
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by "small talk". Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In English-speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather: "Nice day isn't it?" "Terrible weather, isn't it?" But there is something special about small talk. It must be about something that both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small talk is to let both people agree on something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. But people often disagree about religion or politics so these are not suitable topics for small talk in English. The topics for small talk also depend on where the conversation is taking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching, "Great game, isn't it?" At bus-stops, people may comment about the transport system, "The bus service is terrible, isn't it?"

    Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language. The way people greet each other and the things they talk about, however, may be different from one language to another. This shows that there is much more to learn when we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behavior of the people who speak it.

(1)、Small talk is ________.
A、a kind of conversation with short words B、a greeting when people meet each other C、to let people disagree about something D、something we talk about to start with a conversation
(2)、The passage suggests that when we learn a language, we should ________.
A、learn about the transport system of the country B、only master the grammar and vocabulary C、know the culture about the country D、grasp the importance of the language
(3)、When we say "Great game isn't it?" we are actually ________.
A、asking a question B、having a conversation C、greeting each other D、beginning a small talk
(4)、What we learn from the passage is that ________.
A、different language has different grammar B、small talk is an important part in a language C、small talk depends on the purpose of the conversation D、in English speaking countries we should talk about the weather
    Television has turned 88 years old onSeptember 7, 2015, and it has never looked better. In its youth, television wasa piece of furniture with a tiny, round screen showing unclear pictures oflow-budget programs. In spite of its shortcomings, it became popular. Between1950 and 1963, the number of American families with a television jumped from 9%to 92% of the population.

    As the audience got larger, thetechnology got better. Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s. The reception (接收效果)improved. The picture improved. The major networks started broadcastingprograms in color.

    Even greater improvements were comingaccording to Sanford Brown, who wrote an article for the Post in 1967.Surprisingly, just about every prediction he made in the article became areality. For example: All sets in the not-distant future will be colorinstruments. He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller, simpler, morereliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work.Smaller sets do not, of course, mean smaller screens. TV engineers expectscreens to get much bigger. However, today's 3-D TV is even farther away, if it's coming at all. There is some doubt whether the public would be eager topay for it, in view of people's cold reception given to 3-D movies.

    But the technology with the greatestpotential, according to Brown, was cable television (有线电视), whichwas still in its early stages then. As he predicted, the future of cabletelevision was highly interactive (互动的). It wasn't cable television that gaveAmericans their electronic connection to the world, however. It was theInternet. He even foresaw the future office: using picture phones, big-screentelevisions for conferences, and computers providing information at the touchof a button.

    Brown ever said, “The future oftelevision is no longer a question of what we can invent. It's a question ofwhat we want.”



To: Members of all departments

From: Annette Derringer

Subject: Year-end party

Date: November 26

This is just a quick note to let you all know the arrangements for next month's year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on the evening of December 21st. 1 have received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you have not let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.

    The manager of Green Vale has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is enough parking space for only 100 vehicles, so he would like to ask those of you planning to drive to try car pool(拼车)as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a ,minimum.

Thanks in advance,


To: Annette Derringer aderringer@belway.com

From: Kype Berwick

Subject: Year-end party

Date: November 28


    I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on December 21st although I do not think I will be able to arrive before 7:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a last-minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and they would love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then could you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, we are planning to drive down in a single car to reduce the need for paring and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the ear. I will have a couple of days off before the party, and I will not be in my office December 17th, so could you get back to me before then?

Thanks a lot,



    Are you content with the shape of your nose? If not, the climate may be to blame, not your parents.

This is according to a recent study carried out by scientists from Pennsylvania State University, US. They found that climate played a key role in shaping our noses. The findings were based on an examination of the size and shape of noses of 476 people from four regions—West Africa, East Asia, South Asia and Northern Europe, using 3-D facial imaging technology.

     “People have thought for a long time the difference in nose shape among humans across the world may have arisen as a result of natural selection because of climate,” Arslan Zaidi, one of the lead authors of the study, told The Guardian. But while previous studies were based on measurements from human skulls, Zaidi and his team looked at nose shape itself.

    The result showed that wider noses are more common in warm and humid climates, while narrower noses are more common in cold and dry climates. That, Zaidi said, could be because narrower nasal passages help to increase the moisture (潮湿) content of air and warm it,which is easier on our lungs. This, in turn, led to a gradual decrease in nose width in populations living far away from the equator.

    More study is still needed to test the link between climate and nose shape, but Zaidi believes the current findings are valuable in understanding potential health issue. “As we become more of a global community, we are going to come across climates that we are not adapt to,” he told the Guardian. This means moving to a very different climate might increase the risk of breathing problems.

