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题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    If you're encouraged by the tiny house movement and think 160 square feet is just enough for your needs, you may want to contact the Academy of Construction and Design (ACAD) at IDEA Public Charter School in northeast Washington.

    Students in the program built a micro house with a kitchen, a bathroom, a sleeping loft with space for a queen-size bed and a storage loft, all set on a trailer for mobility. The exterior of the house was part of a continuous living exhibit in 2015 and was moved to the IDEA campus so students could work with builders to complete the interior earlier this year.

    McMahon said the D. C. government's approval to push companies to hire District residents was at odds with the school system not preparing students for careers in construction, exploring or electrical work. McMahon gathered industry and community leaders to establish ACAD in 2005, and he said 100 percent of the companies he contacted responded positively to the idea, including major firms such as JBG, Clark Construction, Hines Construction and Boston Properties.

    “When students make the connection between what they are learning a potential career, their academics improve dramatically,” said Carol Randolph, chief operating officer of the D. C. Students Construction Trades Foundation. “Some of them who didn't think college was an option now have a better chance because their classes have become relevant to a job.”

    “We teach them life skills and explain that even if you start as a laborer, there are opportunities to move up quickly,” he said. “We rewrite the story for them and explain that they can work for a few years, make good money, get promoted, and start their own business or go to school with less debts.”

    “Parents and school advisor can be the biggest obstacles because of the negative idea of construction as a blue-collar career,” Karriem said. “I get middle-school advisor on board to talk about the opportunities this education provides. These kids are learning lifelong skills that can help them in other fields, provide them with income and allow them to take care of their homes.”


(1)、What might be the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A、To advise the students to build houses. B、To show IDEA Public Charter School. C、To introduce the tiny house movement. D、To get in touch with the ACAD organization.
(2)、What is the program of building a micro house aimed at?

A、Experiencing living in the tiny house. B、Improving cooperating with related companies. C、Learning lifelong skills from college classes. D、Providing the opportunities to get a job.
(3)、What does the underlined part “at odds with” mean in the 3rd paragraph?

A、Inconsistent B、Favorable C、Unusual D、Satisfactory
(4)、What can we infer from the words of Karriem?

A、Students tend to choose the blue-collar career. B、It's hard to make the micro house movement popular. C、Education should provide more job opportunities D、Life skills help improve students' academics greatly

    Have you ever fancied sailing around the world or buying a holiday home in the Caribbean? Well, before you get too excited, it may help to find out if you have what it takes to become a billionaire.   

    We've all heard stories of school drop-outs who have made their fortune. Do they tend to be university graduates or self-made successful people? Are they married or single?

    Thanks to a recent analysis of people in Forbes(福布斯)Top 100 Billionaires List, we can now find out what they have in common. We know what percentage wear glasses and even how many are bald!

    If you are deciding whether or not to go to university, it may help you to know that 76% of the richest people in the world have a degree. According to this study, of those 76%, 47% have a bachelor's degree, 23% have a master's and 6% have a doctorate. Don't lose hope if you aren't very academic, though. It's worth noting that many of those on the list did not pass all their exams with flying colors. Microsoft founder Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard University after two years of study. And Chinese business magnate Jack Ma, failed his university entrance exams three times before going on to complete his degree and make his millions.

    Another interesting trend is that the world's richest people are much more likely to be married - only 12% of billionaires are unmarried. Finally, the percentage of billionaires who are bald is quite high – so don't worry if you're losing your hair.


    In recent years I have had two very good roles on television: Florence, the wisecracking maid on the series The Jeffersons, and Mary, the mother who holds things together on 227. But 17 years ago, in 1972 when I was just getting started in theater work, I thought I'd never make it as an actress. For that matter, I couldn't even hold my life together or afford a home of my own.

    Back then I had about as much self-confidence as a chicken in a fox's nest. I was recovering from surgery and had been off work for six months from my job as a United Airlines reservations agent. I'd had some bit parts in local theater groups, but those came and went, not leading to anything bigger.

    Worse, as a single mother with three youngsters, I had no place to live. My children were staying with their father while I recovered in an aunt's apartment. Lying in bed, staring hopelessly at the wall, I didn't know what to do or where to turn.

