
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



The Adoption Option

There are many wonderful pets looking for new homes. . The following is some advice about introducing a rescue dog into your life.

●Choose wisely

No matter how cute a dog is, it's important not to let the heart rule the head when choosing a rescue dog. People naturally love puppies, but mature dogs are a great choice for many people. . The dog's personality and size are usually apparent, so there should be no surprises.

That a dog is available for adoption doesn't mean they are automatically a problem dog. . However, some may exhibit unruly(难以驾驭的)behavior due to a lack of training. It's important not to confuse a lack of training with more serious behavioral issues. Good shelters and rescue groups will have every dog assessed by a qualified behavioral trainer to identify potential problem behaviors.

●Coming home

Arriving in a new home can be stressful for an adult dog. For many dogs you will have to take a trial-and-error approach to understanding what they like, what makes them feel secure and what they fear. You had better gradually expose your rescue dog to a range of different experiences and other dogs to judge and manage their behavior appropriately. . In this way, they will have company and can be supervised in the early stages.

A. What to expect

B. What you see is what you get

C. Common problems and special behaviors

D. Adoption provides a pet that second chance

E. Many rescue dogs are well trained and well behaved

F. Most of these issues can be overcome with good training

G. Therefore, it's wise to get time off work when the dog arrives


    Do you know people who have learned English earn twice as much as people who don't? If you speak English better, you will find more good jobs. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}: Children go to their parents when they need help with school. If you speak better English, you can help your children with homework and you can also talk to teachers and other parents.

    Think of your family: Most doctors in the United States only speak English, and if you can explain what the problem is and understand what the doctor is saying, you will get better, sooner!

    Think of yourself: With a little more English, you might be able to take your high school diploma (GED), learn a profession or even go to college! {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It is never too late!

    Think of your pocket: If you understand what people tell you at the bank, a store or a lawyer's office, nobody will be able to cheat you!{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Here you can find out how you can get started. Don't you want to save your cash?

    And remember, with the Beehive you can practice your English and find help to get a good job, open a bank account or find a doctor!

    The Beehive is written with a very clear language so you can learn all the important words at the same time as you find all the important information you need to make your life better.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Just a simple click here!

A. Think of your future.

B. You can talk about your illness with doctors in the United States if you go to hospital.

C. Or you can get a promotion and earn more money.

D. Many people are doing it!

E. With more English, you can save more, send more money to your family and even start your own business.

F. Think of your children.

G. Find out what type of education is right for you, and how to do it.


    Whether you're flying to an island paradise or traveling for business, these packing tips will help you minimize time and maximize space.

Start with the right-sized suitcase

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. But if you can't travel light, it's best to choose a bag that can easily accommodate everything you need. Trying to force a full suitcase to shut is a waste of time and energy, especially since you may return with even more stuff, if you like to buy souvenirs.

    Lay everything out before starting

    Lay everything you're taking out on the bed, so you can see exactly what you need to pack and spot any missing items promptly. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. For folded items, putting layers of tissue between each item will cut down on wrinkles.


    Begin by putting rolled items in a layer at the bottom of your suitcase. Cushion fragile items like perfume bottles in the middle. Plan to put items you need on arrival at the top end of the case. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    Finish with a large top layer

    Lastly, lay a large item like a towel over the tops and tuck it in around the sides. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. It's much easier to close the zipper if you don't have items like belts or laces.

A. Pack your suitcase in layers

B. Then fold or roll each item of clothing

C. Take a moment to assess your needs for this trip

D. So they'll be easy to find when you need them

E. For a short trip, a small carry-on bag is ideal

F. Get everything ready before you start the actual packing

G. This will stop items from sliding around during the journey


    As a senior year student, you may have so many pressures coming from so many directions that you can't figure out what to do first.


    When you have many things to do and a lot of demands on your time, you can lose sight of what's important. One of the best ways to see the big picture – what you want out of life – is to lay out your goals.

    Pressure Points and How to Deal With Them

    Confused or overwhelmed -- {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Discuss your concerns with a friend, parent or teacher. They may help you find solutions to your problems and worries.

    Being too hard on yourself – ease up, take a break and do something you enjoy. Daydream, read a book, go out with friends – anything that helps you relax.

