North Cascades National Park Recruitment Notice
Recruiting Youth Age 15-18
For Summer Jobs
With the Youth Conservation Corps
At North Cascades National Park
North Cascades National Park is recruiting(招聘) for four to six youth age 15-18 for this summer's Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) in Marblernount, Washington from June 15 through August 7, 2019. Selections will be made during the second week of May. The work schedule will be Monday-Friday from 8: 00 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. (8 hour shift). The rate of pay is $ 9. 47 per hour.
The enrollees(入选者) will work with the park employees and will often be assisting them. The enrollees' work will include seed collecting, planting. transplanting, fertilizing, and weeding of native plants. Other work may include setting picnic tables for visitors, ground keeping path protection, painting, brush clearing, and digging. The use of hand tools for digging, cutting, sweeping, and carpentry may be required.
Enrollees must be able to follow written and oral instructions and must be able to learn and follow safe work habits. Enrollees must come to work on time and would like to learn to use the various tools needed for the work.
Enrollees may be lifting and carrying objects up to 50 pounds, such as packages, tools, and backpacks. They must be able to walk five or six miles per day, sometimes over difficult fields.
Enrollees must be prepared to work under conditions that include heat, cold, rain, wind and/or biting insects. Conditions might also include dirt, (lust and noise. Transportation will be provided from Marblemount to work sites in the park each day. Please direct questions or requests for assistance in completing the application form to Stacy McDonough, North Cascades National Park Service Complex, and 360-854-7276.
Applications are available
On line at http://www.nps.gov/gettinginvolved/youthprograms/ycc.htm.
At Local high schools in Skagit County.
At North Cascades National Park Service Complex office at 810 State Route 20 SedroWoolley.
By phone or email from Stacy McDonough at 360-854-7276, stacy_mcdonough@nps. gov.
Completed applications must be received no later than 4:3(1 pm on Friday, May 1. 2019 at
North West Servicing Human Resources Office (NW SHRO)
Mount Rainier National Park
ATfN-Danielle Gardner
Avenue East Ashford WA, 98304