
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The other night, I had to go to a meeting, which lasted past my daughter's bedtime. I 1 home and was brushing my teeth when I 2, and there on the bathroom mirror was a note in the  3 of a heart. It said, “Hi, Mom! I Love You. Laurel. ” 4, I cut a heart out of a piece of paper, and pasted(贴) a(n) 5 next to hers, saying, “I Love You, too, Laurel. Love, Mom”, which she 6 the next morning.

    Our family has 7 that by integrating(互相) writing into our 8 activities, we become more thoughtful of each other. Meanwhile, our daughter is learning to enjoy writing and becoming a(n) 9 writer.

    While teaching in a primary school, I 10 how influential parents can be as children learn to write. 11when our daughter first began to scribble(乱涂), I became 12 by her work. I offered praise for her 13, for I found that scribbling is far more complex and important than I had 14. It was obvious that her scribbles,15 being lovely art objects, showed a lot about her 16 of the world of writing.

    Gradually, our family began writing a great deal. I sensed that writing helped Laurel learn 17 to read. As a matter of fact, by 18 my own child and her friends and by reading professional books, I became more and more 19 about how writing develops and how 20can help children become eager writers.

A、left B、returned C、missed D、headed
A、turned up B、turned down C、looked up D、looked on
A、size B、shade C、model D、shape
A、Immediately B、Suddenly C、Finally D、Usually
A、picture B、article C、note D、page
A、felt B、wrote C、read D、heard
A、found B、imagined C、dreamed D、doubted
A、boring B、useful C、daily D、personal
A、important B、ordinary C、poor D、skilled
A、learned B、regarded C、considered D、discussed
A、Yet B、Though C、But D、So
A、disappointed B、attracted C、puzzled D、worried
A、effects B、efforts C、suggestions D、methods
A、cared B、insisted C、realized D、proved
A、besides B、far from C、instead of D、less than
A、arguments B、fear C、understanding D、dislikes
A、when B、how C、what D、whether
A、noticing B、discovering C、checking D、observing
A、particular B、clear C、anxious D、crazy
A、teachers B、friends C、books D、parents
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When I was eighteen, I couldn't wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood.

    But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the1, where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk 2 by myself. Then the doctor began the 3. He looked into my eyes with a bright light. “I suggest your parents take you to an eye specialist,” he said, “I  4 you have a retinal(视网膜)disease. If you do, you will never 5a day in your life… ”

    My parents did take me to specialists. After much time and money spent seeking an6result,it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly 7a person of sight. But still, during daylight, I could walk without 8. I could read, but not for hours. My eyes began to 9 and words slipped off the page when I read more than a few pages. However, no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the 10of great writers as well as the most popular music stars. Their words were powerful, which 11 me to try writing. Soon writing brought me a lot of 12each time I completed a paper.

    Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life.An article I 13 appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my 14, continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of my essays. I got interested in writing and 15 up with each acceptance. On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness 16I chose to present it. For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I 17 so many years ago. Now, I have numerous essays and articles in 18.

    Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I could never work a day, he fueled my 19 into success. He set the bar too 20 and focused on what I wouldn't be able to do. Yet I proved what I could do.


When I was about five years old, I used to watch a bird in the skies of southern Alberta from the Blackfoot Blood Reserve in northern Montana where I was born.I loved this bird; I would 1 him for hours. He would 2 effortlessly in that gigantic sky, or he would come down and light on the 3 and float there beautifully.Sometimes when I watched him, he would not make a sound and liked to move 4 into the grasses.We called him meksikatsi, which in the Blackfoot language 5 "pink-colored feet"; meksikatsi and I became very good friends.

    The bird had a very particular significance to me 6  I desperately wanted to be able to fly too.I felt very much as if I was the kind of person who had been born into a world where 7  was impossible. And most of the things that I8  about would not be possible for me but would be possible only for other people.

    When I was ten years old, something unexpected 9  my life suddenly. I found myself become an 10  child in a family I was not born into; I found myself in a 11  position that many native Americans find themselves in, living in a city that they do not understand at all, not in another culture but 12 two cultures.

A teacher of the English language told me that meksikatsi was not called meksikatsi, even though that is what 13 people have called that bird for thousands of years.Meksikatsi, he said, was really "duck".I was very 14 with English.I could not understand it.First of all, the bird did not look like "duck", and when it made a 15 , it did not sound like "duck", I was even more 16 when I found out that the meaning of the verb "to duck" came from the bird.

    As I 17  to understand English better, I understand that it made a great deal of 18 , but I never forgot that meksikatsi made a different kind of meaning.I19  that languages are not just different words for the same things but totally different 20 , totally different ways of experiencing and looking at the world.


Learn to Meet Challenges

    My classmates called me "the alien", and they avoided me like the  plague(瘟疫). As a young boy, I1from a serious skin disease, which filled my arms with scars. The true2of my condition, however, was social: I lived a life of loneliness.

    Doctors predicted(预言)that I would never fully recover, but my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that my difficulty could be overcome. I therefore took a/an 3 role in fighting against my disease, trying many medications and herbs, and my health 4 greatly before I graduated(毕业). I realized that my personal5had led to this improvement. I regained self­confidence and made many friends at school.

    Years later, 6my personal battle against disease, I learned a great deal about7by overcoming difficulties.

    I joined the Culture Club as a Special Event Director. I8a group of six students in organizing various activities. I was the most advanced ESL student among the group. So I considered myself the most capable. But I quickly learned my9. While preparing for our first presentation, I was10with my team members and often rejected(拒绝)their11. I performed most of their tasks myself, allowing them to12me only with small details. As a result, the presentation was not very successful. The setback13me, and I spoke of it to the club's director. She responded that she14my ability to succeed in the future. This comment filled me with15, for I realized that I had never trusted my own team members. 16they were weak in English, they had many valuable talents. I immediately17my policy, allowing my team members to choose the tasks they desired and to complete them on their own. For our program, we had many meetings, which gave18to many good ideas. Most importantly, the atmosphere among us improved dramatically. We were19and eager to devote time to the program, and I learned what true leadership is.

    My experiences20improved my ability to handle challenging situations.

