
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:困难



Governments around the world are pushing for an end to plastic straws (吸管) and bags. More and more businesses are turning to paper products as a choice. Paper is considered by many to be better than plastic. However, it, too, is harmful to the environment.

Firstly, paper bags and straws are made from trees. Trees, as you know, can reduce ( 减少) carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) levels in the atmosphere. They can slow down climate (气候) change. An increase in the use of paper bags can cause more acts of cutting down trees.

Secondly, products made from paper require more energy and water. About 10 percent more energy and four times as much water is used to produce a paper bag than a plastic one. You might say that we can use recycled paper to save that energy and water. This seems to be a good idea. However, it takes even more energy and water to go through the recycling process than to make a brand new paper bag. Products made from recycled paper are also often short-lived.

Thirdly, paper products are heavier than plastic ones. That means they require more oil to transport. Seven trucks are needed to transport two million paper bags, while only one truck is needed to transport the same number of plastic bags. The increased weight also leads to a large amount of waste once the bags are thrown away.

Paper products are actually a lose-lose for both the environment and businesses. They are more expensive than plastic products. A paper straw costs about 5 to 12 cents, while a plastic one usually costs only about 2 cents.

The most environment-friendly solution is to avoid single-use  products altogether. Products like glass water bottles and steel straws can be used over and over again. They are much better than either paper products or plastic products. Through increasing the use of these products, you can greatly reduce your throwaway waste and truly make our Earth a greener place!

(1)、What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A、Plastic products. B、Trees. C、Paper products. D、Businesses.
(2)、Compared with transporting two million plastic bags, transporting two million paper bags requires     .
A、fewer trucks B、six more trucks C、twice as many trucks D、the same number of trucks
(3)、The writer compared the price of a paper straw and that of a plastic straw to show that     .
A、paper products are not a good choice for businesses B、it is difficult for all businesses to turn to paper products C、most people believe paper products are better than plastic ones D、paper products are as harmful to the environment as plastic ones
(4)、By writing this article, the writer mainly wanted to     .

① compare plastic products with paper ones

② correct people's wrong ideas about paper products

③ suggest people use reusable products like steel straws

④ list the advantages and disadvantages of using paper products

A、①② B、  ③④ C、  ①④ D、②③

    You must have remembered the story from your childhood: an old man was worried about his sons because they always quarreled with each other. So one day he asked them to break a bundle(捆) of chopsticks tied together. Clearly, none of them could. But when the bundle was untied, they were able to break each chopstick easily. Why? This is because of the power of unity(团结).

    Dr. John Maxwell, in his book Success Journey says that every success is not something you can achieve alone. Think about it —if at the end of all the achievements, you find yourself alone, will you call it success in a real sense? It is known to all of us that success always belongs to unity. But we often seem to forget it when it comes to individual(个人的) success. Most of us consider our success as a personal thing.

    Your dream and your success do not belong to you alone. Even though you work hard towards your dream, there are people who are working behind you to make sure that you are able to give yourself a hundred percent energy.

    Do you think that it is possible without unity? Don't you feel that these people are doing their best so that you can be successful? And so, unity plays an important role, even if you are talking about your personal success. Just like those chopsticks, they can't be broken only when they are tied together.

    So, it is your responsibility to keep unity if you really want to be successful in your trip. Only if you always treat things and people seriously, you will succeed because all the things and people around you have connections in some way.


In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world. They're not really bad guests but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some Western countries it appears they are not nice guests. And Western guests sometimes look rude in the eyes of Chinese guests.  

  In China guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese person's home there is always fruit on the table for me and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the West generally the guest is not a god. Acting according to the host's way of doing things is usual behaviour for a guest. 

  My wife's mother is a very kind elderly Chinese lady who doesn't smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly but I must realize that she must not do that. In most North America homes if you are a guest and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their house. At the very least you could ask "Is it OK if I smoke?" But don't be surprised if they say "No, you can't smoke." In our culture if you smoke in their home you are a bad guest, but if they don't allow you to smoke in their house they are not a rude guest.

  Guests in China also have special habits. Some Western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So if you invite international guests to your home don't be too surprised if they don't bring you a gift. 

  In China you probably won't need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If Western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.


Have you seen any scarecrows (稻草人)? In the countryside of our country, some villagers like to set up some scarecrows in the fields in order to prevent birds from harming their crops. They think that this can play a role in driving away birds. In fact, not only farmers love to use scarecrows, but also some airports have installed scarecrows in such a developed technology today, which plays a very good role in driving away birds. Some people will say that birds are not fools, and they will come back to eat after a long time. So do the birds really feel scared? Can scarecrows really play a role in driving away birds? Not very — unless you're willing to put some extra(额外)effort into them.

While traditional scarecrows who couldn't move do work against "pest birds" (eg. crows and blackbirds), the effect is almost always temporary (暂时的). Over time, the birds get used to scarecrows who couldn't move and reuse their destructive (破坏性的)habits.

However, a few tricks can up your scarecrow's game. Researchers have learned that those with realistic facial features(特征)and brightly colored clothes are better at driving away birds. Also, moving a scarecrow around every few days often helps. According to several studies, flailing(大幅波动) scarecrows get the very best results.

