
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:真题 难易度:普通

 It's a wonderful, warm summer day without a coud in the sky. You're outside, and you can feel the sun's heat on your skin. Do you know what else you are feeling? You're feeling the sun's energy! Without it, the earth would be a cold, dark, lifeless place The sun's radiation(辐射) gives us light and heat energy.

 The Sun's radiation can be harmful to us as well. We can't see it, but ultraviolet(紫外线) radiation comes from the sun along with heat and light. You can not see ultraviolet radiation, but it influences our health. Ultraviolet radiation is what burns our skin.

 Ultraviolet radiation has three parts: ultraviolet radiation A, ultraviolet radialion B, and ultraviolet radialion C. Waves of ultraviolet radiation  A and B may cause harm to our body when we get sunburned. The harm to our body can give us skin cancer(皮肤癌) and cause other health problems.

 You can help to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation by wearing sunscreen(防晒霜), sunglasses and hats.

 Try to stay out of the sun when it is especially strong .You can find out ultraviolet radiation levels by watching the weather report on television.

(1)、What can we get from the sun's radiation?

(2)、Does the sun's heat burn our skin?

(3)、How many parts are there in ultraviolet radiation?

(4)、When do we have to keep out of the sun?

(5)、How can we find out ultraviolet radiation levels?


    There are long rivers, and there are famous rivers. The Nile(尼罗河)is the world's longest and most famous river. It runs 6,650 kilometers. Crocodiles and hippos(河马)live in its waters. Pyramids built by ancient Egyptians rise along its banks.

    The main branch of the Nile, the White Nile, starts just above Lake Victoria, the world's second largest fresh—water lake, in east central Africa. Then it flows to the north. At Sudan's capital, another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile. Together, they form one very powerful river. Then it goes through Egypt's famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea.

    Ancient Egypt, the first great African civilization(文明), started along the banks of the Nile more than 5, 000 years ago. Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years. Great pyramids and temples were built on the banks and we can still visit them today.

    Without the rich farmland along the banks of the Nile, there might be no ancient Egypt civilization. Every year, the Nile flooded its banks. The floodwaters covered the banks with a rich soil. The Nile's banks were easy to farm and produce crops.

    The Nile also made a perfect highway for boats. The river runs north, but the wind on the river blows south. To go south, boaters put up sails to catch the wind. To go north, they took the sails down. Ancient people traded along the river for hundreds of miles.

The Nile — the {#blank#}1{#/blank#} and most famous river in the world

Where does the Nile flow?

●The White Nile is the {#blank#}2{#/blank#} branch of the Nile. It starts {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Lake Victoria and then runs to the north.

●The Blue Nile joins the White Nile at the {#blank#}4{#/blank#}of Sudan. They form a powerful river.

●Then the Nile goes through the Nile Valley. Finally it {#blank#}5{#/blank#} the Mediterranean Sea.

The Nile's long and rich {#blank#}6{#/blank#}

●Ancient Egypt started along the banks of the Nile over 5.000 years ago. Its people {#blank#}7{#/blank#} pyramids and temples we can still visit today.

●Every year the Nile flooded its banks. The floodwaters covered the banks with a rich soil. Rich farmland made this ancient civilization {#blank#}8{#/blank#}.

●The Nile made a perfect highway for boats. To go south, boaters put up sails to catch the wind. To go {#blank#}9{#/blank#}, they took the sails down. Ancient people bought and {#blank#}10{#/blank#} goods along the river for hundreds of miles.


    You must have heard about jogging(慢跑)as a popular way of keeping fit, but what about plogging? Plogging is a mix of jogging and picking up litter, coming from the Swedish phrase "plocka upp". It started as an organized activity in Sweden around 2016 and then spread to other countries step by step. For exercising, plogging is much better than simply running, because it provides changes in body movements by adding bending(弯曲), squatting(蹲) and stretching(伸展).

    As 2018's hottest fitness way, plogging has become popular in more than 40 countries, from the US to France and Australia to Thailand. The idea of plogging is to pay attention to environmental protection as well as physical health — to care for Mother Nature as well as your body. "I run a lot and I love to spend time in nature. When I find litter out in the woods, it makes me sad and a bit angry. Plogging is a natural way to do something about that," Tesch said." It's so easy to just pick up the litter and put it in the nearest bin, and it makes you feel that you're making a difference!"

    Have you noticed people jogging while carrying trash bags recently? Or running along with hands full of dirty plastic bottles? You might do soon! Because plogging has reached China. Olivier, a Frenchman married to a Chinese girl, began promoting(促进)plogging in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, back in April. He and his wife were the only ones doing it at first, he said, but the craze soon caught on. The couple have set up a WeChat group for people to learn more about plogging. Currently there are more than 100 people from different parts of the country in the group to take an active part in the environmental movement. In honor of World Environment Day this year, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(中国工商银行)started plogging campaigns (运动)in 280 cities, attracting 13,000 people to join in.

    Plogging can be done almost anytime and anywhere, and costs almost nothing. Will you take it up?