    Problems, problems, problems – recognize your limits. It's too stressful to try to  deal with all your problems at once. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Goal-Setting Tips

    It's important to remember that goals belong to you – not to your parents, your teachers, or your friends. After you've set your goals, identify the skills you have to achieve those goals. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, do some research. Try the library, your guidance adviser and teachers, and other people who could help you.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. If your goal is something you no longer want, change it. Identify the barriers to getting your goals. Consider ways to overcome them. Don't get depressed by a big, long-term goal – see what steps you can take to achieve it and set those steps down as short-term, "do-able" goals.

A. Too much to do

B. If you're not sure what skills you'll need

C. talk to someone you trust

D. Goals exist to serve you

E. Balancing goals in life

F. Choose what's most urgent and set aside the rest until later 

G. As long as you know what skill is important and what isn't


    I've always wanted to start my own business. I've always wanted to start working for myself. Yet I didn't make that decision. I finally got started instead of thinking about it or putting it off. And I made it. Maybe you've not started on something important to yourself. Maybe you can relate to what I'm saying, and you feel you've been slacking (松懈的) off for too long. You had better get started now.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ⒈It's better than thinking about it.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But thinking can also be dangerous when you do too much of it. You can think as much as you like, but thinking isn't going to change the situation. In fact, thinking isn't going to change anything.③ {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You won't go anywhere, as if you're a human statue. So you had better get started now.

    ⒉It's better than never taking action.

    Do you want to be the man or the woman who never does anything? Do you want to be the man or the woman who never gets started? {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You won't regret it.


    How long are you going to dream about getting started? How long are you going to dream about how wonderful it'll be when you do take action? And how long are you going to dream about how much of a difference it'll make to your life? There's only so much dreaming you can do before you have to turn that dream into action. A dream without action is a fantasy, destined(注定) to never come true.

A. It's better than dreaming about doing it.

B. Here's why getting started is the best way to get started.

C. Thinking will just keep you in the same position you're already in.

D. Take action and get out of your own head.

E. You can adjust your actions along the way.

F. Thinking about something before you do it is a great quality to have.

G. It's better to make a mistake than do nothing at all


    Being overweight is one of the biggest problems that many men and women of all ages suffer from. Although everyone wants to lose weight quickly, burning fat is no easy task. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Don't expect to just read these tips and expect to lose weight while you sleep. It will take a lot of effort on your part to succeed.

    It's very important to drink lots of water while reducing the use of salt. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Try not to eat the foods that contain high amounts of fats and instead focus on eating foods rich in fiber.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} This is the best way to lose weight, as playing a sport can give a person a sense of confidence.

    Avoid taking medicines that help reduce your appetite, as they usually have many side effects and can do you more harm than good. Also, you shouldn't follow unusual diets such as those that focus on drinking large amounts of vitamin-concentrated liquids. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    Finally, everyone should know and understand that being overweight will eventually lead to bigger and more dangerous diseases and conditions, so it is best for us to stay fit before we gain weight while we still have a chance. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It's better for you to take things slowly and start with losing just a few pounds a month and then increasing that.

A. Just stick to the most popular diets

B. Here are a few tips on weight loss

C. Exercise regularly while you're on a diet

D. Salt tends to store water in the body leading to weight again

E. And in case you feel hungry you should eat low-calories foods

F. Also, make sure you don't try reducing too much weight too fast

G. When in doubt, don't be afraid to ask your doctor for suggestions


    Being content with what you do and your life can be troublesome these days. However, you can start being satisfied with what you have with some steps.

    There are times when some friends simply get too busy and with the passage of time visits and meet-up become less frequent. If there is anything that can help you be more content with your life, social media is certainly not the answer. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That is simply so much better than letting your time just fly by in front of electronic devices.

    Finishing reading a book is also a good idea. We all know reading excites the mind. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}It can also improve your focus, concentration and communication skills. The reason we did not ask you to start reading a book is that finishing reading a book is far more satisfying than simply reading halfway through it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    If you are stuck in a 9-to-5 job, then you need to seriously reconsider your physical activity. As time flies by, we all get older. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}So, exercise or join a sports club if you can. Exercising will not only improve your overall ability but also make you look good and know your true strength.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}However, simply giving your change to a homeless person wouldn't cut it. You need to find a cause that you deeply care about and then commit to it wholeheartedly. This will give you an opportunity to see how your small acts of kindness can bring out the best in you and the society.

A. Being selfless brings you more satisfaction.

B. You'd better start reading an interesting book.

C. Instead, you need to connect with an old friend.

D. So, pick up a nice book now and make it into a habit.

E. It is a great way to channel your energy in the right direction.

F. It works well in reducing stress and increasing your knowledge.

G. What you do with your body today can help you stay healthy in the future.

