
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



If you were to throw, say a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it's part of a fruit — right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to biodegrade, and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that's a whole lot of thrown-away banana peels, or much worse. An orange peel and a cigarette butt have a similar biodegrading term to that of a banana, but tin or aluminum cans last up to 100 years; and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.

Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can't only measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading span, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is thrown away in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK's rat population to increase by 60 million. This suddenly isn't so mysterious when you consider that since the 1960s our annual littering has increased by an astonishing 500 percent.

It's not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion. So, it's not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a £20,000 fine or even jail time and, if you disposed of something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve.

To take back our beautiful countryside and cities we need to do more than simply not leaving rubbish where it ought not to be. We need a pride makeover. We need to truly care more about the world around us.

(1)、Which of the following have the longest biodegrading term?
A、Cigarette butts. B、Glass bottles. C、Orange peels. D、Aluminum cans.
(2)、What does the underlined word "severity" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A、Seriousness. B、Effect. C、Variety. D、Quantity.
(3)、How is Paragraph 3 developed?
A、By providing statistics. B、By drawing comparison. C、By making a summary. D、By explaining a concept.
(4)、Where is the text most likely from?
A、A research paper. B、A medical journal. C、A science magazine. D、A financial newspaper.

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    So what is rewilding?

    Imagine our natural habitats growing instead of shrinking. Imagine species thriving, instead of declining. That's rewilding. Rewilding is ecological restoration and a little bit more. Rewilding offers hope for wildlife, humans and the planet.

    Why is rewilding essential for Britain?

    ●Our ecosystems are broken. The places where you would expect wildlife to thrive have been reduced to wet deserts. The seabed has been damaged and stripped of its living creatures.

    ●Our wildlife is disappearing. Many wonderful British species have declined catastrophically over the past century. We've lost more of our large mammals than any European country except Ireland.

    ●We need keystone species. These vital species, including top predator(食肉动物),drive ecological processes. Their loss in Britain and around the world has worsened our living systems.

    ●Nature looks after us. Good ecosystems can provide us with clean air and water, prevent flooding, store carbon, and attract visitors. Rewilding can leave the world in a better state than it is today.

    What are challenges?

    Our "rewilding britain" is a long-term project. Of course it has its challenges. Many of us feel indifferent, because we have got used to the lack of native forests. Many farmers oppose the idea. They thought it a crazy idea to bring back predators to the country because they would start killing farm animals. It takes time to educate them. Above all, we need money! So we need your help!

Make a donation

Help us bring back Jiving systems and restore wild nature in Britain!

With your help we can...

●Open up new opportunities for rewilding and push for change.

●Develop tools to educate, influence and spread the word.

Thanks for your support.



    In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored early-adolescent male student who believed that ________________________ One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment

    In Mrs. Totten's eighth-grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数).

    Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answer to homework questions.

    Mrs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.

    Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.

    What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs. Totten made her way from the beginning of the class,I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldn't function.

When Mrs. Totten reached my desk,she asked what answer I'd got for problem No. 14. “I…I didn't get anything,” I answered,and my face felt warm.

    “Correct,” she said.

    It turned out that the correct answer was zero.

What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isn't always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third,I would never make it as a mathematician.

    If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Conflict resolution is a peaceful way of trying to solve a conflict with resolution. Both sides in the conflict explain what they feel happened to cause the conflict. The person who listens to both sides is called the mediator(调解人).

    After both sides state what they think happened to cause the conflict, they discuss ways to solve the conflict. They try to come up with a "resolution" that both sides agree to.

    Communication throughout the entire conflict resolution process is always exchanged in a calm manner without anger. Everyone attempts to use good listening and attending skills while people are talking.

    If voices get too loud or it appears that someone is angry, the mediator's role is to address this and have the people treat each other with respect.

    After various suggestions are shared in how to mediate the conflict, discussion centers on the best   solution. Conflict resolution is used in many environments to help solve disagreements in a peaceful way. This is an example of how conflict resolution works in a school playground setting:

    Someone says that a student pushed them on the soccer field.

    The person accused as the "pusher" claims it was an accident.

    The mediator takes the two people who are upset somewhere in a quieter spot and talk.

    Each person describes what happened, and the mediator makes the matter clear to everyone by repeating what he heard.

    The mediator asks for ideas to solve the problem and the two individuals(个体)offer solutions.

    The individuals discuss the solutions and come to some agreement on the solution.

    Conflict resolution can work in many settings and it can work with several individuals at once. In any event, it is worth trying to get at the heart of the matter by involving the individuals who have a concern. It encourages them to analyze what really happened, to share their feelings about the conflict, and to work together peacefully to solve the problem. Conflict resolution gives those involved a structure(框架)to use with a mediator to help reach an agreement. That is to say, it allows people to see a workable framework.


