
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Do you like to have any online classes? It is becoming 1 to take classes at home during the early 2020. All you need is a computer or a cellphone. However, most students don't seem to like online classes. A 2 shows that only 33% of over 1,500 students from 10 cities would take such classes.

Many students said it was difficult to focus(集中) on 3 while taking online classes. Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Affiliated High school of Peking University, said, "There are no real classmates sitting near me; no real teachers watching me. I can easily surf the Internet or do 4 things if I want to. It's harder to be always focused."

In order to avoid that, Lian will prepare a lot before classes to make sure she will learn 5 in class. She also pushes herself to communicate(沟通) with teachers about difficulties. She often 6 or answers questions while taking online classes.

Wen Jiayi, 14, at the Yucai Middle School, thinks online interaction(互动) isn't 7. "I have few chances to communicate with the online teachers, and they don't really get to know me. When I don't hand in homework, all I get is only a short telephone 8 instead of real care," she said.

However, Lian thinks online classes still have many 9. "It saves time and money compared to(和……相比较) taking official classes. Also, if I can't 10 some part of a lesson, I can watch it again to make it clear."

A、nervous B、common C、funny
A、survey B、interview C、postcard
A、playing B、teaching C、studying
A、another B、other C、the other
A、well B、slowly C、quietly
A、gets along with B、comes up with C、catches up with
A、proper B、enough C、strict
A、test B、lesson C、message
A、ways B、difficulties C、advantages
A、understand B、afford C、imagine

How to lower costs and improve the living quality?

There are numerous products posted on social media, and you might believe an electric toothbrush, Luna facial cleaning massager, a flight ticket to. Phuket and so on will bring you a better life. But for many graduates or those who have worked for only one or two years, your income cannot keep pace with(跟上) expense. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are some tips:

Keep running or doing yoga

It seems to be a challenge to afford a fitness center costing over 10,000 yuan in annual fees or for a personal trainer. But you can buy a pair of sneakers or a yoga mat instead. Running in a park regularly or doing yoga at home using free online resources is definitely a type of quality life. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Go to museums or libraries

Chasing young good-looking stars, watching their films and buying expensive tickets for their concerts are popular with many young people. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You seem to fail to take into account(考虑到) a variety of exhibitions and resources updated frequently in major cities. Why not have a try? What you need to do is to choose themes that you are interested in, make an online appointment in advance and then enjoy your weekend.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}For some young people, the easy access and the discounts of online shopping make it really attractive. Sometimes what you buy online is not what you really need and the demands are created by the producers. For example, many young people buy new clothing that they don't wear. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Money is not the only thing that can drive your quality of living, but your optimistic attitude towards life and self-disciplined way of life are.

A. Stop over-spending online 

B. So, how can we save some money and improve quality of life? 

C. To live a quality life requires more self-discipline than money. 

D. However, this would do little to enrich your spiritual life and add to economic burdens. 

E. Exercise is more rewarding than holding a membership card at an expensive fitness club.

 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)

We know animals have emotions. They can feel fear. We also think they feel love, since they have strong relationships with each other. So are animal emotions s{#blank#}1{#/blank#} to our own? And do animals have a sense of humor?

A Parrot's Joke

Sally's parrot Bongo didn't get along with her o{#blank#}2{#/blank#} parrot, Paco. In fact, Bongo clearly didn't like Paco at all! One day, Sally cooked a chicken for dinner. She started to cut the chicken with a knife. 

"Oh, no! Paco!"Bongo said loudly and laughed. Sally laughed, too, and said, "That chicken is not Paco. ""Oh…no, "said Bongo. This time, she sounded d{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Then the parrot laughed at her own joke.

Yoga Dog

Jean enjoys yoga and so does her dog Buffy. W{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Jean does yoga, Buffy carefully places her toys on Jean's body. If a toy falls, Buffy runs to put it b {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Does this behavior have any real purpose?"She thinks it's funny!"says Jean. 

Animal Laughter

Can dogs "laugh"?Recent research shows that dogs can tell each other when they want to play. They make a special sound a kind of "laugh. "Psychologist (心理学家)Patricia recorded the sound. Then she played it to dogs and s{#blank#}6{#/blank#} their behavior. "All the dogs seemed to like the laugh, "says Patricia. So do animals have a sense of humor? If laughter is a clue, then p{#blank#}7{#/blank#} the answer is "yes!" .

