
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Alf is a big soccer fan. At school, there are lots of children playing soccer. Alf really wants to be a soccer star, But he thinks he isn't good at soccer. He feels very sad. He always thinks about how to be a great soccer player.

    One day, Alf went to watch the school soccer match on the playground. Suddenly Alf shouted, “Look out!” Alf jumped up in the air and made a very good save(救球)!

    All the soccer players and the coach cheered. “What a good save, Alf! You're the best!” Everyone said.

    The soccer coach said, “Alf, come with me.” Alf stood in the goal(球门) and the coach took a shot(射门). It was a good shot, but Alf saved it. Alf saved the next shot, too. And the next one. All the children cheered.

    Now Alf knows he is a very good goalkeeper. He is good at playing soccer after all.

(1)、What does Alf want to be?
A、A soccer star. B、A soccer coach. C、A goalkeeper. D、A reporter.
(2)、Who thinks Alf isn't good at soccer?
A、His classmates. B、His teacher. C、His coach. D、He himself.
(3)、The coach thinks Alf          .
A、saves the ball by accident B、is good at saving balls C、does well in studying D、is good with his team
(4)、The underlined word “cheered” means             in Chinese.
A、恐惧 B、不悦 C、欢呼 D、求助
(5)、After saving the soccer in the match, the coach asked Alf to        .
A、go back to the classroom B、say sorry to the player C、pick up the ball for players D、stand in the goal and saves shots


    Maybe you are not familiar with the name Emma Watson, but you are sure to know Hermione Granger, the main character in Harry Potter. It is Watson who played the role of Hermione in all eight Harry Potter films, adapted from the bestselling book series by J. K. Rowling, from 2001 to 2011.

    In September 2014, Watson, as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech to start the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which fights for women equality.

In January 2016, Watson announced, on Facebook and Twitter, that she would be starting a club for females. Soon after, the book club, “Our Shared Shelf'', whose name was suggested by a fan, was formally set up on a popular book review website Goodreads.

In explaining the reason for starting this book club, Watson wrote on the website, “As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get. There is so much amazing stuff there! Funny, inspiring, sad, thought—provoking! I've been discovering so much……. I decided to start a book club, as l want to share what I'm learning and hear your thoughts too. The plan is to choose and read a book every month, and then discuss it during the month's last week.”

    Our Shared Shelf has already discussed some famous books including Caitlin Moran's How to Be a Woman, Alice Walker's The Color Purple and Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road. Watson told the group that she read Mom&Me&Mom. It is one of her favorites, so it will be the November's choice.

    Now Our Shared Shelf has around l50, 000 members. Watson says everyone is welcome to join up.


From the Other Side

Lara and Tara are twins. They look like each other, but they are very different in everything else. For example, hot food is Lara's favorite, and Tara has a sweet choice.

However, this isn't the problem with the twin girls. They always argues that the opposite one was wrong. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, while Tara thought mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} To put an end to their fights, their parents decided to create a small drama. They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view. Their parents covered the girl's eyes with black ribbons (带、条), and brought them to the dining room. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other. They couldn't see the other side of it. When the ribbons were taken away, they were surprised to see a huge board between them.

Now, their father asked Lara, "What's the color of the board?" She replied, "It's black!" {#blank#}4{#/blank#} She replied, "It's white!" The two girls began to argue again. While Lara was confident it was black, Tara was sure it was white. Then, they were asked to exchange (交换) their places. They couldn't believe their eyes. Tara, who insisted (坚持) it was a white board, saw a black one. Similarly, Lara, who argued the board was black, was surprised to see a white one. They understood that each of them was right in her own view. Most of us are like Lara and Tara. We are right most times, but insist that others are wrong!

A. They have different ideas.

B. For years, their arguments continued.

C. Their mother asked Tara the same question.

D. In the room, a big board was placed in the middle.

E. Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning.