    Palaces are known for their beauty and splendor, but they offer little protection against attacks. It is easy to defend a fortress (堡垒),but fortresses are not designed with the comfort of a king or queen in mind. When it comes to structures that are both majestic and well-defended, the classic European castle is the best example of design. Across the ages castles changed, developed, and eventually fell out of use, but they still command the fascination of our culture.

    Castles were originally built in England by Norman invaders. In 1066. As William the Conqueror advanced through England, he defended key positions to secure the land he had taken. The castles he built allowed the Norman lords to draw back to safety when threatened by English rebellion. Castles also served as bases of operation for offensive attacks. Troops were summoned to(召集), organized around, and deployed (部署) from castles. In this way castles served both offensive and defensive roles in military operations.

    Not limited to military purposes, castles also served as offices from which the lord would administer control over his kingdom. That is to say, the lord of the land would hold court in his castle. Those that were socially beneath the lord would come to report the affairs of the lands that they governed and pay tribute to the lord. They would address conflicts, handle business, feast, and enjoy festivities, In this way castles served as important social centers in medieval England. Castles also served as symbols of power. Built on important and noticeable sites overlooking the surrounding areas, castles constantly appeared in the background of many peasants' lives and served as a daily reminder of the lords strength.

    Now, castles no longer serve their original purposes. However, the remaining castles receive millions of visitors each year from those who wish to experience the glory of a time long passed.


    A new algorithm(演算法)raises parking rates in busy neighborhoods and lowers them elsewhere, guaranteeing free parking spots regardless of location, Christopher Intagliata reports.

    If you drive in a city, you've no doubt experienced the headache of circling block after block, cruising for parking. But scientists who study that phenomenon have a solution to free up more spots: “You make them more expensive, so people have to decide whether to park farther away and Pay less, or closer and pay more.”Itzhak Benenson, a system scientist at Tel Aviv University.

    San Francisco has piloted a program that raises parking rates based on demand—and it's been shown to reduce cruising. But the sensors required for those systems can cost millions of dollars to install and operate, Benenson says. So instead, writing in IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, he and his colleague Nir Fulman describe an algorithm that can determine smart pricing, without the use of sensors.

    They tested it on the Israeli city of Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv. First, they divide the city into zones. They estimate the parking demand in each zone, by calculating the number of apartments and offices there. Then they take account of parking supply in the area, along with how wealthy potential parkers might be. Using that data, the algorithm suggested pricing for each zone that would guarantee a 90-percent occupancy rate of parking spots city-wide. Meaning 10 percent of spots were always available to drivers willing to pay the price, regardless of neighborhood.

    Of course, not everyone will agree that raising parking prices will reduce the press of parking. Last time Benenson proposed hiking rates for city residents? “I got about 100 reactions on the web and 99 of them that said they have never heard such a stupid statement from the professors, and I should be punished and fired.”

    Eventually, he says, it'll be up to cities themselves to estimate their residents'political appetites for an easier parking spot.


    Scientists recently discovered three tyrannosaur (霸王龙) trackways in Canada. The trackways suggest the meat eaters traveled and hunted in groups. The 70-million-year- old footprints are the first tyrannosaur trackways ever found.

    Tyrannosaurs were a type of meat-eating dinosaur that included the strong Tyrannosaurus rex and Albertosaurus. “Groups of tyrannosaurs may have stuck together as a group to increase their chances of bringing down animals and individually surviving,” study coauthor Richard McCrea says. He works for Canada's Peace Region Paleontology Research Centre. It's believed that tyrannosaurs were solitary creatures. The newly discovered trackways could change the way scientists look at these frightening beasts.

    Trackways can uncover a lot about the social behavior of a species. Unfortunately, very few tyrannosaur footprints have ever been found, and until recently, the only ones known were single prints discovered in Mongolia, the western U.S., and western Canada. But in October 2011, a hunting guide named Aaron Fredlund found two tyrannosaur track marks near Tumbler Ridge, an area in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. Over the next year, McCrea and his team searched the site and found the remaining trackways.

    The footprints are at about the same depth, which suggests the tyrannosaurs moved through the area at the same time. Impressions of the dinosaurs' rough skin are even visible in the prints. The prints are also in near-perfect condition. That's because the ground had a high clay (黏土 ) content when the dinosaurs walked through the area. The land was later covered by a thick layer of volcanic ash, which kept the marks intact (完整). "This is the most ideal situation you could ask for," McCrea says.

    Researchers aren't sure of the exact species of tyrannosaur that left the prints. But the historic findings show a great deal about how the beasts moved and behaved. “We have extremely convincing evidence that tyrannosaurs traveled in groups,” says McCrea. "This is probably the most important evidence to come out to date on that topic."

