
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



How to teach a child to respect

    As a child grows out of being an infant and begins to notice and react to the world around him, you may find yourself wondering how you possibly impart (传授) all of the things that he needs to become a responsible, respectful adult. A child who learns to respect all he meets not only receives respect from others, but also learns to respect himself as well. Here are some instructions.

    Show your child respect. This is perhaps the best way to teach your child how to respect others. Listen to your child by giving him your full attention and he will learn to listen to you, understanding how important this is in communication.

     The more you say “please” and “thank you” to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them with you and others. Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.

    Agree to disagree. Explain your decision so that he will understand your reasoning and expect respectful responses. Disagreeing with you doesn't equate to disobedience (违抗).

    Control your impulse (冲动) to overact. When a situation arises between you and your child that requires calmness, keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behaviour.

    Praise, praise, praise! So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that the accomplishments are not celebrated enough.

A. Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.

B. Try to remember that a child won't always agree with you.

C. Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.

D. If he sees you lose your temper, he is more likely to respond that way in future.

E. A child may act like he pleases, but will respect being given limits.

F. When you see your child exhibit respectful behaviour, make sure he knows just how proud you are of him.

G. Setting a good example is the best way to start a child on the path to respect.


If you need a guy to help you with something, there are ways that will help you.

Find the right person to ask for help.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. For example, if you need someone to look after your house while you are away for a month, don't select a person who has a wife and kids and can't possibly leave them to help you.


Even if it's a small favor, try to find a place that has some privacy (私密性). This is especially important if you're asking for help that you don't want someone else to hear, such as borrowing money from him.

Use special words to set the table so that he knows you're in need.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Or words such as “I really need your help” are OK. These words give him the chance to understand that he can be of help.

Ask for help in a clear way that expresses what you need, and the reason why you need it.

For example, if you're asking him to take you to the airport, tell him when you need him to arrive. If you're borrowing money from him, say the amount and the reason why you need the money. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

Ask for help in such a way that you give him the chance to refuse.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you don't give him that choice, he may feel as if it's something he has to do instead of something he wants to do.

A. Find the right place to ask him.

B. Be a kind person who always helps others.

C. The person must have the ability to help you.

D. Besides, you should tell him when you will give it back.

E. You can say, “I'm really in trouble. Can you help me?”

F. It can be difficult to find the right words to tell what you need.

G. Make it clear that you completely understand if he can't help you.


    Every animal sleeps,but the reason for this has remained foggy. When lab rats are not allowed to sleep, they die within a month.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} We  know that, while awake,fresh memories are recorded by reinforcing (加强)connections between brain cells, but the  memory processes that take place while we sleep  have been unclear.

    Support is growing for a theory that sleep evolved so that connections between neurons(神经元)in the brain can be weakened overnight, making room for fresh memories to form the next day.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Now we have the most direct evidence yet that he is right. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The synapses in the mice taken at the end of a period of sleep were 18 per cent smaller than those taken before sleep,showing that the connections between neurons weaken while sleeping.

If Tononi's theory is right, it would explain why, when we miss a night's, we find it harder the next day to concentrate and learn new information —our brains may have smaller room for new experiences.

    Their research also suggests how we may build lasting memories over time even though the synapscs become thinner. The team discovered that some synapses seem to be protected and stayed the same size. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}  “You keep what matters,” Tononi says.

A. We should also try to sleep well the night before.

B. Ti's as if the brain is preserving its most important memories.

C. Similarly, when people go for a few days without sleeping, they get sick.

D. The processes take place to stop our brains becoming loaded with memories.

E. That's why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.

F. “Sleep is the price we pay for learning,” says Giulio Tononi, who developed the idea.

G. Tononi's team measured the size of these connections, or synapses, in the brains of 12 mice.


How to improve your happiness

    Recent research has shown that people who value their time over the pursuit of wealth are happier. So how can you best make, save and use your time — and ensure you keep a smile on your face?

● Pay someone to do the housework you hate

Why waste precious hours on housework or gardening if you can get someone else to do it?

● Set time limits on tasks you can't avoid

    Give yourself 20 minutes for necessary cleaning or 10 to hang out the washing. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

● Enjoy standing in that queue

    With three people in front of you at the checkout, think about how busy you usually are and see the wait as a gift, not a bore(烦人的事情). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

● Take on one new activity at a time

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}At work and at home, be careful about the duties you take on. If you already feel stressed at work, don't do more at home.