    However, he added, “This may not be necessarily true for various reasons such as of modern medicine and the fact that our current climate is very different from what it used to be.”


    Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly all over the world. You can find it on building, sidewalks, street sings and trash cans from Tokyo to Paris, and from Moscow to Cape Town. Street art has become a global culture and even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists. Even advertising companies also use street art in their ads due to its popularity.

    Street art started out very secretly because it's illegal to paint on public and private property without permission. People often have different opinions about street art. Some people think it is a crime with others think it's a new form of culture.

    Art experts claim that the movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults sprayed words and images on walls and trains. This colorful and energetic style of writing became known as graffiti(涂鸦). Graffiti art showed that young people wanted to rebel against society. They didn't want to accept rules, and they travelled around cities to create paintings that everyone could see. In many cases, they had trouble with the police and the local government.

    Many street corners in Paris show the works of Space Invader. A French artist uses small pieces of glass to make images of space creatures. He has been doing this for some years and the police have arrested him a few times. On his website, you can see many other places where he has created this form of art.

    Street artists do their work for some reasons. Some of them do not like the artists who make so much money in galleries and museums. They choose street art because it is closer to common people. Some artists try to express their political opinion in their works. They often want to protest against big firms and corporations. Others like to do things that are forbidden and hope they don't get caught.

    In today's world, the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to people all over the world. Many city residents, however, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it alive. The street art movement lives with the energy and life of a big city. There it will continue to change and grow.


    Riverside presents

    Sharp Short Theatre

    This competition offers students a rare experience of working in a professional theatre.

    Now in its fourth year of providing an opportunity for new writers, directors and performers to exercise their creative ability, Sharp Short Theatre has fast become one of the most exciting parts of the Riverside year. All entries(参赛作品)perform in a heat and then the best pieces are invited to perform in the final, where students can be awarded prizes in four types including writing, performing, directing and overall.

    Entries must be written and directed by students (18 years old and under) and can be up to at most 10 minutes in time length. Entries must be handed in by a producer, for example a parent, teacher or responsible adult 18 years old or over.

    Sharp Short Theatre is a youth arts pioneer focusing on encouraging the works of students in theatre. Its aim is to unearth and develop the young to be Australian theatre professionals.

    So what are you waiting for? Get into the spirit and register(注册)now.

    Advisory Service:

    Students may hand in their plays for review by a professional playwright(剧作家)in the lead-up to this event.

    Price: $30 per play.

    Deadline(截止日期): 21 March, at 5 pm, 2018.


    To register, click here to complete our online form (one form per entry).

    Entries Close: 11 April, at 5 pm.

    Price:$15 per entry.

    Dates & Times:

    Heats: 21-24 May, at 7:30 pm.

    Final: 8 June, at 7:30 pm.


    Heats: Adult $18, kids under 18 $12.

    Final: All tickets $20.


    Visual language is a form of communication that uses visual elements (元素) as opposed to formal written language to convey meaning or an idea, Graphicacy, the ability to communicate visually, is considered as important as literacy and numeracy, the abilities to read and count. Some people are visual thinkers, using that part of the brain that is emotional and creative to process and give meaning to information. Visual communication can find expression in paintings, drawings, symbols, or simply lines and shapes arranged for a specific effect.

    Art is an example of visual language. A painting or sculpture can convey ideas or arouse specific kinds of emotional responses. It may also express ideas about historical events, abstract concepts, or simply be about the way certain shapes or forms "work" together or create a certain effect on the mind. Some researchers believe that different parts of the brain respond in unique ways to colors and shapes.

Pictograms (象形文字) and ideograms (表意文字) are types of visual language. Pictograms are pictures that are similar to what they represent. They are still used today to communicate information. Many people around the world are familiar with the pictograms indicating such things as airports, public facilities, and non-smoking areas indicated by a cigarette in a circle with a line across it. Ideograms are pictures that represent ideas and can often be understood without the aid of written language. Some scholars track modern alphabets to pictures Letters are actually ancient pictures, and words are a series of pictures. Modern alphabet letters are not only phonetic (语音的) symbols but are based on ancient religious images and symbols.

    Musivisual communication is also a part of visual language. The term refers to music created specifically to improve the visual experience of film. It corresponds to the images being seen on the screen, and the music may arouse a sense of terror, fear, or other emotions. Most movie goers understand the language of musical clues showing that something dramatic or important is about to happen.

