
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通


Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. When a child should learn to read

B. Why it is fun to teach a child reading

C. What if a child has reading problems

D. How you prepare a young child for reading

E. What is the best way to teach a child reading

F. Whether reading early promises later achievements

    Learning to read early has become one of those indicators — in parents' minds at least – that their child is smart. In fact, reading early has very little to do with whether a child is successful academically. Research has shown that difficulty with reading is often due not to inferior intelligence but to differences in the developmental wiring of each individual child. In some cases, there are neurological problems and developmental lags that can be overcome with proper training.

    Traditionally, American schools teach children at age six, but many schools begin teaching informally in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. If parents start too early to encourage reading, and a child does not immediately succeed, the parent has a hard time relaxing and letting the child go at his or her own pace.

    Over the years, research has proved that the use of both the “whole language" method and the "phonic" method works best for a child to master reading. While the whole language approach, which includes reading to children and getting them interested in both the activity of reading and the story they are reading, is helpful, phonics must be taught. Children must be taught that one of the squiggles they see is a "p" and another a "b". Getting the print off the page requires a different ability than being able to understand the meaning of what is written.

    You can start developing the skills needed in reading at a very young age without putting any pressure on children. Besides reading to them, parents can start "ear training" their child by playing thyme games. This develops the child's ability to recognize different sounds. In reading to children, parents also can point to words as they go, teaching the child that the funny lines on the page are the words you are saying. All this should be a fun activity.

    Once a child is in school, the learning of reading is inevitably more serious. For children who have some kind of reading difficulty, you must get a professional diagnosis. While the teacher might say the child is merely disinterested but will get over it, disinterest or poor performance in reading can stem from a number of things, some being very specific learning disabilities that can be identified and worked on. But it is very tricky for parents to deal with their own child's learning disabilities.


    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It lifts the curtain of spring.After that everything turns green and full of energy and people clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.

1.Flying a kite.

    Spring is the best season for kite-flying.A traditional folk activity,it has a history of more than 2,000 years.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}  It also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and speeding up metabolism.

2.Wearing fabric swallows.

    Wearing fabric swallows is a custom in some regions in Shaanxi.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} The custom originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).The swallow is a harbinger of spring and a symbol of prosperity and happiness.

3.Making a Spring Ox.

    Skilled artists build the frame of an ox out of bamboo strips and the legs with wood.Then they paste some paper and paint onto it.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}  It is said that if more red and yellow paper is used,then there will be a good harvest that year.


    People in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Spring about 3,000 years ago.They made sacrifices to Gou Mang,the god of Spring,who is in charge of agriculture.By the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),welcoming spring had become an important folk activity.

A.Welcoming spring.

B.The image of an ox is complete.

C.At that time,there were eight solar terms.

D.Start of Spring is the first solar term of the year.

E.Flying a kite can help build one's health and prevent diseases.

F.It is said that the egg can be set upright on the first day of the Start of Spring.

G.People like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests on Start of Spring.


Four simple ways to stay positive

    Trying to stay positive, both in good times and bad, is a great way to improve your quality of life. Try these four methods on a daily basis.

1). Don't think a lot about negativity.

    Of course. Staying positive 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a bit difficult. Letting things get to you is normal, and it's actually healthy to cry or express frustrations once in a while.

    It's when those negative moments control your life that your emotional balance is at risk. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, don't give that sadness another second in your day.

2). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    What you put into your body directly affects how you feel on the outside. Fill yourself with good, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and limit snacking. Exercise is equally of great importance. Take a few days out of your week for at least half an hour of activity, and try to stick to it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

3). Be kind to others.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Making someone's day a bit brighter not only puts a smile on his or her face, but also yours as well. Remember to smile and treat each person with pity and respect. Good deeds are contagious(传染的), and your positive attitude may spread among others.

4). Take it one day at a time.

    Being positive isn't an instant thing. It's a steady effort that we follow every hour of every day. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Instead, focus on living at the moment and doing what you can to make each moment better.

A.Eat healthy and stay fit.

B.Take your lunch breaks outside.

C.Don't worry about what the future may bring.

D.Gratefulness helps you appreciate life in bad times.

E.Good feelings come from acts of kindness and selflessness.

F.Take a few minutes to feel sad and accept what happened.

G.Even going outside for a walk and enjoying the sunshine improves your mood.


                                  5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About High School

    As a teenager,you get a lot of things shouted at you from all different directions and it's often overwhelming.

⒈High school is never like it is in the movies.

    As a freshman,everything is so new and you're dealing with the constant feeling of apathy all while caring way too much.It's a delicate balance that I think only teenagers alone ever understand fully.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Expect change,but don't try so hard to fantasize it.

⒉Make friends with your teachers.

    Not all of the teachers will be fair,or even tolerable,and while that may inspire you to want to take your first dignified stand against today's education system,it won't prevent you from failing.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Pay attention in class because no,you're not "too cool for school."


    You're going to meet people who are dealing with all kinds of problems.Maybe you'll be the one experiencing these things,and in that case,what would you want your friend to do for you?Sometimes you won't feel like being there,maybe you'll be too tired to listen,but it'll be worth it in the end if you really just make yourself reliable.

