
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Four simple ways to stay positive

    Trying to stay positive, both in good times and bad, is a great way to improve your quality of life. Try these four methods on a daily basis.

1). Don't think a lot about negativity.

    Of course. Staying positive 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a bit difficult. Letting things get to you is normal, and it's actually healthy to cry or express frustrations once in a while.

    It's when those negative moments control your life that your emotional balance is at risk. However, don't give that sadness another second in your day.


    What you put into your body directly affects how you feel on the outside. Fill yourself with good, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and limit snacking. Exercise is equally of great importance. Take a few days out of your week for at least half an hour of activity, and try to stick to it.

3). Be kind to others.

    Making someone's day a bit brighter not only puts a smile on his or her face, but also yours as well. Remember to smile and treat each person with pity and respect. Good deeds are contagious(传染的), and your positive attitude may spread among others.

4). Take it one day at a time.

    Being positive isn't an instant thing. It's a steady effort that we follow every hour of every day. Instead, focus on living at the moment and doing what you can to make each moment better.

A.Eat healthy and stay fit.

B.Take your lunch breaks outside.

C.Don't worry about what the future may bring.

D.Gratefulness helps you appreciate life in bad times.

E.Good feelings come from acts of kindness and selflessness.

F.Take a few minutes to feel sad and accept what happened.

G.Even going outside for a walk and enjoying the sunshine improves your mood.


    People all have good days and bad days. And some of the bad days happen due to events beyond your control.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}One way to increase the possibility that you have a good day is to join “gratification(喜悦)” activities, which you enjoy and you're good at.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}However, if you don't have the type of job, you can take part in other activities and find the same result.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}There are many little pleasures you can add to your life, such as tea, a warm bath, a walk in the park and so on. As long as you enjoy them, they can really brighten your every day .Laughter is also part of having a good day .That's why it's important to do what you can to create joy for you{#blank#}4{#/blank#}After all, if you are humorous, you can more easily center on fun things.

    If you don't have much time, one way can be used during a stressful day{#blank#}5{#/blank#}You should achieve this by making your plan flexible and checking that everything in your plan is necessary. Being busy is okay, but wasting time and energy on too many unnecessary things can just lead to stress.

A. Often, bad days come from overweight stress.

B. Some people experience joy and happiness at work.

C. Good moods enable us to notice more chances.

D. Life's pleasures are also able to add a quick lift to your mood.

E. However, people do have power in creating better days.

F. So it's important—-especially if you're a busy person —-to stay balanced.

G. Besides, developing a sense of humor also helps you have a good day.



Void Star by Zachary Mason

    Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 400 pages

    Zachary Mason creates a world in which the line between human and computer is completely erased, yet he still manages to make the reader feel for all the characters—both man and machine—equally. Add that to a highly addictive plot and an exploration of memory's impact on our identity, and you've got one of the most richly complex novels of the year.

    An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal

Penguin Press, 416 pages

    It's not uncommon to come across a complete takedown of the American healthcare system as it stands today. But what is uncommon is what Elisabeth Rosenthal has done in this must-read exploration of what we are (and aren't) doing right: She has the answers we've all been searching for in a potential post-Obamacare world. An American Sickness is the frontline defense against a healthcare system that no longer has our well-being at heart.

    A History of Violence: Living and Dying in Central America by Óscar Martínez

Verso, 288 pages

    El Salvador and Honduras have had the highest homicide rates in the world over the past ten years, with Guatemala close behind. Every day more than 1,000 people—men, women, and children—flee these three countries for North America. Step outside yourself for a couple hours and immerse yourself in one of the most incredibly vivid, well-reported journeys through Central America that you will ever experience.

Sunshine State by Sarah Gerard

Harper Perennial, 384 pages

    Sarah Gerard deftly takes the reader through the most essential issues of our time—homelessness, addiction, incarceration—via a coming-of-age lens in the state of Florida, where, as we all know, anything goes.

The Day I Died by Lori Rader-Day

William Morrow Paperbacks, 432 pages

    An incredibly complex and smart novel, The Day I Died contains all the features of a small-town murder mystery but takes it one step further with a narrative about a woman's unbreakable search for the answers to not just a crime but about her own identity.


    Confidence is a skill that many folks want to master, but have a hard time acquiring. Have you ever wondered why? Possibly you were born confident. You were talked to negatively as a child or maybe you were rejected many times. Whatever the case is, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    But how to boost your confidence?

