
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中, 使原文意思完整、连贯。

A. Users can only watch videos for 40 minutes.

B. Users can then continue to watch videos.

C. How does this mode work?

D. At the same time, these apps also have a harmful side.

E. This mode is helpful for teenagers to use the Internet safely.

F. However, this mode does not work for all apps.

    Many apps, including those used for social media and video, have added a "teen mode (模 式)" to protect teenagers. This mode protects them by controlling how long they can use the app and preventing them doing some unsafe things, such as watching harmful advertisements and paying money for games.

    For example, in QQ5s teen mode, users can only talk to people who are on their contact list. Their chat records show pinyin, which is useful for primary school students. In the teen mode, most video apps allow users to only watch safe and educational videos. The control of time is good to the necessary rest of the eyes of teenagers.

    According to a recent report by the Jiangsu Consumer Council. Some apps which are covered dive have no difference in content between teen mode and normal mode. In some video apps, teen mode can be skipped (略过)after 40 minutes by just clicking T know". So this mode still has a long way to go.



A good book can teach you things beyond your class. It can open your eyes and clear your minds. If you want to get into a good reading habit, there are a number of ways to develop it.

Plan your time

You should give yourself at least thirty minutes in all for reading every day. When time is set, nothing can change it. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast or lunch time.

Always carry a book

Wherever you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things. Remember that a book always stays with you.

Find a quiet place

Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. When you read a book, no one will trouble you. There should be no televisions, computers, music or even noisy family members around you.

Have a library day

Have a library card, and you can read as many good books as possible in the library. Make it a weekly trip to the library. You can save a lot of money.

Blog it

One of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to put it on your blog(博客). If you don't have one, create one. It's free. Ask your friends and family to go there to share your ideas and offer you suggestions.


Some ways to have a good reading{#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

Plan your time

You should read at least half a(n) {#blank#}2{#/blank#}  every day. Make it a habit to{#blank#}3{#/blank#} during breakfast or lunch time.

Always {#blank#}4{#/blank#} a book

Make sure a book always stays with you wherever you go.

Find a quiet place

Find a place at home with a{#blank#}5{#/blank#}  chair and without television, {#blank#}6{#/blank#} music or noisy people around you.

Have a {#blank#}7{#/blank#}  day

It is very cheap way to read good books in the library. Go on a trip to the library every{#blank#}8{#/blank#} .

Blog it

It{#blank#}9{#/blank#}  no money to create a blog. Your friends and family can share your ideas and{#blank#}10{#/blank#}  you some suggestions online.


    Why do people play sports? You might say “ to get exercise” and you'd be right. To have fun?  That's true , too. According to report, people who play sports get a lot more than just fit.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}You may think sports will take up all your study time. But research shows that students who play sports do better than those who don't. Exercise improves learning, and memory, which can help students become more active in the classroom.

    It's clear that people who play sports learn teamwork and goal setting skills.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}While working with teammates to win games and achieve goals, you're learning how to be successful. Those skills make you good at work and in family life.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight, people who play sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, people who exercise are less likely to have cancer or some other illness. Playing sports improves self- confidence{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Why? It builds confidence when you can practice, improve, and achieve your goal. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help people stay and make new friends.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Playing sports can make you have less stress and help you feel a little happier. A person's mood improves during exercise. Friends help improve your mood. And being on a team creates close relations between friends. It's good to know your teammates will be on your side —- both on and off the field!

A. Exercise cuts the pressure.

B. Sports are good for people's health.

C. Sports teach people useful life skills.

D. People who play sports do better in school.

E. People who play sports feel better about themselves.


    Susie Sunbeam was not her real name; that was Susan Brown. But every one called her Susie Sunbeam because of her such a sweet, smiling face.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Her grandfather first gave her this name, and it seemed to fit the little girl so nicely that soon it took the place of her own.

    Even when a baby, Susie laughed from morning till night. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    When she had learned to walk, she loved to go about the house and get things for her mother, and in this way save her as many steps as she could. She would sit by her mother's side for an hour at a time, and ask her ever so many questions, or she would take her new book and read

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} She never used an unkind word, but tried to do whatever would please her playmates best.

    One day, a poor little girl with a very ragged dress was going by and Susie heard some children teasing her and making fun of her. She at once ran out to the gate, and asked the poor little girl to come in. "What are you crying for?" Susie asked. "Because they all laughed at me," she said.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} She cheered her up with kind words, and gave her a nice dress and a pair of shoes.

    This brought real joy and gladness to the poor child.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. That's why we called her Susie Brown.

B. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children.

C. No one ever heard her cry unless she was sick or hurt.

D. She always brought brightness with her when she came.

E. Susie liked to read books when her mother was busy in doing chores

F. And she thought that Susie was rightly called Sunbeam

G. Then Susie took the little girl into the house.


    You must have remembered the story from your childhood: an old man was worried about his sons because they always quarreled with each other. So one day he asked them to break a bundle(捆) of chopsticks tied together. Clearly, none of them could. But when the bundle was untied, they were able to break each chopstick easily. Why? This is because of the power of unity(团结).

    Dr. John Maxwell, in his book Success Journey says that every success is not something you can achieve alone. Think about it —if at the end of all the achievements, you find yourself alone, will you call it success in a real sense? It is known to all of us that success always belongs to unity. But we often seem to forget it when it comes to individual(个人的) success. Most of us consider our success as a personal thing.

    Your dream and your success do not belong to you alone. Even though you work hard towards your dream, there are people who are working behind you to make sure that you are able to give yourself a hundred percent energy.

    Do you think that it is possible without unity? Don't you feel that these people are doing their best so that you can be successful? And so, unity plays an important role, even if you are talking about your personal success. Just like those chopsticks, they can't be broken only when they are tied together.

    So, it is your responsibility to keep unity if you really want to be successful in your trip. Only if you always treat things and people seriously, you will succeed because all the things and people around you have connections in some way.