⒋Do not sink in self-pity

    Of course,feeling sorry for yourself is okay,it's even healthy!But when you're the person who's always complaining about yourself and your life and questioning all the bad things that happen to you,no one is going to want to talk to you.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

⒌You are beautiful,intelligent,and worth it.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}You're surrounded by hundreds of other people who are even better at the things you thought you were best at.Stop comparing yourself.You're not stupid because you failed a history test.You are yourself and that's all you ever will be.

A.Respect your teachers.

B.Lower your expectations.

C.Have a pity on your friends.

D.Nobody is going to feel sorry for you.

E.Most teenagers experience low self-esteem.

F.Many teens often show emotional moods.

G Be the kind of friend you would want.


How to Take Notes?

    Note-taking is a skill which can be used right from primary school up until you leave university or {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you follow these simple steps and tips, you will not only learn how to take notes; you will succeed or perhaps even come up with your own method!

    Note details at the top of your paper. Keep your notes organized by writing important details at the top of each page. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Noting details can make it easier for you to return to your notes and get important information.

    Use your own language. Write down key facts, ideas, and details in your own words. Taking notes in your own words actively engages your brain and helps you better understand the text. Develop your own system of signs and short forms that can help you more quickly take notes and review them. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Think about the text you're reading or the lecture you're listening to—they may be a bit hard to understand. Avoid using full sentences when you write your notes. Instead, use keywords to say the same things in a short and manageable way that you can easily and quickly review later.

    Skip lines on the paper for later review. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Having extra room allows you to make additional notes or clarify points that you may not understand. This helps you quickly have and identify all of the relevant material to that keyword or thought.

A. Review your notes later in the day.

B. Write keywords instead of full sentences.

C. For example, “SM” for “scientific method,” or “GH” for “gender history”.

D. As you write your keywords and ideas down, leave space between each line.

E. It may seem challenging to take notes quickly while keeping key information.

F. Include information such as the date, bibliographic information, and page number of your notes.

G. Good note-taking is a valuable skill for keeping, remembering, reciting and recalling information.


    For the first time in 10 years, the United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start.

    For children and teens

    The new guidance states that the most important time for children to begin exercising is between the ages of 3 and 5. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That could be light activities, moderate activities, or even vigorous(剧烈的)activities.

    Doctors say it is important to start young. They add that from birth to age 5, a child's brain develops more than at any other time in life. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Also, children who start exercising at a young age are more likely to establish healthy behaviors they will continue into adulthood.

    But that does not mean putting a small kid on a treadmill(跑步机)or other exercise equipment. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  After all, it's a kid's nature to play freely and happily.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But it shouldn't be less than one hour a day three times a week. Their activities should mostly be aerobic(有氧的)exercise, such as biking, swimming or running, which can strengthen the heart and lungs. Such exercise should also include muscle-and-bone-strengthening activities; such as climbing trees or playground equipment and playing sports.

    For adults

    For adults, the guidelines recommend exercising 150 minutes a week. That could be walking, gardening, dancing, etc.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Experts say that even short amounts of aerobic exercise can provide health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and improving sleep.

A. Any kind of activity that gets people exercising will do.

B. Aerobic activity works only if it lasts for at least 10 minutes.

C. Simply giving a kid the time and space to play actively is enough.

D. Children above 5 can have a relatively shorter time for daily exercise.

E. Children in this age range require about three hours 'active activities daily.

F. Attaining the health benefits from exercise may be harder than earlier thought.

G. These developments have a 1asting effect on a child's ability to succeed in life.


Benefits of Sports

    Doing sports is a physical, mental and social adventure. It's a great way for children to take a break from academics and release extra energy. It also helps them lead fuller and happier lives as regular sports have proven to improve overall well-being.

    The physical benefits of doing sports are probably the most obvious. Regardless of your fitness level when you start playing sports, you'll notice an increase in your overall fitness once you're involved.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Basketball players focus on strength training; football players work on speed while track athletes train through longer runs. The training process helps promote physical fitness and performances in competitions.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Playing sports contributes to mental health, helping to increase confidence and self-worth. A pat on the back, high-five from a teammate, or handshake after a match really boosts a child's confidence. Words of praise and encouragement from the coach, parents and other players raise the self-worth.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}So after a game, it's a better idea to ask "Did you enjoy the game?" rather than "Did you win?"

    Children who participate in sports might also benefit from the social aspect, feeling part of a group, building up accountability and leadership.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Teamwork involves both being dependable as a teammate and learning to rely on your teammates to achieve a positive outcome. Teamwork breeds accountability and challenges you to be responsible for your actions. Being part of a team gives you an opportunity to be a leader.

    Discipline is another social advantage. Most organized sports require a strict training and practice schedule. As a student-athlete, you need to balance academics and athletics.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    There is no shortage of reasons to find a sport to get involved in. Are you ready to go? Pick one and get moving!

A. It's not just your body that benefits from sports.

B. Therefore, playing sports is going to make you more fit.

C. But remember, a child's self-worth should not be distinguished by victory or loss.

D. If you play group sports, you'll be part of a team that takes direction from a coach.

E. Nearly every sport requires physical activity and the skills needed to be competitive.

F. Among these, learning how to function as part of a team is the most important advantage.

G. Only with strict discipline can you be successful both in the classroom and in the sports field.