    Act as if .Begin to act as if you are confident. Act as the person you would want to be like. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Surround yourself with people who you think are confident and have high value. You will learn so much from observing other confident folks.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. One of the most areas that you need to pay attention to is your self-talk. Your thoughts about your capabilities and self-worth need to be positive and encouraging. Whenever you notice you think negatively, pause and take a moment, and shift your focus to something that can help you feel better about yourself.

    Go after your goals. If you are really serious about building self-confidence, you need to identify your goals and go after then. The more you add to your accomplishments, the more confident you will feel about your abilities and skills. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    By using these steps to boost your confidence, {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Always stay positive

B. Improve your positive self-talk

C. Begin to think and behave like them

D. This requires you to know what a confident person looks like

E. you will be on the path to improving your self-esteem and self-worth

F. You'll begin to trust your inner self more and appreciate yourself more

G. you should know you can improve your self-esteem and build confidence


    It's hard when a best friend isn't around—maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} You want to have new friends, but how do you make? Maybe it seems that everybody else already has his or her friends.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids you'd like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Invite someone to play with you or say "Do you want to sit here?" in the lunchroom. When you're at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say "Hi, can I play, too?" or just join in.

    If you have trouble doing this or if you're feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help—and pretty soon, you'll have one, or two, or even more new friends.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} But when you see each other, you can share something you didn't have before he or she left: You can introduce him or her to your new friends!

A.The best way to make friends is to be a friend.

B.What's right for me?

C.But remember, there's always room for more friends.

D.You might still miss that special best friends.

E.Offer to share something or offer greetings.

F.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.

G.Make a choice in your life.


With the majority of children not going into school at the moment, staff, parents and pupils are pulling together to make sure their education is a success. As a teacher, I'd like to give some tips to parents and pupils on remote learning.


Get online, on time.

Make sure you do log on in good time for the beginning or live lessons, rather than joining the lesson ten minutes in.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Play your part.

Contribute to the lesson. Talk, put your hand up, send messages in the chat whatever they might be. Teachers and other pupils love to see that. And don't be afraid to ask questions.

Take proper screen breaks during the day.

Enjoy your break time.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Get outside, read a book, phone someone. At break or lunchtime in school you wouldn't sit in a classroom and continue to work, so you shouldn't do it at home either.



It's often surprising how technologically able a young child is now, with the world of smart phones and the Internet. So let them show you what they need to be doing in class.

Give praise.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Now online, we share a lot of praise and give out school awards. They also need to be praised at home for getting their work done. Take a look at what they have been doing.

Get involved if you can.

This might be difficult for parents doing full-time jobs, but try to work together on something. We assign students research projects some of which might be challenging to them.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} And it's also good for their own well-being getting away from a laptop to make a cardboard castle or whatever it might be.

A. Let the child take the lead.

B. Keep pace with technology.

C. Don't stay sitting at your computer.

D. That's a perfect opportunity for parents to help.

E. Thus you will find the rest of the class challenging.

F. Otherwise you would have missed out on some teaching

G. At school kids are getting approval for the work they are doing well.


Scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology have-in just two years-nearly doubled the number of materials known to have potential for use in solar fuels.

They did so by developing a process that promises to speed the discovery of commercially viable (商业可行性) generation of solar fuels that could replace coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.

Solar fuels, a dream of clean-energy research, are created using only sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Researchers are exploring a range of possible target fuels, but one possibility is to produce hydrogen by splitting water.

Each water molecule (分子) consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms are extracted, and then can be reunited to create highly flammable hydrogen gas or combined with CO 2 to create hydrocarbon fuels, creating a plentiful and renewable energy source. The problem, however, is that water molecules do not simply break down when sunlight shines on them-if they did, the oceans would not cover most of the planet. They need a little help from a solar-powered catalyst (催化剂).

To create practical solar fuels, scientists have been trying to develop low-cost and efficient materials that perform the necessary chemistry using only visible light as an energy source.

A new method was developed through a partnership between the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) and Berkeley Lab's Materials Project, using resources at the Molecular Foundry and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSCC). JCAP focused on developing a cost-effective method of turning sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into fuel. It is led by Caltech with Berkeley Lab as a major partner. The Materials Project is a program based at Berkeley Lab that aims to remove the guesswork from materials design in a variety of applications.

"What is particularly significant about this study, which combines experiment and theory, is that in addition to identifying several new compounds for solar fuel applications, we can also learn something new about the basic electronic structure of the materials themselves." says Neaton, the director of the Molecular Foundry.