    Then one Sunday morning I aimlessly turned on the television set, and there were actor Robert Young and his wife talking about their faith. I sat right up in bed. They said, "When one door closes, a better one opens," Well, I wasn't going to just sit staring at the closed one. So I got up and trudged (跋涉) on. Even if my shoes wore out, I decided, my faith wouldn't.

    Later, when I began filling small parts in television productions, that self-confidence showed. I'd always done my best to play the role as I thought the director wanted, but now I found myself freer to interpret it, I was more natural, more me.


    The idea that you can use humor, laughter, and play to make you healthier probably seems too simple to be true. However, it is really true and simple. The sense of humor, laughter and play has an important part in keeping you healthy.

    Use "the best medicine" to treat the blues with a sense of humor, which is closely tied to laughter. Laughter is infectious. Have you ever heard a big laugh of a young child and been able to keep yourself from smiling? When laughter is shared between people, it makes them closer to each other and increases their happiness. Smiling is the beginning of laughter and a smile is also just as infectious as laughter is. You can experience something by smiling at everyone around you, and you will feel happier just by sharing a smile, even with a stranger.

    Play is an important part of making sure that we stay healthy. We are often encouraged to make sure our children play, and are told of the benefits of being out playing. However, what we often forget is that it is just as important for old people to make play be part of their life as it's for children. Physical play is important for the old and it certainly helps prevent illness. While the studies are still in the early stages, the studies that have been done have shown that physical play certainly plays a part in preventing cognitive (认知的) falling.

    Anyway, adding humor, laughter, and play to our life will influence us mentally, physically and socially and bring us many advantages. So we should make full use of humor, laughter and play to make our life more active, interesting and happier.


    When I was about 5 years old, I experienced my very first random act of kindness. I was sitting at the roadside one evening, crying alone for some reason when suddenly, a boy came up to me and gave me a plastic rose, I remember the moment when I took the rose from his hand; I was smiling from ear to ear, whispering "I want to be like him" to myself as I watched him walking away.

    From then on, I made it as my life mission to do random acts of kindness whenever I can. I was very determined to make other people smile. That was the only reason why I joined my school's Red Crescent Society and became a volunteer. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks in the same way as I did. Whenever I do something nice to others, people around me will start to judge my actions. Often I will just keep quiet and ignore what they say, but every once in a while, they do drive me up the wall.

    These people like to complain about how humans nowadays are lacking of humanities and compassion. However, when they actually see somebody doing a good deed in front of them, they start to question and criticize that person's honesty. Perhaps it is the increasing crime rate and the never-ending rat race that caused them to be so suspicious to nice strangers. In other words, people nowadays have lost sight of the real meaning of kindness and just let it go unnoticed. That is why I think random acts of kindness are really important. These selfless acts are not only capable of bringing joy to the receivers but also to the givers. Because of this, I want to help spread the idea of these random acts to the whole world. I want to show the people how the little things they give could make a big difference in someone else's life.


Animals are humans' best friends. Here we will know about some of those interesting friends.
       Gouldian Finch

Native to Australia, the Gouldian finch has special green, yellow, red and black markings. For the males (雄性), the part between the neck and the stomach is bright purple, while for females, this part is pale purple. We all Have to agree that nature has created some really great animals with the smallest of details.

Keel-Billed Toucan

It is the very same crazy bird from the movie Rio, also known to be the "rainbow billed toucan". The bird has a black body and a yellow face. The color of its bill (喙) is a combination of green, yellow, orange and red, and that's how the name rainbow billed toucan came from. It is rarely seen alone. It travels in small groups of about six to twelve individuals.

The Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

It is a great tiny bird commonly found in South Asia. This bird is the most brightly colored and the smallest kingfisher species. Its special feature is the orange with bluish-purple head, which can be easily recognized. The throat is white with bright orange colored lines at the bottom. It is a pretty and small bird.

Poison (毒) Dart Frog

It is a kind of very beautiful creature. The bright colors of the poison dart frog send a warning to its natural enemies about its poison. Found in South America, with some of the brightest shades of yellow, copper, red, green and blue, this frog is among those very animals that you have to watch out in the Amazon Rainforest.

