
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Take a look at our library! Our library is open to everyone and the library card is free.


☆ books in 36 languages

☆ information about the world

☆ all kinds of stories

☆ picture books for children

☆ novels

– You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.

– You can borrow two books at a time and keep them for three weeks.


◆ all kinds of video films

◆ music videos

◆ TV plays

– You can enjoy yourself and watch your favorite videos at home.

– You can rent a video at two yuan for a week.


 music for everyone

 language cassettes; 42 world languages

– Special rooms for you to enjoy listening. CDs and cassettes can be borrowed – FREE.

– You can borrow one CD or one cassette at a time and keep it for two weeks.


● many different kinds of e-books

● e-newspapers and e-magazines

– You can browse all the e-books in the computer room – FREE.

(1)、How many CDs can you borrow at a time?
A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
(2)、How much should you pay if you keep two videos for a week?
A、Two yuan. B、Three yuan. C、Four yuan. D、Free.
(3)、What can you do in the computer room?
A、Enjoy music videos. B、Borrow some books. C、Borrow some CDs D、.Enjoy e-books.
(4)、How long can you keep the books at a time?
A、For a week. B、For three weeks.  C、For two weeks. D、For four weeks

    We always think that it's OK for us to leave our plants home during our vacation as plants won't scream like pets, right?

    A recent study done by a group of scientists at the Tel Aviv University has discovered that some plants will scream when they are under stress.

    The research was carried out on tomato plants and tobacco plants by cutting their stems (茎) and depriving (剥夺) them of water. A microphone was placed 10cm away from them. When their stems were cut, the plants started "screaming" between 20 and 100 kilohertz, and the scientists guess that this scream is probably meant to warn other plants nearby.

    When the tomato plants' stems were cut, 25 ultrasonic (超声的) pain sounds were recorded in an hour, and at the same time, 15 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded from the tobacco plants. When they were deprived of water, the tomato plants recorded even more pain sounds with 35 pain sounds in an hour while the tobacco plants recorded about 11 pain sounds.

    The plants also acted differently to different kinds of stresses. For example, the tobacco plants gave out a stronger "scream" when they were deprived of water than when their stems were cut. But plants that were in no immediate (立刻的) danger gave out less than one ultrasonic sound per hour.

    The group of scientists said that plants are not as quiet as we had always thought, but in fact their voices are so high-pitched that we just can't hear them.

    Last year, another study has found out that plants feel pain when they are touched or hurt and they will give off a terrible smell.


阅读下列短文, 从下面每个小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

A study conducted by the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom suggest that watching cute animals may lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety.

The study examined how watching images and videos of cute animals for 30 minutes affects blood pressure, heart rate(心率) and anxiety. In December 2019, 19 people, including 15 students, joined in the study.

"There were some kittens, there was puppies, there were baby gorillas, there were quokkas —cute creatures found in Western Australia, are often referred to as 'the world's most cheerful animals'." Dr. Andrea Utley, a professor at the University of Leeds told CNN. The study was timed during winter exams, a time when stress is at an especially high level for students, according to Utley.

 The study recorded that the average blood pressure dropped from 136/88 to 115/71, which the study pointed out is "within ideal blood pressure range." Average(平均的) heart rates were lowered to 67.4 bpm, a reduction of 6.5%. Anxiety rates also went down by 35%.

"I was quite pleasantly surprised that during the session, every single measure for every single participant dropped some — heart rate reduced, blood pressure reduced," Utley said. "When they left, they filled the questionnaire(调查问卷) in again and showed that they were feeling less worried."

When questioning the participants, the study found that most preferred video clips over still images, particularly of animals interacting with humans.


Many social media posts(社交媒体帖子) may let you believe that everyone is happy all the time, but being happy all the time is not possible.

As a teenager, you probably expected to get good grades in an exam or to win the most important basketball game, but it didn't happen. Good results make you happy and bad results make you sad. But sadness can drive you to improve yourself next time.

However, when people get into sadness for a long time and it starts to affect(影响) their lives, it's called depression (抑郁). You don't want to get out of bed. You don't feel like studýing or going out with your friends. I remember the same feeling when my dog Rebel died in an accident. I remember that he followed me to school. Now he was gone, and I lost all interests to do anything.

My parents told me dogs don't live forever. What was more, Rebel had a good life. If Ihad a good life, Rebel must be happy, too.

Depression is not a person's mistake. It's normal to feel sad sometimes. Many great people, like the comedy actor Jim Carrey, once get depressed. But you should know what to do to stop depression or make yourself less depressed.

When you feel down, you must not keep yourself away from the world. Try to share your feelings with a family member or a good friend. Staying at home by yourself will make you more lonely. You should stand up, open the window, and throw away (抛弃) the sadness.

