mental health disorders. Mentoring thereby offered a way to build trust within a relationship that laid a foundation for open and honest communication of sensitive topics.

A. We believe it offers a way to receive support that is often lacking.

B. The mentoring program was launched in 2013 in one of the police forces in England and Wales.

C. Formal mentoring programs provide an opportunity to encourage the discussion of difficult and sensitive topics.

D. However, what we are wondering is why mentoring has such great impact on mentors as well as mentees.

E. Mentors heard their mentees' accounts of anxiety and realized these feelings — which they also shared — were common.

F. We know far less, however, about how mentoring might benefit mentors themselves.


Why not carry on her good work?

    I enjoyed English, biology, and chemistry at school, but which one should I choose to study at university?I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.

    By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases. She lived from 1901 to 1983. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, traveling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles. One of them caught my eye. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sicknees. Why did she write that?Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed this advice?I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. Perhaps if they had an emergency they could not reach a doctor.

    Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. That was a generation when girls' education was always placed second to boys. Was she so much cleverer than anyone else? Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day's work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.

    By now I could not wait to find out more about her. I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own. Instead she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered. By this time I was very excited. Why not study at a medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?It was still not too late for me to improve my studies, prepare for the university entrance examinations, and ……


    There was a man named Ken Nwadike who wanted desperately to run this year's Boston Marathon. But the Boston Marathon is different from most marathons: you have to qualify in order to enter it. Namely, you have to have completed your previous marathon in a certain amount of time, depending on your age category.

    Well, the man in question was 23 seconds short of the qualifying time he needed in order to enter the marathon. He had a number of options. He could get angry. He could blame someone. He could get depressed. Any of them could easily have led to his turning tail(逃走) and going home, angry or depressed.

    Instead, Ken Nwadike attended the Boston Marathon in his own way. He made a " Free Hugs" sign, and with that had a camera on a tripod (三脚架), he gave out hugs and smiles to the runners that passed him by, his way of encouraging and supporting them. From that humble beginning, Ken began his widely acclaimed Free Hugs Campaign, which states its purpose as follows: "continuing the movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the mission of the Free Hugs Project is to spread love, inspire change and raise awareness of social issues." His campaign, which quickly became a huge success, got the widespread compliments.

When things go wrong in our lives, as they do from time to time — sometimes seemingly all the time — we have a choice. We need to take a deep breath, judge the situation, and find a positive direction in which we should go. Whether it's something relatively small, like missing a marathon, or large, like losing a loved one, let Ken's story inspire you to take that breath, re-orient(重新调整)yourself, and move on to doing something worthwhile with the experience.

