
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Ciudad Perdida, Colombia's "Lost City" is older than Machu Picchu(马丘比丘古城). There are no trains or buses allowing of 1 travels to reach its ruins. The chance of getting to this remote place is merely 2 on foot: a tiring hike lasting several days nonstop.

Despite this, I couldn't 3 the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida. Twelve other hikers and I went there in 4 with a licensed guide. The dirt path, which 5 through towering palms and dangling vines(藤蔓),proved 6 right from the start. It's suggested that hikers have good physical 7, as the journey is difficult. Horses helped to carry basic 8 like food to the cottages where we would sleep. Along the way we also met the 9. They have been left undisturbed for centuries and there's a deep 10 between them and the land.

The next morning, we were off early to 11 the heat, but high temperatures and muscle pain had already 12 by the time we reached the final stage — 1, 200 stone steps to 13. Finally, my eyes rested on the splendid scene that had 14 the hard journey to Ciudad Perdida, 15 lifting my painful body up the long flight of stairs.

I looked down and 16 at the beautiful site below. We were among a handful of other groups visiting, which seemed like 17 compared to other crowded tourist attractions. While the return trip included 18 the mental barrier of having already achieved our goal, the experience is the one I would do 19. It is the difficulty that makes the journey a more 20 one. Earned views are always better.

A、endless B、easy C、frequent D、fake
A、dangerous B、impressive C、identical D、available
A、resist B、obtain C、promote D、employ
A、comparison B、combination C、company D、communication
A、buried B、swung C、wound D、leaked
A、disappointing B、embarrassing C、challenging D、amazing
A、character B、fitness C、independence D、confidence
A、equipment B、furniture C、possessions D、supplies
A、natives B、visitors C、guides D、drivers
A、conflict B、distance C、bond D、belief
A、reduce B、avoid C、lower D、detect
A、set in B、cut off C、watched out D、gave in
A、cover B、catch C、display D、explore
A、predicted B、convinced C、motivated D、evaluated
A、before B、after C、even though D、as if
A、aimed B、pointed C、puzzled D、wondered
A、something B、nothing C、anything D、everything
A、overcoming B、memorizing C、observing D、witnessing
A、otherwise B、instead C、though D、again
A、luxurious B、relevant C、flexible D、rewarding
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A Leap(跳跃)to Honor

    Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.

    To perfect her skills, Lola 1 for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.

    That's especially impressive, 2 she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and can't 3 how far away things are.

    When she was little, her mom 4 that even though she couldn't see 5, she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the 6 right away and gymnastics became her favorite.

    Though learning gymnastics has been more 7 for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesn't let her 8 stop her from doing anything that she wants to.

    She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest 9 is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to 10 your mind that it'll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.

    To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most 11 for anyone because it's four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn't 12 the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10 — her highest score yet.

    Lola doesn't want to be 13 differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don't know about her vision 14. She doesn't tell them, because she doesn't think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her 15 attitude.

    Lola never thinks about 16. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her 17 is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to 18 what she's learned to other kids when she grew up.

    Lola is 19 of all her hard work and success. She says it has helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her 20 for others is “just believe yourself”.


    One day, Jim played basketball in the living room after school. When he was playing in high spirits, his basketball 1 a vase off the shelf by accident and the mouth of it knocked off a large piece. What made him more2 was that the vase was rare and valuable. To cover the great 3 he caused, he glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place.

    While cleaning the vase after work, his mother 4 the change on it. At dinnertime, she asked Jim if he 5 the vase. Being afraid of punishment, Jim said a wild cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shell. His mother was quite clear that he was 6, for all the windows were closed before she went to work. However, his mother just remained 7 and said it was her carelessness not to have the window closed.

    Before going to bed, Jim's mother asked him to go to the study. He felt he couldn't 8 the punishment.

    When he entered the study in fear, his mother's face appeared no sense of 9. Instead, she took a chocolate box out of the drawer and 10 one piece to him. “Jim, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you11 a cat that could open the window, with your imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand. “This chocolate is a reward for your topping12 to restore (修复). You restored with glue, the cracks were filled almost perfectly. 13remember, to restore a vase needs more powerful glue and higher 14 skill. Tomorrow, let's bring the vase to the15 to see how they'll make it as it was.” With that, his mother took the third chocolate, “The 16 chocolate stands for my deep apology (歉意) to you. As your mother,I shouldn't have put a vase in a place where it could so 17 fall down, especially when there is a boy fond of sports.”

    “But, Mum, I ...” His mother18him and said. “My chocolate box has been 19, so our talk is over, too. Now, go to bed!” Then she left for her own bedroom. The following days were the same as before. The only 20 was that Jim never told a lie since then.


    Skydiving isn't an activity for the faint of heart, but when you do it at 101 years old, you're pretty much a superhuman. On May 13, Verdun Hayes became the 1person in the world to complete a 15,000-foot tandern jump (双人伞), 2 the Guinness World Records he once set up.

    Verdun Hayes wasn't 3. He finished the jump with eight family members and two close 4 at Dunkeswell Airport in England. As they5to make the jump, the entire family looked nervous, but6as well. Hayes' grandson–in–law Ian Honnor, the organizer of the family's jump, told TODAY, "He was probably the calmest one on the 7. He had no fear and just loved it. He just wanted everyone to8it and be healthy." Honnor, who helped 9the outing, said this wasn't Hayes' first jump! "When he was more than ninety years old, his family kept telling him he wasn't 10 to do the jump. However, he didn't give up his 11. At the age of 100, he 12realized his ambition and became the first man of such an advanced age to 13a tandem skydive."

    This time he decided to shoot for the world record. "Because it's such a big14, it was decided that as many people in the family as we could possibly get were going to go15him," Honnor said. "He had four generations(世代) of his family in the 16at the same time—they ranged from age 16 to 101." The family held a big party to 17his achievement.

    Hayes even had some18for those people hoping to 19the same thing at his age. "Just keep your mind20occupied by positive thought and keep your body as fit as you possibly can," said Hayes. "Those are the two great things."


    My father was a Jamaican(牙买加) immigrant while my mother was a white woman. They never got married but I was born. However, my father never1his family about my existence. Whatever the case, I didn't know I was a2until my thirteenth birthday.

    Walking into my aunt's apartment brought a lot of emotions. What if my3didn't want anything to do with me because I was half white? How4can I learn the jokes that my family members told? Should I5them for all the years they didn't spend with me? My mind was full of thoughts when I was6to everyone, trying desperately to understand family members who almost were7strangers. Meanwhile, I was8to just remember everybody's name.

    One of my aunts, who'd been quiet for most of the morning looked at me with tearful eyes. She mentioned how9she was for my father to have a daughter, saying, "He's always dreamt of having a daughter". However, she then expressed her10towards my father for keeping the family in the11about me. From this12, I have learned more about what it means to be biracial (代表两种人种的). Can I still13myself Jamaican even though my first time trying curry goat, a traditional dish, was not until my teenage years?

    I've become aware that no matter how much DNA you might14with a particular race, you won't feel truly connected if you did not15with that culture's customs. I believe this event has16me into becoming a more understanding person when analyzing someone's actions. I have realized that I am far from a17. I am determined to prove that I'm here for a reason by using my talents to18those around me. I have grown to not19on my parents and families to tell me who I am, but I have understood my uniqueness and20my real self. I really feel proud that among strangers I eventually know who I am!