● Learn to say no

    Be firm by declining a new project, or telling someone you can't talk right now or that you can only talk for a couple of minutes.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

● Make lists your friend

    Start a wish list of the things you'd like to do and do more of the items that simply make you feel happy. Keep your daily to-do list manageable by putting it on an index card.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Be friendly but firm.

B. Make sure you start with an easy task.

C. This will get boring jobs out of the way faster.

D. Intending to do several things at once can be tiring.

E. Think about things that interest you, or wait patiently.

F. Trying to master too many new things at once can be unpleasing.

G. Recall things you're grateful for, talk to another customer or read a magazine.


    Who would win in a competition to memorize numbers, a chimp or a teenager? The teenager? Think again. Scientists have proved that chimps perform better than human beings when it comes to this kind of problem.


    Memory is our ability to learn something, save it and recall it when needed. Our memories are important to our sense of self, our personalities, and our ability to understand the world.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} There is short-term memory and long-term memory. Your short-term memory saves information for a few seconds or a few minutes. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Long-term memory involves the information you try hard to keep, because it's meaningful to you-an example is data about family and friends. And then there is visual memory and sound memory. But these are not hard and fast. In fact, Scientists argue a lot about the nature of memory.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Some memorize better with the help of pictures. Others are helped more by sounds. One thing's for sure though: If you can put the different kinds of memory together, there can be great results. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} At the same time, you could listen to recordings of the same group of words. These things may help when it comes to memorizing the words.

    Imagination and association can be useful too. By imagination, scientists mean picturing a word in your mind, while association means relating the word to something you already know.

A. So why not try pictures with English words?

B. Then how do chimps have better memories than us?

C. Scientists say that there are different types of memory.

D. We may have to rethink what we believe about human memory.

E. Scientists have also found that people memorize things in different ways.

F. For example, the time it takes to compare the prices of a few items in a store.

G. Short-term and long-term memory differ in the amount of information they can store.


    You can take fish oil supplements. You can invest in a language class. There are countless methods to improve your memory and cognitive functioning.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. It's called reading. It is amazing how such an ordinary activity can improve your brain in so many ways.

    The most basic impact occurs in the brain area associated with language reception. Compared with processing spoken language, reading encourages the brain to work harder and better.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. A study found that some of those benefits lasted for five days.

    Reading also energizes the region responsible for motor activity. That's because the brain is a very lively play actor. When it is reading about a physical activity, the neurons(神经元)that control that activity get busy as well. You may not actually be riding a horse when you're reading Seabiscuit, but your brain acts as if it is.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}, the better it is for your overall cognitive performance.

    What if you are a poor reader who feels as if you'll never be able to read enough to harvest these benefits?{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Scientists studied children aged eight to ten who were below-average readers. One hundred hours of reading classes significantly improved the quality of their brains' white matter -the tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter, where information is processed.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Results from a study indicate that close literary reading gives your brain a better workout than leisurely reading. The ability to read closely needs to be developed. So turn off your phone and your computer, set aside a good hour or two-and just read.

A. Reading is good for your health

B.A book can fix that problem too

C. If you read books on a regular basis

D. Not all reading is actually created equal

E. And the benefits continue long after reading

F. The more parts of your brain that get a workout

G. But the most effective way to sharpen your brain is right here


A. But are esports really sports?

B. All like playing computer games.

C. It's not easy being a professional gamer, though.

D. But this wasn't a football, basketball or tennis match.

E. It is certain that esports will come into the 2024 Olympics.

F. In fact, China and South Korea do classify esports as sports.

G. If esports are not as important as sports now, they definitely will be in the near future.

    Last summer over 12,000 fans were at Wembley Arena in London, shouting and cheering. Thousands more were watching online. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It was esports, or competitive computer gaming.

    Millions of people in the UK play computer games for fun. Some of them have become professional gamers, playing games as their full-time job. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They practice for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week. They do exercises like typing something and trying to type it faster and faster. They also study videos of other players and plan ways to beat them.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Are players athletes? Some say no. Esports players don't need to run, jump, throw or do big physical actions. At the moment, the UK government classifies esports as kinds of games, not as sports.

    But others say yes: esports are sports. Players do need some physical skills, especially hand-eye coordination, reflexes, accuracy and timing. If darts, snooker and shooting are classified as sports, then perhaps esports should be too.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} And they will be an official medal sport in the Asian Games starting from 2022. Next step: the Olympics?

    For many esports fans and players, though, the most important thing is that esports are growing in popularity and importance. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

